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Posts posted by Jogden

  1. Can Russians get their marriage visa from Savannakhet? I see that they can get a Lao visa on arrival.

    My wife visits a cake shop near us and apparently the lady is married to a Russian guy and she is getting tired of flying to Russia every year to do his visa. Any help and info will be appreciated.

    Yes, he can get a 1 year multiple entry non 'O' visa based on marriage from Savannakhet.

    Thanks for the prompt reply, i'll let them know.

  2. Hello misterphil, yes Muak Lek is nice up there, we are down near the city. The one for rent near our place is a dump. Sorry don't know of any others.

    Do you know of any village names? My wife is there now looking around but cant find anything suitable.

    Hello Phil, sorry been away for a bit. The wife said to try the below. And said that there are many for rent.


    The photo below is the one I mentioned before that's up for rent/sale. Needs a bit of work doing to it.


  3. A few months ago we saw a truck carrying a load of pigs heading to Bangkok. On one of the back doors of the truck was a sticker... VIP. Have never seen the truck since but do look out for it when we're travelling around to have another laugh.

  4. I read some very interesting stuff about this situation which is probably banned in Thailand. Search people.

    This is not some corruption bust. This is powerbroking on a grand scale and someone just got their wings well and truly clipped

    I agree with you Thai at Heart.

    One of my sister inlaws works for a newspaper as an editor and i was told about it a bit more than a month ago.

    It's all about Fat and Skinny that know a bloke. Skinny lost.

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  5. Excellent move! Replace the totally corrupt with the only slightly corrupt. Well done PTT.

    Now where's all the gold asset papers you own, for most of the gold reserves held by BKK and KasiBanks? Went with the 'retirements' did they?

    Some of us know more than you know! wink.png

    Come on then mate... Let the cat out of the bag. Please share how much he's stolen, I really am interested. Or PM me.

    It has always been a job for the boys no matter what country, just some are more blatant and don't care about being caught.

  6. Yup...I can see the logic in your thinking, I am also guessing you are from an older generation than me? I'm under 35 btw.

    I was kind of brought up in the way that you need to 'sell' yourself to the companies. So if you are saving them the cost of a mandatory training course then you are doing the right thing, as you will know ALL companies cut costs wherever possible. This would be different when dealing with more skilled workers - as you accurately stated, they wouldn't knock back say, an engineer or supervisor because their BOSIET was expiring, but this is not the case with green hands.

    My own experiences and from people I know who have got their feet in the door using O&G agencies, some companies in the UK offer these offshore training packages including rigging/banksman/H2S etc etc. Again as you say this certainly doesn't guarantee you a job, but I have heard of guys who have done these courses and registered with websites like 'rigzone' or 'oil&gasjobsearch' and have been contacted by drilling companies offering them a trip as a roustabout thus getting that foot in the door.

    The biggest problem I have noticed and again you stated is the guys who act on bad advice in regard to courses. My good friend spent thousands doing a diving course, but spent almost 1 year waiting for a start, and when he did, he ended up going offshore as a roustie.

    If I could give some advice to new starts, pick a trade, then go for the trade in the service companies. DON'T pay for a course without researching the job openings. NEBOSH is probably the best course you could do, as even if you don't get offshore immediately, you can always start HSE work onshore. Oh - and if you do manage to get offshore in Health and Safety, you will have the slackest best job on the rig.

    Yes...quite a bit older than you, but not that old...LOL....Everything you have written there is solid....I have been talking in general terms and of course certain people will get a lucky break, but normally the exception not the rule, this is a tough business to get into and even harder to stay in....have a few c*ck ups and the word get round and you end up with a black mark against your name and finding a job becomes harder and harder.....

    The only part of your post i have a problem with is the bit about the safety qualifications.....please no more safety numb nuts offshore..LOL...wai.gif ...your suggestion about doing the nebosh ticket is great one, but even better is them doing their HSE work onshore...yes please let them stay there on shore...

    please understand I have no problems or issues as regards the implemtation of safety offshore and am a big supporter of it...but no more numb nuts offshore who typically dont have a clue about the the job they are suppose to be providing safety advice on and their sole contribution to safety is put your safety glasses on...

    Over the years lost count on the number of safety "officers", Safety professionals, safety advisors or what ever the flavour of the month job title they give themselves I have run off, just being complete d*ckheads and making an already hazardeous job even more dangerous

    Dont get me wrong over the years have worked with a few of these guys who were excellent, but these guys came from a trade/deck background, they had been there, seen it and got the T-shirt before they got into the safety side of things

    My wrath is directed at the safety numbties who have no background in industry at all whether onshore/offshore, pass an exam and somehow manage to get offshore and start causing mayhem because they havent got a clue...so please dont encourage this...thumbsup.gif

    Suppose If we have any safety guys reading this they are not going to be happy bunnies with me..tongue.png

    I'm offshore here in Thailand and the company's drilling for Chevron.

    I don't mind the safety or some safety people as long as they do it right. Our own safety people are good and fair.

    Chevron use a third party mob for their safety people, can't remember who (ask me on Wednesday) So, one is an old fat good ole boy, no harm, knows the ropes, checks the rubbish bins and painted walkways. Always on the scrounge after break times for left over sandwiches and cake. His back to back is a bloke that can be found hiding behind equipment peeping at the junior crew to see if they do something wrong. This type of safety guy is not respected by anyone anywhere.

    Just my two cents on safety...

  7. Someone posted a recipe a while ago, forgotten who but it worked a treat on all the bugs eating my plant leaves. Thanks!

    One 20 litre bucket (I only had a 15 ltr) anyway one bucket, trim the lemon grass, almost half filled the bucket with well trimmed (broken, scrunched up) lemon grass bits, a coffee cup of vinegar, filled bucket with tap water and soaked for 24hrs with a house brick pushing the grass down. Stained water off after 24hrs and put into the pump sprayer. Gave everything a dousing and no bugs until it rained. Resprayed after rain, working good.

    Wife and kids moan a little bit of the smell when the mix is about a week old, still works good though. Hope this one helps you.

  8. Currently T 10 in Gulf of Thailand, previous Brazil and India drillships.

    I was just there...Sept 11-18. Did you see me? I bet you did. Just think of how many people only do 1 week on a rig and move to the next rig. Not many right?

    No we didn't cross paths during that time, sorry. Been on my break since the 4th of Sept.

    I have seen a lot of people come and go over the years doing a week here and there, third party training people mainly. All part of the show and a new face is always welcome.

  9. I'm working here offshore in the Gulf of Thailand and find that the blokes are worse than the girls.

    Blokes are totally covered with the face mask and then the darkest safety glasses and a hard hat with a shade wrap, gloves. Good job most have their names printed on their hard hats...Ok the girls aren't working out in the sun all day, but when they leave the accommodation block they aren't covered up in the fashion of the blokes when they do come out. My wife is from central Thailand and couldn't give two stuffs if she's dark or white.


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