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Posts posted by Sabrinus

  1. Too little too late.....:whistling:

    As a quality statement from a major Airline once said.... When the service is bad, and the customers are not happy at all, they just go quite, be very polite and never ever come back.....

    The world moves quick these days and I really do Love Thailand for what it stood for, but as usual the business shift to tourism to quick, too greedy and not good enough. Many people I speak to would rather spend their money visiting China, Cambodia, and now Lao is becoming big as they just do not want in your face 5 star treatement with smily faced 'slaves' nodding their heads all the time. - STEPFORD SIAM ? -

    Bon chance et al.....B)

  2. The airport is still in a state of unfoldment. However, during my many experiences, arriving at the airport has been slightly easier than departing. That maybe due to the fact of not being a tight wad when it comes to their airport personal and the International norm of a decent gratuity [tip] . It is always interesting how so much emphasis is placed on the negative. If 10% of the inbound to beautiful Thailand [especially Isan] . Had to deal with anything near the difficulty of economic quality of survival, that most Thai do. Then we would really be hearing from a bunch of cry babies and malcontents.

    Yes, and compared to the misery of landing on 'Devils Island' (UKs relationship with Europe) at LHR, knowing that all your money will go just on heating, and eletric, maybe food if you can save a few pennies.....and if you are lucky you might be able to find that 3rd or 4th Job, then to save some money that no-body steals to be able to fly back to the land of plenty, well free.... Thailand and see all those happy people.....

    Yes we have it really easy here my friend, and they still put gold on the pavements. :jap:

  3. The main issue here really is, freedom of choice and if they have supplied good faclities all around so why not let smokers smoke.

    I live in the U.K. and I know 5 yes 5 of the local historical pubs I used to go to, have actually been knocked down. They went bust simply as the office and

    estate works liked a few beers, puff a cigar or cigarette before heading home. All they had to do was have a separate Smoking room and that

    would have been that.

    Dont tell me this aint true as I know the pub managers in person and it was the final straw. Even I dont bother going to the pub anymore as I used to, as

    to have a couple of ciggies or a puff on a nice castella added to that one night out a week, enjoying a local pub band and relax. - GONE - Thanks non smokers.

    But as usual its the billy do gooders and evengelical in your face brigade that wins the day. Now my community has more of those horrible multi

    story condos/flats, less space as the Pub Gardens are gone, and more traffic congestion due to extra people moving into the small village.


    Next on the list....

    Ban Alcohol... bad for liver, heart, stomach, mental illness

    Ban Red meat.... makes one agreessive, gives high blood preasure, chrones, bowl cancer.

    Ban Milk.... Can cause brittle bones in adults, high levels of fat, bad for heart with cholestreral, high content of Vitiam B.

    Ban Rice... Rice famers die young growing the stuff, tractors put out polution into the environment, water mosquito riden.

  4. Well well well, what a whinging bunch. I think you have all become spoilt to be quite Frank, you should see the state of T3 at LHR, and the prices, also the taxies are so bad and expensive that a lot of people get a bus to get outside of the Airport and then try and flag down a cab rather then pay the £100 standard fee to travel only 10 miles or so.

    Also the Airport is beautifully designed, ergonomic and for a brand new airport, compared to CDG2 expansion, Terminal 5, and others (FCO for example) airports has had very litte problems in my world traveling experience and the mess of the Taxis, pricing of water, snacsk etc is a separate issue, but hey.... Lets think here are you lot that tight that you can pay 30-50 thousand baht ticket perhaps but will not pay the extra 20-30 baht for a bottle of water !!!!

    Me things someone here is loosing the plot. :-)

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