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Posts posted by johncat1

  1. " The United States urged both sides to seek a peaceful resolution to the weeks-long crisis, which has shut down the Thai capital's retail and hotel heartland, worsening the damage to the economy of the tourist destination."

    The Americans trying to control the world again !!

    KEEP OUT of Thailands affairs and put you own house in order first This is not your country

  2. Just a thought :) But how did the different groups arrive at their chosen colour ?

    Red is associated with communism and normally considered a bad political colour ( unless you are a communist )

    And Yellow is associated with the King and is considered a good colour

    Or did somebody's wife just select the colour because it went with her outfit that day ? :D :D :D

  3. I found the Internet the best way to meet Thai girls / women who are not obsessed with money BUT not on dating site where they are looking for a man with money

    I have dated many women several in Bangkok not for sex or as a potential life partner BUT as a friend ( ok a few ended up with sex But we are still friends )

    If you want a true loving relationship with a girl who is not money crazy ( rare in Thailand ) start a relationship the same as in most countries , as a friend.


    I found this site excellent for meeting Thai girls / women because most are lonely and are just looking for a friend And the majority are in Bangkok

  4. If you are a man alone and just want a drink without being hit on by numerous girls I used to just tell them I had A jealous Thai wife This worked and so long as you bought beer you were welcome at the bars and the girls would relax and hold a sensible conversation with you instead of the usual " Handsome man where are you from ? " routine

    You only get problems if you look at the girls as prostitutes and not human beings with problems.

    Most farangs cannot ( or will not ) see any further than their d..ks

    But you have to be streetwise enough not to believe the stories about dying or sick mothers " I am working here because I need money for our sick cow which needs an operation " etc etc :)

  5. This is Thailand and I think members should exercise a little discretion in their posts about the political situation here. Because as farangs we are not welcome here, only our money is.

    Don't forget BIG BROTHER is watching the Internet too and outspoken members may run into a few problems when trying to extend their visa.

    " If you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen " This is their troubled country not yours :)

  6. If he agreed to 150 Baht he should have been a gentleman and kept to the agreement even if it was expensive.

    Those of us who live here know that tuk tuks are not a cheap form of transport for a Farang tourist He should have got a taxi meter if he was that worried about the cost

    If he disagreed that strongly all he had to do was call the Tourist police . After all that is what they are there for

  7. I am an English teacher working at a government school for the past 4 years

    I am also from the UK

    If you work at a University you will need a degree in education PLUS the now compulsory Thai Culture certificate

    Before you can get a work permit for a University you will need Educational degree, Thai Culture certificate

    Then you have to apply for a teachers licence or letter from the Teacher Council of Thailand

    You cannot get a work permit without this.

    But on my last visit to MOE for my Teachers licence letter I was told you no longer required this if you only work in a language school .

    But this is Thailand and they change things all the time Good Luck

    But all the information you need can be found at http://ajarn.com/

  8. Hi interesting about your plumbing request .

    I am a qualified plumber worked in the trade since I was 16 BUT changed to become an English teacher here 4 years ago. I sympathise with you because I have experienced Thai tradesmen ( ha ha ha ) But you have to be realistic A Thai plumber would expect about 200 Baht a day BUT a Farang plumber would want at least 5.000 Baht. ( but with a farang you get the job done quicker and properly )

    I never want to return to plumbing because I enjoy teaching BUT if you need help or advice my msn is [email protected]

    I am based in Mahasarakham but travel frequently to Udon to see my gf

  9. I thought like you too after a few holidays here .

    But now I live and work as a teacher in North East Thailand and the people are very different up here.

    I am the only foreigner living in this area of 25,000 people. And I am always treated well and with respect .

    I would NEVER live in a Farang infested area because I find these areas only attract the worst type of foreigner and Thai

    And most Farangs want to set up their own communities instead of integrating into Thai society

    Unfortunately the Thais are followers NOT leaders which is why you always get streets where every shop is a hairdressers or another street where every shop is an Internet shop etc . The Thais are great at copying but are afraid of taking a chance with an original thought or idea.

    Bribery and corruption are a way of life here in all levels of society

    This is Thailand accept it and seek out the better areas Don't try to change it because you never will !!

    Basically the bad Farang areas attract the bad Thais. Men and women

  10. This should read why "dark issan girls marry foreign men", the university I go to in Bangkok has lots of very hot white skinned Thai/Chinese girls, they arn't interested in foreign men at all, and continually ask me why don't foreign men look for nicer girls, and a question I get asked almost daily, why do foreign men like dark skinned Issan girls? quite simply, down to market forces there isn't a lot of demand for Issan girls, a huge supply and they go out their way to try to land a foreign husband. I have a lot of male friends from Issan, they would all prefer white skinned girls, so basically all the girls who say "Thai men no good, I want Farang" what it really means is their are dark and bahn nork and no good Thai guy would have them

    I think you should spend some time in Issan and get to know the people here before you generalize so much !

    I have met more bad girls in Bangkok than here, but some of my best female friends are in Bangkok.

    Most Thai men want girls with money so they don't have to work for a living BUT Most Issan girls are farmers and come from poor backgrounds

    whereas most city / Bangkok girls have good jobs and money in the bank

    That is why Thai men want city girls

  11. Thai men have little cocks!! Ha seriously they still beleive anybody with white skin is rich, stupid really as there are many farang countries poorer than thailand

    When I first came to Thailand I like most foreigners only knew and saw the " bad girls " in Pattaya , Bangkok etc .

    It wasn't until I became a teacher and moved into the country that I found most country folk are very nice and genuine.

    Of course there are bad here too But they are easier to spot either by all their vulgar gold jewellery or the way they speak and act towards you


    I am lucky I have a girl friend who does not like gold and both her and her family only want 100,000 Sinsod Which for a farang is very good Most of the greedy bastards want at least a million.

    Thai people only see the farangs who have enough money for holidays in Thailand They never see the millions of farangs who do not have the money to come here.

    So that is why they think we are all rich.

    I took my ex-wife ( Thai ) to London and showed her all the homeless people sleeping rough on the streets. I said to her

    " Are they millionaires too ? " She couldn't believe her eyes

  12. Oh, how considerate of these nice people in government :)

    Why not just give the British Embassy your email address? We all check our emails at least every few days and that system would be a lot quicker than a " Big Brother " tracking system

    Why complicate things ?

    Personally I feel safer in Thailand than I ever did in the UK . The British Government don't really care about you when you are living in the UK.

  13. I assume that most British citizens move to Thailand because they do not want to get tracked by their government.

    Most of us have to check in with Thai immigration every 90 days So the Thais know where we are why can't the British government talk to the Thai Immigration?

    Those of us who work here ( legally ) have a " Work Permit " so the Thais again know where we are.

    Typical government red tape again something us Brits are famous for

  14. Looking for somewhere that sells Viagra in the Udon Thani area .

    Went to a pharmacy and asked them there , and they said we don't sell that sort of thing in a pharmacy .

    Very strange thing to say !!

    I have always bought them in a pharmacy before in Bangkok and Pattaya

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