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Posts posted by Portlandstone

  1. I was up there at the hospital giving blood from about 3:45 pm and after. I heard she passed away some time in the 4 o'clock timeframe as I swung by the Pediatrics department. I hung around to possibly say a nice word but the family as mentioned seemed withdrawn, I couldn't imagine as I've never had a child. Would like to ask that some time please put up a picture, at least we can put a face to the person that many of us made an effort for. When I was at the blood bank, there were 4 other foreigners giving simultaneously not to mention 4 or 5 more coming in or going out. Someone said people had been coming in all day. A picture would really serve well. Thank you.

  2. ...it is only a matter of time before a really completely innocent person stumbles upon a police-officer with the wrong intent and find that being innocent doesn't help against the police here...

    I think I can agree. About two weeks back I was outside MBK when a large police escort was coming by, the cops cleared everyone off the skydeck bridge and I happily moved further down the deck. Just before the escort was coming by I went up front just to get a look, not crossing the "imaginary line." I saw a cop wind his fist back and nearly blast a Thai guy in the face because apparently the guy didn't "listen" to the cop, I thought it was strange. Anyhow as I was looking I started to lean over a little more to get a look over the railing when I saw that same cop staring super hard at me with a "step forward one more inch and I'll belt you one" really hard look on his face, all tensed up. I really felt I could have been hit by the guy with no ability to defend myself. Looked like he would have happily attacked me.

  3. Well I went up there on the good mention from this forum but I think I may have messed things up. I went by bus and therefore took me a while to get there as well as find the building, arrived at 4:21pm and the window said close at 4:30, so I thought I was ok until I saw the sign that said I need photos. I said I didn't have any so the girl points me in some direction of a place, but as shes pointing she swings her arm about 90 degree semi-circles and says "over there sir," that was the start of my stress. Over there is just about anywhere. Anyways I ran down the stairs and looked all over, finally found the place for photos, overpriced, but worst of all I only have about 5 minutes so I ran back upstairs to the immi office and tried to ask them if they could please give me a few extra minutes to make some photos downstairs, you know let me come back at 4:35 and slip in the back door. About 15 employees all giggling at the desk none of them listening to me, finally some officer comes out and doesn't like my appearance (?) and after I pleaded a couple of times she finally belts out "Noooo, cannot wait for yoouuuUUUUUU" with loud stress on the last word. The whole office falls dead silent like someone had just been shot -- me? Now I have to be worried that when I go back tomorrow the same lady will remember me as that f----ng farang that came here last night, and reject my extension. I don't really think her way of talking was warranted as I wasn't so rude, just asking a question. Man it's so easy to piss of these Thai people by doing things that wouldn't cause a blip most other places, worst of all you don't even know you do it until they explode on you.

    From what I understand is that you have to pay 1900 baht to apply for the extension, not to receive it, so if I'm rejected not only will I be screwed but also lose that money.

  4. Have been to some of the camera shops in Pantip plaza and their package says "original" but their sales tactic seems fishy, not to mention that they would allow me to view what they called "copy" battery and hold it in my hand, but what they called "original" they said they can't let me inspect it until after I buy. I did find one shop that had an original minus all packaging, what they did was sell the canon 400d to a customer but keep the accessories (i.e. the original battery that came with it) and then put that battery in their store display "as is" but ask for the full price, which turned me off. Seems like they are telling the truth (?) but I would prefer 100% made by canon and properly imported. (The reason is because in the past with another camera line, I found original batteries far outlast copies or "compatables", even though I bought the compatable long after the original.) Any place in BKK?

    By the way am I wrong, are those "original" packing batteries really so?

  5. I am on my first tourist visa to Thailand now which started Sep 18 and I have to renew it on Nov. 16th, a Sunday. I have 6 or 7 visa-exempt stamps in my passport but this is my first visa. Since the renewal is Nov 16th, what should I do? Can I wait until Sep 17th a Monday, or will that lead to definate trouble? If I renew it say Friday Nov 14th will that short me two days at the end? Is the office at Chaeng Wattana open Sat or Sun?

    Secondly, I will need to make a visa run obviously around middle December. However I am thinking about renting a room for a month or two starting real soon, and leave my stuff there when I make the run in mid-Dec. When I do, if a second tourist visa is denied, will I still be allowed to come back in on a visa-exempt? (15 days if by land, yes).

  6. Pathumwan Technical Institute right across the street from National Stadium, Tesco and near MBK. Was walking by at 5:30pm'ish and kept hearing unusually louds bangs, louder than fireworks. Stopped to look in for awhile when police showed up and told everyone to scatter and run. A few of explosions were massive. Some people said guns were also fired. Went on for over an hour (I went across the street and watched from afar). One passerby explained that students were angry at their teachers. Really? Wow. The only thing I could find on the net referred to recent school rivalries:

    If anyone can please explain what happened. Wow, never thought I would have ruined my peaceful evening out to MBK, I thought this stuff was only reserved for the red/yellow shirt protests, didn't know it would be so normal. (Am a newbie to Thailand, been here 7 or 8 trips but this time been here for almost 2 months). Thanks.

  7. This is a business related question but just as a patron, not for investment reasons. Anyhow just by the looks of it 7-eleven seems to be nearly dominant. Not only in the sheer number of shops, but even the 'feel'. Family Marts have low product selection, and the one I last saw actually had boards or cardboard in most of the windows even though the store was operating. Seven eleven however seems very vibrant and I see they have specials (each week or month) like two for one or buy one get second half price. Almost feel 'sorry' for Family Mart.

  8. First, how do all these foreign guys, that look Pakistani to me, have the ability to stay and work here. In large numbers. Why is there no reaction or backlash against them?

    Secondly, what are some good things to say to make them bug off? Their technique seems to be to wait until you walk adjacent to them and right as you are passing they calmly yell, almost shout at you and keep doing so well after you've past them. They especially seem to target you when they can tell you aren't interested, like when I was petting a cat, far down from their shop, with several bags in my hand, and the guy took it upon himself to walk all the way down and aggressively introduce himself. When I mentioned I didn't want any, he only tried to continue the conversation even though I avoided him further. What is a nice comment you make to get them to piss off (with a scowl). Apparently nice talk does not do it. In any event, why do these guys think that foreign white males are here solely for their pickings?

    Third, is Sukhumvit road, among other streets, going to be renamed "suitfuryuu boulevard"?

    Thanks for any help.

  9. this is a reply to the first post (op). You said he had to pay a flat fee of 700 baht right? Was it because he took a 'larger' taxi? I also posted about this today as I arrived a few weeks ago with a bicycle and suitcases, which would have smooshed into a normal taxi (did it before in another country) but they insisted on a taxi a bit bigger and said it has flat rate of 700 baht to include everything (highway fees, etc). The only reason I said yes is because the "official" employees at the taxi queue insisted on it and started to become a bit argumentative, and just as well several other customers were watching in line behind me, waiting and staring. I don't know if that 700 baht fee is 'legal', or this is a rip off.

  10. Thanks for the replies. Made it over fine. Was able to get "sporting equipment" rate with Air Asia which was good (about $17 USD), but was disappointed that my light bicycle, which I can carry with one finger wrapped around the top frame bar, was actually nabbed for 6 kilos overweight and therefore went well above $15 usd. No real complaints but you can see AirAsia is adamant about every single kilo, I guess they should be as their fares are low, but I really don't think of my bike as 'overweight.' This was flying out of Vietnam, a place with a reputation for penny grabbing.

    A quick addition (using the edit feature): I've noticed plenty of people on bicycles around Bangkok. Some only look like they are on a solo short ride, going to the store and back to home, but have also seen small teams of cyclists and the like. Question, are drivers in Bangkok thoughtful of bicyclists to some degree, or are those riders completely playing with fate?

  11. Did I get scammed? (From airport to Rama IV road near Carrefour).

    Arrived in the afternoon and went to that level 2 taxi queue, three nice young ladies working at the booth. Keep in mind I had a big bicycle box and two suitcases that barely fit on the trolley (and hung off to the sides of it). I told them I wanted a normal taxi but they and a queue boy told me I would have to take a larger taxi, that really amounts to that of a jeep or something. They said the flat charge was 700 baht. I kept asking if there is a cheaper way and the young guy started to yell and get angry by saying my bike wouldn't fit into a regular taxi (even though I know it would if it were squeezed in real tight). They were adamant that 700 baht was the standard price for the 'larger' taxi. Did I get ripped off even by the trustworthy taxi stand workers?

  12. Hi, I will arrive in Thailand in a few days.

    1) What withdrawal limits do most banks put on their ATMs? Either per transaction, or per day. (My bank, an overseas ANZ branch, will allow a max of about $600 usd withdrawal per day).

    2) Are Thai banks still charging 150 baht or so per ATM withdrawal?

    3) I will bring some cash with me, if I bring US dollars will banks allow me to open a US dollar account or will they insist on converting it into baht?

    4) Is there any limit on the amount one can bring into Thailand and deposit into a standard account in one day? I may bring about five to seven thousand dollars.

    5) If I have money transfered from my overseas bank into a Thai bank, what is a general charge to receive that money? Will they accept a transfer in US dollars, or?

    6) Are Thai banks paying any interest on in their standard customer accounts, or is it 0% ?

    Anything I should be cautious of or think twice about? Thanks.

  13. I am in HCMC (Saigon). Went to the Thai consulate today and wanted to apply for a tourist visa. Was told that I need to show an airline ticket if I even want to apply for a visa. Furthermore, has to be a round trip ticket showing a departure from Thailand "to your country." I don't know if "to your country" was the Vietnamese person's poor attempt at explaining the rules or if she literally meant I have to show proof of going back to my country even though I am not departing from there. I had thought applying for a tourist visa only required a passport and filling out the form (?).

    On top of that I saw a big, new notice on their reception window about some caution, dated Sept 10th (today), stating numerous foreigners are illegally going to Thailand for reasons of employment and shall therefore have their visa renewals rejected, or something like that. Poor wording but it didn't look pretty. This will be my first tourst visa application ever (had several short visa exempt trips though), but I get the nervous feeling that even if I buy two tickets and jump through their hoops they still might reject me. They weren't very good at explaining the rules, and she didn't even tell me it had to be roundtrip ticket until I got down the street and called them back and asked.

  14. Am trying to prepare ahead of time. About how much would a standard taxi cost from Suvarnabhumi airport to downtown say around Rama IV road near Carrefour? (How about to central area say MBK or Khao San Road).

    Would having a boxed-up bicycle, a suitcase, and a full bag add to the price? How does the price scale work? All of those things might not fit in a small Toyota, would a van taxi be more?

  15. Am possibly moving to Thailand. Have a way of bringing my tall size mountain bike.

    Are bikes useful in Thailand? More useful in the countryside, small towns, or big cities?

    If I don't bring it with me, is there a decent selection of taller sized mountain bikes at affordable prices, meaning under $200 usd? Likewise, if I have a mountain bike can they be transported around on bus or train (i.e. no policies against that?)

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