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Posts posted by Trentham

  1. I got robbed of 18,000 baht by a person I thought was a friend. I went to the police station in Suan Plu and reported it. I had the thief's phone number, address, photograph, work address, bank account number and his name of course.......... Nothing happened - no arrest. So I called another friend whose wife's brother was a big cop. Suddenly I got a call from Suan Plu station to come and give the evidence again. They had lost it [read "thrown it away"]. So I went back there to the station and repeated everything and this time I was photographed pointing at a picture of the thief. The police there did not know that I can speak Thai and were saying really horrible things about me and laughing about it. I just kept quiet - I was afraid something nasty might happen to me. In the end no arrest again. Not even being close to the sister of a big cop could help me. So be warned - Thai police will never act against a Thai in favour of a farang - it won't happen.

    1st, sorry you lost 18k, that is a lot of money and I would be pissed off if someone did that to me.

    I don't think you can blame the cops here. You did not explain the whole back story, but I can think of 10 different ways why the police CANNOT and SHOULD NOT act on your behalf. Ok so you claim someone stole 18k from you. Was it an armed robbery? Did you offer a loan or agree to give that amount? If you loaned them money, then it is a civil case and not criminal. Did you leave 18K in your house and it disappeared? So you say a guy stole your money, the police go arrest the man, he says he didn't take anything. Now its 1 man's word against another man's word. Do you think it is right to jail someone based on circumstantial evidence? Again, I am not sure about the details, but in the west or many other places, the police would have done the same thing. Did you have the money marked, so it can be traced to you?

    If you did indeed have a close connection to a top cop as you claim, I would not have tried to call in a favor over 18k. You got to save that as an ace in the hole. Now you burned it on a petty case. Anyways if you expect any help in the future you better go buy something nice for that cop 'friend' you have.

    Well I did not want to write a book just to tell the story. The guy was caught on closed circuit video. The police never even attended the scene or interviewed the apartment manager who had the video. They didn't interview the security guard who saw the guy enter and who did not stop him. They did not interview the motorcycle taxi driver who took him home form my place, who by the way is permanently stationed outside my apartment. I had to take the video to them myself. They kept me waiting for 2 hours at the police station on the first occasion and on the second occasion they told a really crazy and dirty old lady who had wandered in, to sit next to me and they told her to talk to me, which she did babbling her madness at me while the police, who did not know that I can speak Thai and therefore knew what they had done, laughed their heads off at the spectacle.

    I am a partner in a resort in the north of Thailand. One night 12 police came in after hours and demanded food and alcohol. We were already closed and most staff had gone home. However they demanded to be served and told us they would burn down the resort if we did not. Of those 12 police not one of them was honest enough to just say "come on guys. lets go". Instead they broke the law by threatening us, and by demanding alcohol after hours. They were all in uniform.

    There are many other examples of the police corruption and law breaking that I can give you. But I guess it would be pointless because you will probably find more excuses for them.

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  2. I got robbed of 18,000 baht by a person I thought was a friend. I went to the police station in Suan Plu and reported it. I had the thief's phone number, address, photograph, work address, bank account number and his name of course.......... Nothing happened - no arrest. So I called another friend whose wife's brother was a big cop. Suddenly I got a call from Suan Plu station to come and give the evidence again. They had lost it [read "thrown it away"]. So I went back there to the station and repeated everything and this time I was photographed pointing at a picture of the thief. The police there did not know that I can speak Thai and were saying really horrible things about me and laughing about it. I just kept quiet - I was afraid something nasty might happen to me. In the end no arrest again. Not even being close to the sister of a big cop could help me. So be warned - Thai police will never act against a Thai in favour of a farang - it won't happen.

    • Like 1
  3. There are more Illegal businesses than illegal workers, First close near all the boy/girl bars, tip of the iceberg--for prostitution is illegal for starters. Who comes out with these statements-- walking street was mentioned, european go go girls, selling themselves, enough said, boring all this illegal rubbish, Most things here are illegal -or are run on similar lines.

    Gogos are not illegal and prostitution does not take place in gogo bars.

    Prostitution takes place everywhere in Thailand

  4. Up country near Utradit one time a bus full of passengers passed me going up a hill and continued on the wrong side of the road passing an unbroken line of traffic. Suddenly a 10 wheel truck with trailer came the opposite way and the bus could not get back into our line of traffic. Both vehicles skidded to a stop and as I drove past them the truck driver and the bus driver were looking face to face at each other through their windscreens only 1/2 a metre apart. It was a very near thing to a major catastrophe. Sometimes I think it is the government's way of controlling population growth, not to demand the police prevent this sort of driving. I drive north to Nan quite often and see similar things every trip.

  5. According to the Kinsey Report on human sexuality nobody is purely hetero or homo sexual. We are all just sexual. If sexuality can be defined as a straight line with pure hetero at one end and homo at the other then we all appear somewhere along the line but nobody at either end. What happens to straight men when they go to prison? They all get into other guys. At least most western prisons give out condoms to the inmates. Every guy I know "fiddled around" with his mates when he was a teenager. When straight guys meet a lady boy it simply allows them to explore their true feelings because they can justify it by the guy looking like a girl. Anyway how many guys haven't experienced their girl friend's finger up their a..s

  6. I was diagnosed with glaucome by B.....d hospital. They did laser surgery to fix it. I had to go back for 1 monthly check-ups for a year, then 2 monthly then 3 monthly. 3500 baht each time. I returned to Australia and went for my next 3 monthly check. The eye specialist there siad none of the check-ups were necessary. Laser fixes it - end of story. I had been ripped off for untold thousands of baht. Do not trust Thai hospitals.

    • Like 2
  7. Why is it that only we non-Thai people are able to see and understand the problems with the Thai education system?

    Students are not encouraged to read. They are not allowed to ask questions of their teachers. They have to learn things by rote. Corruption is rife throughout the system. They buy their degrees very often. Students who do not qualify for entry to uni bribe their way in or get in anyway because of who their family is.

    A young friend is attending Bangkok University. He complains that the 35 students in one class cannot understand the lecturer, who is Thai, but teaching in English language. I told him to tell her- "No no," he said "We must respect her." - "Well explain it to uni administration."- "Oh no we I cannot. If she knows it was me she will fail me." Well go with a deputation from all the students. - "Impossible, they all have Thai culture. We cannot."

    Now what will happen here is this. Some students knowing they will fail because they cannot understand the lesson will offer her a bribe to pass them. On the other hand, she will know they are not doing very well and many will fail. She will lose face so she will pass them even though they do not know their work.

    And anyway most teachers cannot pass their own tests according to the polls.

    • Like 2
  8. KarenBrave you are obviously a new arrival in Thailand. You will change your opinions after 7 years here like me.

    Please ......don't embarrass yourself.

    Seven years is less than a quarter of the time I've been living here laugh.gif

    No embarrassment here. It is not a competition to see who is here the longest. Take your blinkers off.

  9. Why suspicious?

    People that have an aneurysm (a weakness in a vital artery) can die at any time in their life.

    Why suspicious? I think because things of this type seem to happen so very much more in Thailand than in the rest of the world. Sure, it could have been an unfortunate, unknown preexisting medical condition. But highly unlikely.

    No, the same everywhere. All over the world people die unexpectedly, from pre existing conditions, from accidents, etc. But whenever this happens here people come with all kind of cover up suspicions.

    KarenBrave you are obviously a new arrival in Thailand. You will change your opinions after 7 years here like me.

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