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Posts posted by SteveK

  1. I'm British, so to me that Mainland stuff has almost no flavour, although it has a decent texture. It's not bad for cheese on toast but have to add a few drops of Worcester sauce to jazz it up. If only I could get the proper cave-aged Cheddar (from Cheddar!). 

  2. 7 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

    nah, it works sorta like this.


    bad guy gets his hands on some date-rape drug, loads into a syringe, and heads out to find a convenient victim.


    bad guy wanders into a park and spies a jogger getting ready to run.  victim puts his stuff on a bench, stretches a bit, then does a couple laps around a lake.  while runner is out of view, baddie injects drug into water bottle then walks a short distance away.


    victim returns from running, drinks water, goes sleepy-time.  bad guy takes stuff and leaves.

    Hard to believe someone would go that length for a $300 watch which when second hand, he would be lucky to get $150 for.

  3. I would never want to own a Ducati in Thailand and would stick with a Japanese brand. Unless you are very lucky and live not too far from a good dealership, then you're going to be at the mercy of a quite possibly untrained Thai mechanic working on your bike and ordering the parts. If you are on a trip to a more remote part of the country and you break down - good luck, with a Jap bike you could probably find someone who can fix it every few km. Owning a Ducati in a first world country is great as they are now just as reliable as anything out there, but they do need special knowledge and parts to be ordered, many of the Jap bikes do not.


    Therefore I would do some research on your local dealer first. With a CRF250, you could do a lot of the maintenance on that yourself with some basic tools, as could Somchai down the street. A much easier, not to mention cheaper life.

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  4. If you want to make this a lot healthier, brown the mince first. Add some water to the cooked mince, the fat and all the gunk will float to the top of the water. Pour this away leaving you with much leaner, healthier meat.


    A tablespoon of worcester sauce would also be a good idea. 

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  5. On 5/31/2020 at 9:09 PM, DaRoadrunner said:

    It seems to be a Thai male thing, to show off you can afford a Gik.


    Are giks always expensive? I'd love to have one seeing as my wife is not far off 50. However, the logistics of having one seem too complicated, the last thing I want is a Thai bloke chasing me down the road with a machete.

    • Haha 1
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