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Posts posted by aay2553

  1. It always amazes me how much farangs complain about how Thailand is not like "home." They don't speak English here! How can they eat that food? Don't they know how to do things the right way? What's wrong with these people?

    Complaining, complaining, complaining! OH MY GOD! If Thailand is so bad....then go back HOME!! Wherever that may be and SHUT UP!

    There's nothing wrong here except the farangs who complain about Thailand. :)

    listen up girlfriend- I am a farang and I LOOOOOOOOOVE this place, body and soul ( more body than soul!)

    when you put us all in the same boat you take away my abilty to defend you

    You will not find a more loyal thailand lover than me.

    It is true there is alot about Thailand that sucks. ( opps!)

    I tell all the moaners- if you do not like it here- LEAVE!

  2. This morning at apx 1030am I was walking out of my condo on soi 13 into what seemed like a Hollywood film set!

    Two locals were exchaning ( I speak fluent thai) heavy threats.

    One suddenly walks back to his car and takes out mean looking gun!

    I automaticly hid behind a power post, women screamed,kids loked mortified.

    Can this be Thailand ? I asked myself. Then a tall dark farang appeared. Quite calm, he sneaks up behind the local with the gun, who is now levelling it at the other guys head and does kung-fuey type move!

    He takes the gun right off this loser and tosses it over the wall, and holds him until the cops come!


    What is happening to this city?

  3. It's strange the other day, there was a topic on here comparing Brits abroad in various countrys, the number of yanks that jumped on the band wagon taking the opportunity to give us a Brit bashing, "all the brits are scum", "all the brits are trouble-makers", "why don't the brits stay in their own country". (ha! - I haven't heard of any of them robbing banks, I remember a German guy doing it in Chonburi 6yrs back, and I remember a Norwegian holding up a gold store in Pattaya)

    The number of people who come to this country and live on the bread-line is unbelievable, and in my line of business I see them all, so I can safely say there is definately a majority of one nation that pass through my doors who live in this situation (let's just say they didn't live the AMERICAN DREAM). My question is why do they do it to themselves, if you call living in Paradise - living out your life in a little box, not even a motorbike for transport, and penny pintching at every eatery (down the road its only 25bt, so why are you charging me 30bt), you really should be thinking of heading home, you are embarrasing yourself and your home-nation. All these people that I have come across, seem to be within 'the working age' have 2 legs & arms, and seem perfectly able. So go home, get a job, and come back when your life's in order, and stop inflicting your miserable way of life on the rest of us.

    Way to many sad individuals in this country, spoiling it for the rest of us.

    And to pre-empt anybody sticking up for these saddos and saying "look, some people just get dealt a bad hand", success is a journey not a destination. The problem with most of these low-lifes they haven't learnt to accept responsibility for their actions and love to blame others for their pit-falls, until they accept responsibility for their actions, their lives will never improve.

    This is a good post with which I agree.

    I live in Pattaya and it is scary to see the large number of low life, desperate, penniless farangs around.

    Could not the Thai authorities do something to rid us of all this scum?

    What exactly would you like the Thai authorities to do, drown them in the sea, shoot them through the head, deport anyone who does not adhere to a certain criteria, Tattoo a number and star onto their forehead mein furher !

    I have come to the sad conclusion that only someone who may be called "scum"( by their own definition of the word), call's other's the same.

    Notice how fast people are to condemn without offering any solution.

  4. Again, God's way of weeding out the stupid. Somehow, I bet drugs were involved.....

    You know that makes sense to me

    Can you tell me if you seriously think that?

    If so, what did'nt He, the all powerful and almighty not prevent this man from commiting this "crime" in the first place...

    and what sort of drugs are we talking about here, the legal ones too ?

    Does He take them, I heard He walks on water, or someone said they saw Him doing someting like this, had to be on something, right?

    Does He also have a way to weed out those who believe in stupid things too?

    Like er........

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