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Everything posted by silicastorm

  1. How many days have it been since the penalty kick incident? ... and still, no one reported with medical bills or filing criminal charges.... very strange....? ... all brushed under the Soi 6 rug....
  2. So if there is no police report,,, the police don't lay charges even with all the CCTV and mobile devices recording the violent evidence.... whoa,,, So if you are hospitalized in a coma from a personal attack that has video evidence ,,, the police will wait to see if you survive the coma to see if you want to file a complaint.... .... also this recording of the 3 dudes walking looks like before their drinking session as no shirts are ripped or soiled.... also no timestamp on recording...
  3. positive energy to those guys,,,,, their brains must be scrambled after those rounds of "Penalty Shots" I hope they pull through their injuries,,,, can not image the medical cost
  4. Dermovate cream I am having a hard time finding in pharmacies..... all say "no have" Only been asking around Pattaya,,, is BKK a better place to look in pharmacies for Dermovate cream?
  5. Buy pork liver from Makro, cooked with cracked rice from the mill and chicken stock from boiling the bones. Good for weened puppies to elder dogs.
  6. Has any of the passengers confirmed this pathetic excuse. Immediate license suspension followed by mandatory safety course. Also what are the operators limitations for hours continuous driving and mandatory rest periods in Thailand? Oh yeah right, none of the above will be followed through by a transportation agency.
  7. well if it's a bull and some cows are in heat ready for some boom boom or maybe it was a cow and her newborn calf is nearby... either way if you think the "beast" is agitated then stay away but usually, they are curious and calm temperament....
  8. Where is a good place to look online to see the price per kg or tonne for cassava once harvested.... if not online where is the best place to look for price?
  9. The making of Poo ya Mak - Composting. Yes also here in the Kalasin area, I rarely find earthworms or other creepy crawlers in the soil. But making a layered composting pile after several months is filled with worms and other crawlers. Items in the layers 1. Dried cattle or buffalo dung 2. Rice husks 3. Coconut husks chopped (if available) 4. Cutting from the legumes in the garden ... old cabbage leaves etc 5. Dredging the segments from the bottom of a pond 6. Soil 7. Table scraps minus any meat from animals (can bring predators to dig in compost) 8. Wood chips from fallen branches, trees, shrubs, etc What other items are people using that are low-cost? I am doing a lot of soil restoration now after leasing the land for 5 years to another farmer while I was overseas....
  10. Ok ????... Definitely the time now to make some popcorn... This is becoming better than Egyptian TV drama ...
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