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Everything posted by johncat1

  1. In a report on the Bangkok Post website they stated the 120,000 Baht necklace was 18 K gold. Thai gold is 22 K, so the thieves will be quickly caught when they try to sell it as it is not Thai gold
  2. Was he given the bus fare to get there ? Surprised he found the time.
  3. The Thai king was afraid he would not be the centre of attention. They don't have LM laws there either to protect him. The worlds press would have had a field day with a playboy king.
  4. The film company should sue Thailand for copyright as Thailand promotes Maya Bay using their movie and name.
  5. Pocket change this time but now the courts have set a presedence with Maya Bay The figure will probably be 10x that next time. And believe me there will be a next time for greedy Thais. I hope all the film companies boycot Thailand. In this modern age of green screen technology Film companies do not need Thailand. What about all the revenue from tourists visiting Maya Bay. and the Kwai Bridge Money Thailand would not have had if not for the movies. Same Goes for Bridge over the River Kwai, James Bond Island near Phuket They are still milking those, with their tacky stalls and tacky skybridge ( another scam by Thais. )
  6. If there were a sudden influx of Ukranian tourists Thailand would quickly decide who to back. They are only supporting Russia because of tourism.
  7. I have never had problems with Lazada, but last week an item I had ordered was being delivered by Best and started it's journey with Best, then for no apparent reason the order was switched to Ninja. Luckily my order arrived safely ( I have had problems with Best before anyway ) . My biggest gripe with COD deliveries is I am not allowed to open the package to make sure my order is correct. I could be signing for a box of rubbish or even an empty box.
  8. Can Prawit stay awake long enough to do anything ? There have been dozens of photos of Prawit either falling asleep on duty or being supported by other members of the government. These dinosaurs have had their day Time to put them all out to pasture.
  9. Lives alone in a locked house yet she still locks her bathroom door. Presumably the person who fitted the door / lock must have been a relative.
  10. Does she dream up lottery numbers too ?
  11. She drank Thai tap water ? She is lucky to be alive then.
  12. Thailand can be in charge of carrying the white flag, something they are used to.
  13. Thais welcomed them. Thais have no morals and will sell themselves to the highest bidder. The rest of the world would seize and impound this superyach but Thailand are only interested in money no matter where it comes from. The Thai government supports Myanmar as well as Russia. The Superyacht is only here because nowhere else will accept it. They are looking for a safe haven and they knew Thais are weak when i comes to money.
  14. I have had 3 jabs, I do not plan to have anymore. Nobody knows the long term effects from these vaccines. There is such a thing as overkill as it has shown with that <deleted> Anutin. He has had at least 7 jabs but still caught Covid....... Can't help but laugh ha ha ha
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