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Everything posted by paymaster

  1. I have suggested before, bringing back Big Joke and let him seek redemtion in charge of traffic and the reduction of the road death toll.
  2. Stunning photography. A tiled floor and a pixilated poo stain. Not that I need to see more but why bother.
  3. This may be a time for "live in hope, die in despair". Sadly there are two people no longer with us to give blessings for a coup . One is Gen Prem.
  4. Whilst I tend to agree that his time us up we all seem to be missing one important fact. There was dancing in the streets of Buriram and probably all over the north east celebrating his return and his daughter's appointment as PM. He still has considerable support.
  5. The man just oozes class. A genius in international diplomacy. I still shudder at his offhand and rude treatment of Angela Merkel when she was one of world's most influential leaders. In his eyes she was just a woman.
  6. Well you have to look to see anything. You can't have missed project 2025. Now there's a consequence or two of frightening significance.
  7. Not the first time tossing over a balcony rail.
  8. Sorry Ned but if you have been to Bang Saray, Nam Rang or any of the beaches adjacent to Utapao or the Naval base that I have seen, pristine is the adjective that I would use. If they do fall short it's not by much.
  9. Some people are slow learners. All he has to do is buy a neck brace and a sling and then find a doctor to say his blood oxygen is low. The corrections mob will move him to a suite in the rtpolice hospital. Top food, telephone, visitors confidentiality of his medical state to silence the doubters. With a rethink on charges, pardons and parole he should be home for Christmas. 250 years. Nonsense more like 250 days.
  10. I am speaking g of the original story. It's not an opinion It's a troll. An opinion might read "Michelle Obama to replace Biden." That may be at least a little bit credible as Obama has refused to endorse Harris whereas the Clintons have. I accept your premise 100% that all are entitled to an opinion. But on the original troll I'll save my breath to cool my porridge.
  11. Why is ASEAN posting this rubbish. Where are the moderators?
  12. I had the same thought but realised the MRT operates in tunnels. I can't recall any adverse events offhand.
  13. I suppose a man of your superior education and employment would never lower yourself to travel by taxi. Obviously a 100% limousine passenger. Pompous ass.
  14. I enjoy your correct and pragmatic approach to the bare facts in this and subsequent posts on this topic. It's a pity that Bob and Dinsdale don't seem to get it. I agree with their views in general also but yours is pragmatic.
  15. Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, her reaction is a result of the pressure and threats she has received in order to maintain silence on this whole tawdry affair. Not the sort of straightforward business deal you suggest when it involves the man who would be President.
  16. A perfectly reasonable explanation that some people may find hard to swallow.
  17. You seem to overlook one critical fact in your Utopian solution. The Junta is actually a Military Junta. Sadly they are the ones with the GUNS AND TANKS.
  18. It's a fact that of the 873 known ex SAS expats living throughout Thailand 2,950 of them live in Pattaya alone.
  19. On that assumption its probably fair to assume that this 67 yo was obviously not wearing underwear and was acting in a sensuous and provocative manner. Fair go Worgeordie. Lol
  20. I glossed over this story with who wants to see a durian in a bikini. Then I realised they probably meant "girl in a bikini sells durian" not "girl sells durian in a bikini". Anyway turns out it was worth a look. All in the name of sanook sanook.
  21. Follows a similar case. The only difference being 1. The similar case was 2 years ago. 2. The first case a taxi was stolen. 3. The second case a pair of sandals were stolen . The similarity is just eerie. The fact that both offenders were women puts this into the twilight zone.
  22. It's the difference between being defended by a young chicken or some old bird.lol.
  23. Neither is Kowalski, O'Reilly or Goldstein but there are many Americans with those names. Are you anti Japanese.
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