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Posts posted by Stricken

  1. Maybe Im a bit paranoid and a bit jealous, but some guys are stupid and say what they want to whom they want, and others just dont take NO for an answer. The wife and I were looking at apartments a while back and one American guy who was very drunk boxed my wife into a corner

    Your problem appears to be with Americans rather thath Thais?

    Hey I take offense to that, not all Americans are like that. Pretty stupid to pick on us all for one drunken _sshole. :)

  2. "grease their palms with new shoes or blouses or something." Good grief..im HOPING this IS a troll.

    There was me thinking that women give out clues and men (if not completely useless) read them.

    I wonder if Thai men post on Thai forums this kinda nonsense. :D

    hel_l just lube up your own hand and get what you want, you know you don't mean what you are saying about just kissing, get real :)

  3. Since any girl that kisses on the first date is per definition a "good" girl, then yes good girls do kiss on the first date.

    Anyway, Good girls go to heaven - Bad girls.................go everywhere!

    i have gotten considerably further than a kiss on a number of first dates, and can honestly say the the women involved were most certainly "good". in fact a few were great.

    LOL good on ya mate :)

  4. As I understand it, we do have rights (Foreigners and Thai).

    I’m told that if the police want to search my pockets, I should request to be taken to a nearby station and have the search carried out there.

    However, in reality being able to articulate this and then not irritate the police could create more hassle.

    I’d recommend that if the police stop you in broad daylight in a public area then just go ahead with the request for a pocket / bag search. If you are not alone you can get someone to video it on your phone (make sure this is ok the with Police as doing this has potential to antagonize and exacerbate a situation).

    If it’s in a dark sub-soi I’d be a little more suspicious and unwilling. Good police should understand a request to be searched at the station, although getting this point across could be difficult.

    I’ve been in a Taxi at night travelling between Ekammai and Thonglor and two Police officers on one motorbike stopped the taxi and requested my Passport. I opened the window one inch and told them in Thai that I don’t have it. They then asked for ID (which I did have) but I told them again in Thai that I didn’t have it (because I wasn’t going to get my ID out in a dark sub soi, they asked where I was going and I told them I was on my way home which was nearby). The Police just waved my Taxi on, but it could have gone the other way and turned a little tense.

    So, it can be a tricky situation. But simply put and especially for someone new to Thailand it’s best to comply.

    I don’t know of anyone (from first hand information) who has been ‘stitched up’ directly and had anything planted on them. If anyone has (and not a friend of a friend etc) then this would be a good place to post the story.

    If they stop you, and need some money, your screwed, just pay and be on your way. :) I've heard of them taking a urin sample, testing it on the spot, and comming back saying you tested positive, even though you know you are clean.

  5. I was surprised to hear from a friend the other day that his visa had ran out and he was not going to bother to renew it as he was no longer in the financial position to do so.

    He went on to say he knew of 4 other farangs down pattaya beach road who also had not bothered to obtain a visa for the same financial reasons. looks like a sign of the times. :D

    I'm amazed these people would rather risk the Immigration Detention Centre than return home. Lost their marbles I guess.

    They had no marbles to begin with, air heads! :)

  6. everytime i stay in los i swell up like a ballon,,as soon as i step off the plane my fingers swell up ,,next few days my ass and stomach,,if it is the chang beer then why can i drink 30 bottles of budweiser over a weekend in uk without swelling up like a balloon ? is it a mixture of heat and beer ? is anyone else the same ?


    With the amount you drink it might be LIVER PROBLEMS :)

  7. A list for posterity....nothing to do with Thai's just Thailand.... how to do it and not get it by someone who done it and got it!

    #1 Don't buy a integrated fridge/freezer, they junk up with ice in the humidity, get separate units or doors!

    Don't try and change the Thai people, live and accept, or move back to where you came from.

    Just keep everyday a mai pen rai day, and be much happier. :)

  8. That would be the first construction in Thailand without any problems. Can pm you a lot of names and adresses of people who got grey hair throughout their house construction.

    By the way, if i read Pattaya, i get cautious already like many expats here.

    :D Isn't that the truth, doesn't matter where you live, graying of the hair or divorce (or close to it) is very common :)

  9. First of all, sorry, I know I have seen topics on this before, but couldn't find the threads on searching.

    If anyone else happens across them, then a link would be well appreciated. (As always in a hurry today)

    My Thai GF wants to improve her English at a language school, pref. between Asoke-On Nut.

    She also wants to learn some Japanese.

    The one school she has found is Stamford Education Centre in Ekkamai, who do not appear to have a website, and want a lot of money up front, with no trial course or anything.

    Anybody know if this place is actually any good?

    Any recommendations would be most welcome.

    I could teach her myself of course, but we decided that's probably not the best option!

    <P.S. Mods, if this is in the wrong forum, sorry, please move>


    TLC Learning Ceters I think they are in Bangkok

  10. Hi travelling to Hua hin and Phuket in Nov and would like to play a game of golf with my Dad. We are looking for a very nice looking course. We will be taking only golf shoes so will need to hire the rest of the equipment.

    Could anybody recommend courses and prices etc.

    Thank you

    If you make it to Hua Hin, you can play at Palm Hills, just give me a heads up, I can get you both in on guest price of 1500 baht per person, they have clubs to hire out, I think about 600 baht a day.

    Dan :)

  11. Hi have eny been in some dico and been drug tested before?

    How they do this urial testing?

    looking at you when you pee?

    Maybe you should be tested or is it just a lack of forming a proper sentence structure and spelling??? :)

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