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Posts posted by thaibound2

  1. hello,

    im worried my tablets are not genuine and need to find a hopsital or chemist or pharmacy that will test them for me as they cost alot and may be genuine but also may be not, so i dont want to waste the money and throw them away,

    but id rather have them tested so i know exactley what is in them?

    any help would be great please

    any hospitals or chemist or pharmacy that would test them for me?

  2. the tool used was a light laser and the results are good i look like some one has thrown darts at me but in the end i know it will look better. yes dentistry here is far superior than in the uk and alot cheaper. i sure as hel_l wont feel like partying for at least a full month is surprising how the drugs etc make you groggy and take a while to completely work free from the body.

    how ever i am out of the painzone thankgod. but still abit tight. and stiff alot of bruising still to dispearse and no doubt im sure some swelling still lingers........ and yes i am feeling alittle blue just abit sad as imhaving to take it easy and it feels like im wasting my time in bangkok... but then i iwll have th erest of my life to come back and only one chance to heal good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just feel abit groggy sore and misserable having to rest up also im on my own so its a real pain in the arse

    Yoskarn still uses CO2 to my knowledge, yet Kunuchak had mega years of training in it... Basically when asking him can he get down to a lower level than my scar, he stated i can drill a hole through your face if you wish- Lol.

    Co2 is rough and tough- meaning it takes a long long time for redness to subside before you see end result. No longer the best pick with specialist Laser Doctors due to downtime.

    Pixel and Fraxel have less downtime... there maybe others now.

    I think you will not find the pricing of Lasers in Yoskarn much difference than back home- especially if you can claim medicare like we can in Aussie. We pay less.

    Naturally Aussies come to Thailand for inexpensive surgery or teeth work, as it is expensive back home.

    Just flying here last month (short trip home) I was sitting next to a girl whom was heading over on a Cosmetic Surgery package for breasts and nose PLUS 10 days in Phuket to relax and heal. Not a bad plan, yet you do not feel like partying too much after surgery, as I told her. Unless you overtake your painkiller subscription- Lol.

    Anyway you out of the PAIN ZONE yet- initial excitement probably abated by now. If not sleeping try pain killers and ask for Valium. As some stages of the healing process can be worse than others. Maybe a few days until it hits you and you may go on a little bit of a downer.

    Anyway keep your spirits up- yet no real spirits until the swelling\recovery is well underway.

    Chok Dee


  3. the service and and after care has been second to known almost as good as the results of the surgery themselves,

    just been back today for check up and stiches removed from my face and they also gave me extra painkillers to take home and antibiotics and hotel room to relax in inbetween waiting with free drinks...........

    i honestley can not rate them enough............ yoskarn ticks all the boxes

    its hard to think of anything im not happy with after the large amount that i have had done!!!!!!!!

    in the intrests of fairness as i have praised them enough bad points are.......

    free taxi home after surgery would have been a nice touch

    a little cheaper i suppose

    more english food on menu of hotel

    in regards to the result and surgery i honestly think he did the absloute best with what he had to work with (me)

    best decision i ever made was using yoskarn for cosmetic work and it was a long hard thought out decision especially after experiancing bad cosmetic work in the uk may be thats why im so thrilled with the work of the clinic simply beacuse the result is what i wanted and i got it?

  4. <br />I agree with jayinoz re the safety/advisability of undergoing surgery under general anesthestha in a clinic setting. Let alone a prolonged and complex procedure.<br /><br />It is not just a matter of the surgeon's skill. It is also a matter of the immediate availability of a wide range of emergency facilities, including blood bank, ICU etc.  <br /><br />In OP's case, as in the vast majority of cases, the need did not arise. But it could have.<br /><br />Not a risk I would advise anyone to take.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    i agree sheryl i really didnt giv it as much thought as may be i should have it simple didnt cross my mind in the whole rush of organising and planing the final results etc

    i thought they would have the all the relevent equipment and blood and emergency facilities and experianced staff on site to carry out such a surgery??? may be i should have asked instead of presuming......

  5. a big thank you to every one who feature in this thread you helped me resolve what at firstr was a quite confusing issue.......

    im booked up and ready to make a day trip out to loas for a toursit visa and it really seems quite simple and reasonable price to just go along with an expeirianced visa service company to make things go smoothly less stress and also a nice day and night to see some where new?

    cheers all

  6. Going to Vientiane, Laos and get a double entry tourist visa for free it is then thanks fot the help?


    how much is plane ticket to laos

    how long will the journey take

    how much is laos visa cant i just get visa waiver as im only going to be staying for as long as it takes to get the thai visa

    how long will the issue of the visa take?

    my 30 days are up on the 19th in thailand so i would have to travel to loas on the 15th????

    where do i buy ticket to laos in bangkok

  7. no problem scully i see your point of view also its a very valid point why risk current health for being vein, i thought the benefits at this stage out weighed the risks thats all for my future...... also some individuals seek pointless surgery for no reasons so i agree your point of view is a valid conclusion that i agree with but every story has individual circumstances and an individual behind it cosmetic surgery is accessable to many for many diff reasons

    thank you so much for a very long and detailed reply jayinoz i will do my best to address every point u made as ur response seems educated and from primary experiance....... cheers

    addiction is a very valid point which is a problem and indeed one i can relate too, after having my face altered badly after the car crash this had an effect on mind and i decided to seek plastic surgery in the uk to help change it back which changed my most prominent features of my face and of me yet again.................... how ever the result was not good which made me loose faith in british surgery and the price it cost me £8000 for routine nose job and chin implant and this was the cheapest i could find at the time in britain 5 years ago? this led to me obssevively looking on the net for good surgeons and after i found thai visa forum many members recomended yoskarn and after reseach i found many many good reviews. but yet again i was ready and willing to have even more sugery in the pursuit of happyness and my faced changed back to pre car crash likness if you will so its a viciouse circle and one that could go on and on................................ but i have concously come to the conclusion that the old me has been lost foor good and no amount of surgery can change me back its just the way it is and after 2 surgery to 3 diff parts of my face its still not been changed back to what i call reasonable likeness to pre crash features and that because they have been lost for ever by trauma.... but what i can clearly see and understand is that my face especially now after professor kunachaks help is that it really really is alot better and im very happy with that................... i just hope that in another 5 years i dont start looking and scrutinise my nose again and then get more surgery as this is the risk of addiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i know that even if i did have a 3rd surgery in another 5 years i would still be seeking perfection but the truth is the nose i want and was born with has been lost for ever and i have to accept this and no maount of surgery will help....... and after 2 nose jobs i know this now more than ever....

    so my frame of mind at this point is the last role of the dice so to speak before getting on with the rest of my life and concentrating on friends family and loved ones and career its time to move on and this surgery is marking this stage in my life almost a rebirth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT ADDICTION IS VERY VERY REAL ESPECIALY WITH NOSES AND REVISIONS SHOULD ONLY BE CARRIED OUT IF EXTREME DIFORMATIES OCCUR OTHER WISE ITS WILL GO ON AND ON VICIOUSE CIRCLE NEVER ENDING PURSUIT OF PERFECTION MICHAEL JACKSON NOSE BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE AS IT COULD BE ALLOT BETTER THAN WHAT YOU END UP GETTING BETTER THE DEVIL YOU KNOW

    And yes i cant remember or just do not know but the last thing i remember was falling asleep and then waking up in recovery and all had been completed? so i presume 8-10hrs of being under?? and yes it was what scared me the most i have now had a total of 15 different surgeries and being put to sleep so im well used to it know due to the crash but its hard evry time and i always say a little pray my longest ever operation was 15hrs long in the uk to refuse my spinal colum im glad to say that god willing this is my last surgery as all has been completed and im very happy with the results i can still walk and work and lead a healthy life apart from scars and changes looks but i still look very good so im blessed........ all be it very scary and in thailand may be less regulated but i trusted the professor and his judgment in the position of the professional responsible for keeping me alive and asleep????? after all he wants the best at his clinic working along side himself and he is well known to be the best at nose jobs in BKK and he often performs work on people who have been turned away by many other hospitals in bKK??? this is well known so that again was the main reason for my choice as i really couldnt handle another botched nose job!!!!!!!!!

    the price for the following is as follows a total break down? for you, also bear in mind that i also shopped around and he was indeed the most expensive but he worked out the same as PAI after i had the prices driven down as much as possible...... as yoskarn for the same price quoted as PAI did more ie more teckiques used on nose and detail etc so it was pricey for thai and the rest of the world prices as for the states and the uk it was cheap............. when i say before that in the uk it would have cost 15K i could well have been as much as 20K as just the nose and chin routine implant cost me almost 9k on it own the very smae price i had everything done for in yoskarn so you have to say that is good..... but i agree he would have been bit nicer and charge me thai prices..... but i really dont hink he does this nay more unless u are thai???? i also had a 3rd party get a price for the same surgery thai person and after my discount the difference wasnt much.

    in total the price was £8800 or THB 425920 for the following

    revision nose reconstruction- tip plasty reduction in tip projection and raised up,dorsol work straighter and grafts used,osteotomy,open nose revision operation

    cheek reduction- facial lipo via cheek entry and then also cheak buccal fat removal via incision in mouth.

    revision chin implant- removal of old inadequate chin implant and then postioning of new XL square chin implant via incision inside mouth.

    Penile lengthening- via ligament release via small incision in groin about the size of a penny 1" gain so far

    penile glands increase- via dermal filler injection

    Srotum reduction- via zy plasty (face lift for scotum to remove loose skin)

    laser or light therapy to individualy remove around 50 moles,freckle,skintag and blemishes

    all treatment medication ie pain killers and antibitoics and xrays and blood test.

    also 4 days and 4nights hotel stay and breakfast and internet

    and 1 or 2 visits by him personaly and staff to clean and dresswounds and check up every day for the four days.

    also post op care stiches and check ups one at 7 days and then one at 14 dyas and then one before i go home all included

    for £88000 or 425920thb

    if the baove was done by a similar experinced professor i know it would have cost may be up to £20,000 but def over £15,000 that is certain!!!!!!!! as just my nose and chin in uk cost me £9,000 in uk

    i also have to agree it has been tough and if i could fly kunachak home to the uk to the surgery as i dont trust uk drs after many bad ops the support of loved ones would have been very nice as i am on my own in bkk and need support actually my family have no idea i have had naything done i dint tell them as i dnt want them to worry as they would freak about me having surgery abroad.. but i trusted kunachak felt safe otherwise i wouldnt have done it here at all..... he came over more diligent then PAI so i was pleased at the other palces in BKK have many bad reviews. also money was an issue i wanted good work for as cheap as i could and the balnce was nicely met by YOSKARN tope quality work for cheaper than uk by around 35 to 40%, and it wasnt google who lead me to Yoskarn it was the many good review i kept findin on thai forums and after talking to x patiants??? in regards to just as good drs in other hospitals i have to say i dnt agree in the area of the face and nose i beleive he is the best in BKK........... how ever the peace of mind knowing back care was on hand would have been a blessing. but i didnt give it a thought at the timemymind was all on the result and so far so good no complications or problems with recovery or the work and thats what i payed the xtra for??!!

    inregards to the laser thanks for bringing that up as i dont know anything in this area i will double check what laser is in operation but i would pressume with the prices he chargers the laser and kit he adopts should be state of the art but who knows???? i will check thank you for raising my attention.....

    in regards to pain killers i had paracetamol and anti swelling and antibiotics which is exactly the same as i recieved in uk and worked fine the qulity of work was far more refined than in uk so less trauma all round and less brusing so the medication was perfect now im back at my apartment i have my own meds but i dnt need them.............

    nothing has gone wrong that i know of im happy apart from swelling to my nose but his is normal i saved around any where between 6 to 9,000 pounds in total and im pleased

    thank you for your time and honest replies i hope i addressed your points..........

    the one thing that also gives me piece of mind is that even though i saved alot of money not only that but UK drs prob couldnt have done as good a job and im also healthy and fine after the operation which is a blessing and this is truely my last surgerys no MORE hahahahahhaahha yesssssssssssssssssssssss happy days

  8. lol no it didnt lmfao funny

    and yes u are correct the penis surgery and freckles are just vanity........

    i just figured i have the cash and a good surgeon so why not remove some freckles and moles they are ugly...

    in regards to the penis why not its a simple op and can be effective i wanted a change for the better to go on with the rest of my life from here with

    as the car crash truely ruined my last 7 years of it........ in the smash i broke my spine my jaw my nose cheak bones leg and fingers not to mention alot of lacerations and glass wounds which have resultted in mental and physical scaring......... i also lost a dear friend in the crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 year of rehab and will never recover i lost my partner due to mental changes due to brain damage and ptsd

    this a turning point in my life and if some cosmetic therpay and surgery can help restore what i had and improve what i have then i will be a little bit healed as a person....... so i make no appoligies to some one like you

    so next time you cast judgment look in the mirror are you so perfect or have you just had a easier life??????

    you should contamplaint what would a little happiness cost if the above happened to you i can never repair my body ever and have to carry these wounds for the rest of my life to what it was like before the accident but i can sure as hel_l make what ive been left with better.....

    and for the record my penis is just fine but now its big so what? my choice not yours be happy being so perfect wont you

    Did this car crash give you freckles,moles and a small penis?.

    I am sorry for the sarcasm however I cannot comprehend people going under the knife for vanity. I know there will be people shouting its all about self esteem but don't be suprised if the laser therapy scars you, I heard intensed light pulsed therapy to be safer with better results.

  9. nope i had the 8 to 10hr sugery at his clinic in bangkok yoskarn........ he had a fully operational operating room and recovery room and a huge staff of nurses on hand.............

    i had the,

    revision, nose and chin also the lipo to facial area and cheak buccal fat removal penis ligament release and scortol reduction all in the same surgery by him..... i am to return for the 30 or so moles and tags and freckles im duee to have lasered off and glans increase via non perm filler injection........

    so im very pleased it all cost me around 9000k english pounds and im feeling a little sore still after 4days but alot better than i did after my surgerys in britain.... and the level of attention and after care has been great... daily visits and and wound cleaning and check ups............ im thrilled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i will def be using him again for any future wrk if needed??? i strongly advise using him if you are in bangkok everything was so easy consulatations and communication just take a long photos of what you desire and he will do his best to get you the result thats all you can ask for really.............

  10. ive just had a large surgery with professor kunachak at yoskarn bangkok and after talking with PAI first and looking around i made the correct choice mainly thanks to my research on this forums looking at feed back etc........... i had revision nose job, with grafting to bridge and tip plasty etc then revision chin implant, removal of old chin implant and better positioned one implanted also buccal fat and facial lipo then also scotol reduction and ligament release of the penis all performed by proffessor kunachak during a 10hr surgery!!!!! still to come is mole and freckels removal via laser and glans increase via non perm filler

    i am four days post op and so far apart from the degrading nature and helplessness of surgery as whole im pleased with the yoskarn team and the proffesor very pleased..... i have had multiple surgerys to my face due to a car crash 7 years ago in the uk and i can certainly say i will always travel abroad for future surgery from now on its cheaper and better.... i have private medical insurance in britain but im now cancelling it and saving the annual fee for future treatments abroad............

    my facial work the professor carried out was not ordinary and rerquired special detail and care to complete due to previouse work the proffessoe kunachak is a sensible no shit or bull DR he does what is needed his way and its the best way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for all of my surgey it cost me £9000 british pounds to have what i have had done at yoskarn done in britain would have cost me over £15000 and no doubt not as good work as i have experinaced first hand in the past.........

    with the help of this forum it helped me find and use a great DR so thanks guys................................. dont be put off by his demeanor when u meet him he isnt as happy or cheerfull as preecha at PAI but he still knows his stuff and he is a very ethical and first class man........

    its easy when arriving in bangkok to just go to the cheapest surgery for the operations but even though yoskarn was the most expensive it pays for itself in peice of mind as i trusted him evry step of the way and could relax knowing i was in great hands.....................he was the most expensive i was quoted in bangkok but he was also more detailed in what he actualy wanted to do so he was going the extra mile and doing more than some other surgeons couldnt do...... his nose job is a master peice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. hello everybody hope you can help me?,

    im currently staying in bangkok for 3 months business and pleasure but my barclays visa debit card gets charged alot every time i withdraw cash or make payments in stores etc? how can i avoid the fees as its adding up to quite alot now and ive only been here 1 week. is there any barclays banks or known ATM machines that dont charge for withdraws? with barclay cards? also if i open a thai account will i get charged to transfer my funds from my barclays over to the thai account via online banking??

    basically guys any advice in regards to, using my barclyas debit card at ATMs that dont charge or at barclys bankbranches in BKK if they have them?


    transferring money into good thai bank account from barclys via online banking with out fees and then be able to use the thai account during my stay?

    any help much appreciated thanks for yout time and for helping?



  12. hello, im a uk resident who is going to be staying in BKK on my own for 30days from the 20th AUG. Im safe reliable and trust worthey.

    if you have or know of any one with an appartment in BKK with access to a gym with good fast wifi connection close to amenaties with a fridge freezer and tv then please feel fee to help......

    i have around 12327.50 thb or £250 for the calender month..... obviously i can go up for the right place that ticks all the boxes mentioned above.

    please private message me!

    thanks for reading and helping.

    thaibound2 james

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