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Posts posted by Rumfoord


    Thai authorities prepare to bring back Saxena


    Published on October 28, 2009

    After a nearly decade-long legal struggle, authorities now smell victory at hand in their bid to bring back bank fraud suspect Rakesh Saxena from Canada to stand trial. "We don't know yet what the ruling will be, but we're getting prepared to bring Saxena back to Thailand," National Police spokesman General Pongsapat Pongcharoen said yesterday.

    In the morning, representatives from the Office of the Attorney-General, the National Police Office and the Foreign Ministry left for Vancouver with high hopes they would escort Saxena back on Friday after the Supreme Court there delivers its final decision tomorrow on Saxena's appeal against extradition.

    Pongsapat said Saxena could arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport Friday night. Once back in Thailand, he will be held in custody at the Crime Suppression Bureau under tight security and 24-hour surveillance. During his detention, he will be questioned in order to build up the case against him, with Pol General Pansiri Prapawat assigned as chief interrogator. Public prosecutors will then take on the case and are expected to have him arraigned in Criminal Court.

    Acting National Police chief Patheep Tanprasert held a half-hour staff meeting to discuss how to handle Saxena once he entered the country.

    Thailand requested Saxena's extradition in 1996 to stand trial for fraud in connection with an US$88-million loan that was never repaid. He was ordered to surrender for extradition in 2003, but in 2006 the order was suspended while Ottawa reconsidered the case in the wake of Thailand's military coup on September 19 of that year. Saxena, an international financier, was accused of playing a key role, together with Krirk-kiat Jalichandra, in the collapse of Bangkok Bank of Commerce (BBC). Banking authorities had to contribute Bt100 billion to pay for the damage to BBC. Krirk-kiat has faced a dozen lawsuits over the BBC scandal and still goes to court to defend himself.

    Saxena's extradition case has been running for so long that most political observers have written it off. Next July will see the statute of limitations expire in the case. Saxena, who has been kept in house arrest at his luxury residence in Vancouver, has been arguing in court that his safety would be at risk if he were to be returned to Thailand. Last year, a top British Columbia judge feared Canada might suffer a "black eye" if the "notorious extradition case" passed the cut-off date, said a report in an online Canadian newspaper. If the longest-running extradition battle in Canadian history is not completed by next July, when the charges become statute-barred, he'll walk free, Canada.com said. "Noting that the case has dragged on for 'years and years', BC Appeal Court justice Edward Chiasson said he was worried it would be an embarrassment to Canada if the July 2010 deadline passes and there was no resolution," Canada.com said.

    A political source said the presence of Saxena back in Thailand would become an embarrassment for some key members of the coalition government, who allegedly benefited from the failure of BBC. "It seems that the Democrats are trying to keep the Bhum Jai Thai Party at bay by trying to bring Saxena back to Thailand," the political source said.


    -- The Nation October 28, 2009



    a previous Nation article in this thread:


  2. EC to receive probing results of Democrat’s donation on Friday

    BANGKOK, 29 October 2009 (NNT) – Investigative committee will submit its result of the two scandalous donation cases of the ruling Democrat Party to the Election Commission (EC) on 30 October 2009, according to Secretary-General to the EC, Suthipon Thaveechaiyagarn.

    The Democrat party is alleged of illegally receiving 258 million baht in donation from TPI Polene Plc, Thailand’s giant cement manufacturer, and misusing the supporting budget of 29 million baht allocated for it by the EC.

    Regarding the progress of investigation on the allegations, Mr Suthipon stated the secretary of the investigative panel reported that they would submit its conclusion for the cases on Friday. Then, EC Chairperson Apichart Sukhagganond would copy the investigation result and distribute it to all EC Commissioners to study for seven days accordingly prior to handing down a resolution.

    The Secretary-General confirmed there would be no further extension for investigation on the cases. Earlier, the EC demanded time extension to probe on the cases for 30 days, which was due on 31 October.


    -- NNT 29 October 2009


  3. To state it directly, constant reiterations of any word such as we see in the use of the word 'awesome' constitute a usage that is inter alia glib, trite, mundane, cliched, meant to be intellectually insulting. The repeated pattern of its use offers nothing new or insightful, nothing specific, valuable or meaningful which might be predicated on knowledge or experience and certainly nothing original to the immediate particulars.

    As sarcasim it is useful, however, as with any other overuse of a word it diminishes in its utility. Worse, it begins to draw attention to itself and to its practitioner. In this particular instance, it is a crutch that permits the user to avoid any material or intellectually serious response and to dodge any substantive offering which may make a respectable contribution to the discourse, whether the contribution be long faced serious or a bright and witty one.

    Of course humor, wit and relief from the heavy weight of sober discussion is desirable, necessary and welcome. Accordingly, I therefore present my own individual contribution as follows :)

    The use of simleys is intellectual insulting.

    With one point you are right, the awesome comment, doesn't leave much option for a response, but if you are that wise wit you should recognise that there is the possibility that you just comment at the same object.

    Don’t declare yourself to the big contributor of eloquent debategasms if you are just rely on fictional biographic storytelling as argument, backseat modding and are trigger happy with the report button. discourse is something else.

    In addition, what you want to discuss here in a sober manner? The usual antithaksin rants. I have heard them already. x-times. These über emotional outbursts are non entertaining, not intellectual stimulating and don't enhance knowledge.

    Your entry above reveal for the first time that you are rudimental be capable to type something that isn't completely yawn but have some small silver lining. Work on that and maybe we can develop here some style of debate club manner that is not the usual bickering. Text wins, not noise or oneliner heckler. Stay objective and sober and do not fabricate your 'facts'. Essential is to skip the use of smileys.

    Anyway, do not forget: Abhisit is AWESOME!

  4. The point being that no old Etonian or Oxford graduate would want to be "Awsome". :)

    Abhisit is far to much, you know, Sort of "cute", or maybe "cool", "wicked". But definitely lacking the cut of David Brent and reflecting Michael Scott far too much. He needs to give up pen pushing.

    But lest we forget Giles Ungkporn is also an Oxford Graduate from astonishingly the same college. How convenient the lese majeste laws are. He could have resurrected his old debating society probable foe and had a real discussion in Thailand.

    How close the knife can cut!

    Abhisit is undeniable unique.

    In addition, he is far too much.

    It is an unbelievable silly show. He does nothing else, in his daily schedule are 4-5 similar photo op's, propaganda tasks. At least twice a week it comes to a format like above. Pure awesomeness. Like consumption of one kilo of the psilo shrooms above.

    Show elements and ideas every game show must be envy of. And like he said he is having fun running the country. he tries to create a big illusion. The only reason why he doesn’t fail is because nobody watches. Not on TV or otherwise in the news. He tries hard, the PR team tries hard, but nobody turns on the TV or follows his twitter channel. Viewing figures minimal. But hey, I tell everybody: he is awesome, you will not see something similar somewhere else.

    He is also good for more serious stands like his appearance at the ASTV party, as best buddy of Sondhis son, who is now owner of an ASTV newspaper.

    I am surprised that nobody said: WTbeep? Arai wah?


    That what some Politburo big-whip said becomes the news, Announcement from the Politburo are the only news. That is surrealistic, that can I take for real, but they just did it and people accept it and don't ask questions. For me as observer is that awesome, it is like some b-movie plot where continuity errors and hilarious illogicalness are the narrative aesthetic that makes it worth watching.

  5. Whoopdee doo. United Asean marching forward whilst the Brunei representative stays in Thaksin's house.

    Hmmmm. The wolves might just be forming...........

    Could you believe any developed country having to answer this accusation concerning the accommodation of a visiting delegate?

    The Sultan wasn't the only ASEAN Leader absent from the opening ceremony. also missing Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Hun Sen.

    this "little" detail didn't made into the forum news, it could disturb the dream, the delusion of the 'sucessful' Abhisit.

    why all these leaders didn't show up? any guesswork, speculation, explanation why this happend by team: the usual suspects?

    the first obscure commie conspiracy theory came up. that was awesame.

    any other input or better ignore the reality and put the full energy in some cambodia or red shirt hate thread?

  6. When asked to comment on Thaksin's remark that there would be dissolution of the House of Representatives within this year and a general election would be held early next year, Abhisit said: "Does this have anything to do with him?"

    When asked to comment on a prediction that it would be a tight contest between the Democrat and Pheu Thai parties in the next election, the Democrat leader said: "That's my business."


    but he sounds kinda nervous. the PM got ask by journalist to give an prediction about an election outcome and he just reply: "That's my business." oops.

    remember, just to day ago he announced that he would win and that he has fun all the time.

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday that his ruling Democrat Party would get more party-list votes than the opposition Pheu Thai Party if an election was held soon, but in the meantime he was still having fun running the country.

    "I believe it would be a tight race," he said.

    However, the Democrats should get more votes for proportional MPs, he said.

    "But constituency MPs are still a problem," he said.

  7. PM: Govt nothing to do with strip of Mr Thaksin´s rank

    BANGKOK, 28 October 2009 (NNT) – The government does not intervene in the stripping of police lieutenant colonel rank and the recall of the royal decoration of ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, according to Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

    Prime Minister Abhisit stated that the Royal Thai Police proceeded with the matter itself following its regulations. He added that the move was not a counter action of the government following Mr Thaksin’s support for the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) to oust the government.

    The PM said that the government would try to explain the stripping of Mr Thaksin’s rank and royal decoration to the anti-government UDD in order to prevent political turmoil.

    Regarding a movement of Mr Thaksin to sent SMS messages to Thai people and his supporters, Prime Minister Abhisit said the sending of such messages could be done in line with law and they must not negatively affect national security.

    Former PM Thaksin earlier said he would start sending SMS messages about news and his movements to Thai people, especially his supporters, from 1 November 2009 onwards, free of charge.


    -- NNT 28 October 2009


  8. In short it's like "have a nice day". You know you are meant to say it but haven't really summed up the actual situation.

    Best of all though you don't have to use any brain cells in its production, much like "awesome".

    If you have a large enough group of people not using their brain cells you can have a "totally awesome time" and a "really nice day".

    No need to waste your time thinking about boring things like economy, recovery, political agenda etc.

    Awesome Etonian is awesome!




    more photos here at the government website: http://media.thaigov.go.th/pageconfig/albu...38&pageno=1

    the photos were taken today, at the opening ceremony for an exhibition that celebrates the 50th year anniversary of the the National Research Council of Thailand . PM Abhisit spoke at that opening ceremony.

    cmsally, can you still be concerned about the about boring things like economy, recovery, political agenda etc.? yes, i guess. so no damage done.

    awesome isn't superficial or meaningless like "have a nice day". it is also not a lullaby song, opium or distraction from the 'real' problems.

    is it felicitous to say (felicitous for that moment above) Abhisit is awesome? yes, i would say. and i couldn't think of any other word that describes it it better. (here in that context)


  9. Amazing that the hapless Canadians, who now deny entry to US citizens due to minor legal infractions made 30 years ago, are so willing to continue to host this scumbag.

    What is it with some American posters in this forum needing to lambaste entire nations at one swoop, are we in the anti Brit/Canadian holiday week or what!

    US-American are awesome.

  10. Short answer (if you don't want to decipher the totally awesome novella) he is trying to be sarcastic.

    awesome is The Word, not totally. and it is not an attempt in sarcasm. that is something else.

    awesome is an innocent, friendly word. can make people smile. it is less moronic than MUHAHAHAHAHA and not imbecile like any use of a smiley would be.

  11. Its painful to read.....end of story. People who use THEN rather than THAN. I am not talking non natives, who make a slip. If anyone has seen Discovery Channel adds recently, they have started as well, making mistakes in their promo blurbs, where do you put a stop to it and where do you draw the line, American drama series, live programs, the grammar and language is off, it just serves to make them look stupid. It is wrong on so many levels..


    i wouldn't mind if others would correct my syntax from time to time. or point out such THEN and THAN errors and give me some teacher like advice. explain me the grammar rule. i guess we non-natives make often the same common mistakes.

    i had a few basic back in school, i taught the most myself with reading and can follow the most written text you come across in daily live. newspapers, books, literature. i have a sense to recognise style.

    my writing skills are much less develop. my active vocabulary small. my syntax a mix of echoes from the syntax of my native language, a third language and 'easy' but bad english that i picked somewhere up while reading.

    so some mistakes/errors i will make over and over again, always in the same pattern.

    i don't need to be corrected for some typos or missing capitals.

    i like to write, i is a good brain exercise, but my english is wild, sentence construction guess work. if someone would like to spend time on correcting my past perfect, modal auxiliary, passive voice and relative clause and so on i would greatly appreciate that assistance. i can improve my skills, can learn.

  12. Doubtfully.

    Or all Thais would have non left for themselves.

    65 million individual culture battles daily,

    bring someone down a notch and you are raised a notch;

    SOP social Thailand. Doubt it, just ask you Thai mate.

    LOS = LOG lkand of gosip-queens.

    no. that happend only in the way how you see the small world that surrounds you.

    you describe yourself. don't use 65 million other people to justify your manner.

  13. Awesome!

    Any particular reason you seem compelled to repeat this word in every post you make?

    If you are trying to be sarcastic, fine, but could you at least vary it up a bit.

    ohh, i talked with an other member about the etymological origin of a certain britisch english word. he said it's norse, my position was it is more likley that the norse word in question is just a Cognate.

    i wrote also a more abstrac entry and to demonstrate cultural difference in historiography and histories of histories i worte a little bit about the history of historical linguistics studies and the use of different term for the same thing. indo-european languages vs. indo-germanic languages and so on.

    but than came the '76 peacecorps and declared everything for BS. after this i just let a tumbleweed roll through the intellectual defoliated steppe.

    in an other case i stumbled across the following line: Thai culture and civilization are utterly incapable of producing ... an Obama. posted by a board member.

    my reply using the word hubris got deleted. okay hubris is of greek origin an not british english. i ask members of the super team for an advice and what what would be the appropriate choice of words for a reply and their answer was somewhat Zen, oracularly and quickly.

    i conclude i should rely more on the optimistic branch of Bokononism.

    and i think awesome is a good choice. it has something rabelaisian in it, almost. it is a fell good message. it is awesome. it is also US-american. and the US-american viewpoint, attitude is never wrong at this webforum. the risk of a delete for whatever reason is less.it will be never off topic. if i write more than 3 lines the risk that it goes off-topic is much higher.

    so what is your problem with that? other forum characters spend their whole time with posting repetitive and redundant comments since years. 4,5,6 sometimes words and a smiley. knee-jerk reactions. unamusing. the usual.

    i still offer a mixture in the style of my comments. that Abhisit is awesome is the mainstream opinion here, so i cheer a lot of people up.

  14. Phrae ready to sing national anthem

    PHRAE, 28 October 2009 (NNT) – More than 30,000 local people and authorities in the northern province of Phrae are ready to sing the national anthem together today at 18.00 hrs as part of the Thai Unity, Strong Thailand project initiated by the government.

    According to Phrae Governor Somchai Hathayatanti, the national anthem singing will take place today at the stadium of the Phrae Provincial Administrative Organization. Before singing the national anthem, there will be a traditional northern ritual to wish His Majesty King Bhumibol a speedy recovery. People in the province will also write good wishes for the revered king on a 99-meter-long piece of cloth.

    The event will also feature a Mohom clothing fashion show by students from Phrae Vocational College, Sabatchai Drum Dancing--a traditional Lanna-style drum dancing, and a performance by soldiers to show loyalty to the monarchy.

    The Thai Unity, Strong Thailand project was initiated by the government to foster unity by encouraging the nation to sing the national anthem together every day at 18.00 hrs. All 76 provinces across the country will take turn arranging the live-broadcast singing according to the alphabetical order of their names. Phrae is the 39th province in the project.

    Phrae is one of the oldest and most important cities of the northern Thailand since the era of the Lanna Thai Kingdom. Traces of Lanna civilization and cultures can still be found in the province at present days. The province is located on the banks of the Yom River and is abundant with teak forests.


    -- NNT 28 October 2009


  15. Suthep denies involved in process to remove Mr Thaksin´s police rank

    CHIANG MAI, 28 October 2009 (NNT) – The move to strip ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra of his police lieutenant colonel rank has been made in compliance with regulations of the Royal Thai Police, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said.

    Mr Suthep on Wednesday traveled to the northern province of Chiang Mai with military top brasses to deliver government policies against narcotic drugs. During his visit, Mr Suthep rejected news reports on the removal of Mr Thaksin’s rank, saying that he had nothing to do with the matter which was a normal process of the police.

    The deputy PM added that he was not surprised by the move to strip Mr Thaksin’s rank as the former PM was guilty as charged and all of his cases had already been finalized.

    The movement to remove the police rank of Mr Thaksin has started since April 2009 but the Council of State has recently given nods to the matter.


    -- NNT 28 October 2009


  16. He said the government must survive until February to sustain the situation.

    Government whips would make recommendations to help counter the red shirts.

    Part of the plan is to win support from the masses via government ministries and departments. More populist policies may be drawn up to win public support.


    Government whips are awesome government whips.

  17. What the hel_l Abhisit

    the Times; London wrote :

    "With his brilliant mind, impeccable good manners and lovely family,

    Abhisit Vejjajiva - or 'Mark Vejj' as he is known to his British chums

    from Eton and Oxford - sounds like an almost painfully decent chap.

    He would make an ideal best man, a dreamy son-in-law, and a

    perfect dinner party guest."

    oops,edit: I read your comment as a question: 'What is Abhisit?' now i see it isn't one.

  18. Columbus barely touched "North America," mainly the "Moskito Coast" of Central America, which is the kite's tail' of North America. America is the Anglicised name of Americus Vespucci....

    Thailand, or Siam?. Lanna, or Pattani, or Isaan?

    that belongs more to the other thread about colonisation and creation of history.

    this thread is about some hippie weedhead punks from Germany who don't like to say that they are from Germany. those germans aren't so proud to be germans and rather shy about and prefer to declare they are from Europe. but don't have the vision of the EU in mind, the future but more a pagan pre-christian past.

    and want to suppress their germanhood. the german state and natianalsim is hated. the reason lays in the youger history, the middle of the last century.

    some kind left wind liberals, that you don't met in pattaya or phuket in Zum Schnitzel Klaus Stube but on koh phanghan. pot smoking. avoiding to admit that they are germans.

    another way out from your (disliked) nationality is regionalism. people coming from California, Texas, Bavaria, Romagna, Vlaanderen, Mazury, Vojvodina.

    the same thing is in Thailand, the Thais i met here, are more likley to tell me the province, the region where they are come from, north south, surat thani, buri ram, pattani or chieng mei.

    up north they know their lanna culture, in chiang rai they have their king mengrai, other provinces have other heros, fruits and their regional culture and histories that they learn at school. and when a deep southerner is on TV he speaks another language und needs to be subtitled. with chinese in bangkok you can collect points if you can sing 'summer in siam' by The Pogues.

    there is a lot of diversity in Thailand and it is not a monolithic bloc of THEM. the Thai, they and them are this and that and blah, blah .. often heard on TVforum is bullshit. the question in the OP, the suggested conclusion, is it to a certain degree as well.

  19. Below some news from last year. it is about a bouquet of flowers, a newspaper, a PM and explains what is , compared with what the PAD, related media -outlets and the Son of Sondhi have achived today - i can only say it is awesome..

    Somsak Denounces Matichon Newspaper for Support for PM Somchai

    UPDATE : 24 September 2008

    Somsak Kosaisuk expressed his discontent over a political analysis which was published in the

    Matichon newspaper earier this week. The People's Alliance for Democracy leader said the

    article’s claim that the concept of new politics has failed before it’s even been implemented is

    simply wrong

    PAD leader Somsak Kosaisuk began his address on the PAD stage by thanking the protesters for their

    presence and efforts to help rid the country of corruption. He stressed that the claims that new politics is

    impossible to implement
    is false

    Somsak cited an example of the PAD’s
    , which is its
    in forcing former PM

    Thaksin Shinawatra to flee Thailand. He said the PAD was able to drive out the Thaksin administration

    when the Opposition was unable to accomplish the task.

    The PAD leader encouraged the PAD protesters to stand firm in their belief and explained that
    victory is

    but the PAD must
    unite and fight
    for their objectives without any ulterior motives.

    Somsak also lashed out at an analysis published yesterday in Matichon newspaper. The article in the

    Thai daily indicated that new politics is impossible to implement. Somsak said the
    PAD respects the

    but what Matichon has published cannot be considered as an objective analysis.

    Somsak revealed that the conduct of
    Matichon founder
    Khanchai Boonpan became immediately

    when he sent a
    bouquet of flowers
    to congratulate the appointment of

    Wongsawat last Friday. Somsak questioned Khanchai’s
    in presenting news while

    trying to secure the new
    government’s favor

    emphasis added

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