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Posts posted by mark2552

  1. Pretty low tech all round, not just the bomb, the reporting as well.............

    The explosion caused a hole, which is two feet wide and five centimeters deep

    Please make up your mind, are we using metric or imperial units.

    One pound of dynamite

    Has Thailand ever used imperial units of measurement???

    Does anyone use dynamite??

    I thought it was all high tech like C4.

  2. While in other news...every other country in the world are staring migrate over to 4G. We might as well face it, Thailand will probably never get anything faster than EDGE...what a joke!!

    Wonder why so many Thai people smile and laugh so much? Maybe because Thailand is the JOKE. The entire civilized world is learning this. Let's all laugh at the joke in which we live.

  3. It would seem to me that the mother which took the money knew well what she was doing in a conspricary to prostitue her daugher, and yes she innocent until proven guilty as well. However she along with the frenchman should have also been arrested and arraigned in a thai

    court on indictment.

    No mother or father or any family memember should under thai law presuming there are statutes on the books already, which is highly unlikely to press charges against the mother as well.

  4. Since people in this Country will consider money more important than other values, this and other misdeeds always happens more and more.


    Yes I agree he pays the parents to abuse the children and they knew exactly what he was going to do with the child. Now the parents want to take civil action against him or more money. Double dipping. What action are Thai authorities going to take against the parents? They are just as guilty of rape as he is. They provided thier own children.

  5. This the cumulative state over many many years of Thailands inability to product quality teachers, quality education programs for the majority of the poor in this country.

    There has been enough money raised thru governement corruption to provided a first class skills and education e very child here in this country who begs on the streets in Bangkok or who lives in 90% of the country which lives in the sheer ongoing agony of poverty whos shelters are made of tin and wooden shacks.

    Who ought to serve time are the people who knowning let this happen; the ones who have filled their pockets from

    payoffs etc etc etc

  6. Low-lifes dealing in the misery of humanity. I would lock them up and throw away the key! What is even more sad is the willingness of Thai workers to give up their families and leave to be able to support their spouse and siblings. Then being handled by these animals, makes me really sick! This is nothing short of human trafficking and slave labour. angry.gif

  7. Low-lifes dealing in the misery of humanity. I would lock them up and throw away the key! What is even more sad is the willingness of Thai workers to give up their families and leave to be able to support their spouse and siblings. Then being handled by these animals, makes me really sick! This is nothing short of human trafficking and slave labour. angry.gif

  8. This had to happen. It probably a good thing. You'll "hopefully" see performance of voip, web mail, etc.. improve. Torrents are drain especially since most peers exists outside of TOT, if you look at an average torrent drainer using a steady 1mbit the economics just dont make sense. I cant even buy full transit routes on 1000mbit commits for < 550baht/mbit (or anywhere near that). So hopefully TOT stop, separate, or traffic shape them.

    Ideally I'd like to see torrent drainer pay a massive premium. Part ignorance for most windoze users as the systray hides the little U, but wow imagine how fast the internet would be in Thailand without torrent drainers.

    Ends rant.

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