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Posts posted by czGLoRy

  1. Hey everyone, I got an educational visa a few months ago, and I got a stamp for one month (to be extended for a year after seeing immigrations again I believe, right?). I left the country and got a non-immigrant re-entry permit valid until may 25. I ended up leaving the country again, and entered again just a couple weeks ago-- after the re-entry permit had expired(and I had not obtained another re-entry visa). I know I messed up by not getting the second re-entry permit, I had simply forgotten. Because of this mistake, does this mean I will have to leave the country and do the process all over again? I would love if there was another option. I appreciate any thoughts, thanks.

  2. before coming to Thailand I would NEVER litter and would often clean up trash, but here it is ridiculous how there are no trash bins anywhere. You might have to carry that empty can and bag for 2-3 kilometres before you see a trash bin if your lucky.

  3. I understand all this and I am leaving. I am leaving the country for a few months in about a week, and thats when it is ending. I am looking for someone I can get her in contact with who can help her. She has basically withdrawn from her family entirely, so she doesn't really have them to fall back on. I think without some sort of support from a clinic or something she is pretty doomed, but apparently there is nothing like that. I am in the chiang mai area fwiw.

  4. I am deciding between leaving her immediately and trying to help her as much as I can before I do. I know its a bad situation for me.

    She went to Bangkok for a week to see her friends OBVIOUSLY I did not know she would be trying drugs, and she was always upfront and would not lie to me about seeing another man I believe, not that it is important, I am not worried about that, especially since I am going to be leaving her.

    What I was looking for is some sort of hotline, a treatment center where I could get an evaluation, or something like that. I don't want to immediately leave her (which I believe would crush her) while she is in the midst of being rooted in a drug habit. I want to be able to help her before I go.

  5. Hey, I have a long time girlfriend here (well over a year now), and I am devastated by her recent actions. She went to Bangkok with some friends and they did a week long "drug binge" about a month and a half ago, and she told me she took "ice" and did not want to take it again and was finished. She has recently been going out and not coming home until the next afternoon and her eyes are glazed over. I am obviously really stressed out while I anxiously wait for her to return (phone is usually turned off) and I am worrying for her more than I have ever worried in my life. I am convinced it is a drug issue and not that she is cheating on me or something else. When I confronted her about it she usually makes up excuses (before she was incredibly honest, told me she had cheated on me once, has always been surprisingly honest), and I have caught her in a lie nearly every time she has not come home. A few days ago when she did not return she told me she was with her friend who did take ice, and she wanted to take it herself, but she did not.

    A bit of a rant, but I am pretty convinced she is using some sort of amphetamines, she is staying out all night and coming home in the afternoon. She has glazed over eyes, is very moody, and has lost weight. She was mildy depressed before hand (which may have lead her to try it in the first place), but it seems a lot worse now. She is/has always been very reluctant to go to a hospital about anything.

    What can I do? I am suffering from her problem far more than she is (at least right now, I know that will change shortly), but leaving her sounds like it would benefit me, but leave her trapped and likely to accelerate her problem. Are there any Thai hotlines that could convince her to seek help? Any advice? What can I do? I am pretty crushed, I really like the girl and I know she likes me as well, but drugs can change everything.

  6. I just got back from the CAT shop. They looked at my card (which worked fine in another computer) and my laptop for a few hours, and ultimately their suggestion was that it was a problem with the operating system and I should get a new operating system (it is working fine otherwise). I can't really do this.. and I don't have the CD to reformat (I got computer straight from gateway in the states with OS installed already). Any ideas?

  7. Hey, thanks for the response.

    I actually had already installed those same drivers (was DL'ing them as a (1) file and re-isntalled anyways.) Same issue. This time it didn't give the "could not update the phone book file" but it just "stopped working" and made me close it.


  8. Hey, I just bought Cat CDMA USB internet today, and I am trying to install it and having a lot of problems. I am runing windows x64 bit visa fwiw.

    I Install all the drivers, software etc. I get the screen showing "ready" for connection, but when I hit connect I get an error:

    "The system could not update the phone book file".

    When I hit OK, the Mobilink3 program stops responding and closes.

    I researched this on google, and found some solutions related to the rasphone file, but I could not find anything that worked. The only solution I found was rename the folder to have .old extension, and that did nothing. I did have two of these folders, but one I could not access because it was in sys32.

    I am completely stuck, any help is appreciated! thanks

  9. Why DIET 7-Up, Gonzo? The chemicals in artificial sugar is worse for you than real sugar... unless it's just the different taste you like.

    thats not true. I believe that aspartame was highly carcinogenic as well, but I am no longer in that camp. Also, obesity is a much larger concern than ingesting carcinogens, and drinking pure hfcs is a good way to get obese/diabetic etc., not to mention things like cavities...

  10. Hey, I am staying in Chiang Mai near Huay Kaew, and I need a second internet connection. I have one provided free by the apartment complex, but it is slow and laggy while doing this like downloading or playing games online (not using Thai or Asian servers, they are unavailable). I need a 2nd internet connection, but I don't think I can get a 3bb premier connection set up here, as it is not my building.

    I think my options are AIS 3g or CAT CDMa. I haven't heard much about either, except that they "mostly work". Has anyone used either of these or have any suggestions? Know how much they are, how they perform online away from thai servers?


  11. we also have AIS 3g out in world club land towards hang dong, but is fairly reliable for a thai connection (worse than any in the states though). It serves as a good backup connection. 3bb has a 5200/month package that lists the speeds as international, rather tan just on thai servers. Since I don't browse thai webpages, thats all the matters for me. I recommend it if you need a better connection

  12. 1 degree might save you as much as six to eight baht in a month. A fan is a good substitute, can turn the air off if you have a fan running rather than a controlled 26. Fwiw humans sleep better in colder environments. Writing expenses down and seeing where you could make cuts is a good idea. 1 degree won't chnage anything really.

  13. Never had this happen to me but it sounds incredibly infuritatting. I would talk to security guard after a minute or so. If he does nothing tip him to get a tow or something. If he still does nothing depending on how long it takes and how isolated the car is, I can't imagine not getting myself on trouble. Spray painting some Thai obscenities on his drivers door seems appropriate. Would probably just bleed his tires though so he is stuck as long as me. Or tip someone 500 baht to blockhim in for a few hours?

  14. So I just got back from obtaining my education visa from KL today. It says non immigrant ED visa number of entries "S". I clear immigration today, grab my passport back, and to my surprise the visa has a "used" stamp on it, and my stamp says I am permitted three months, visa type written in as "non Ed". What can I do about this? I should get a one year stay, and can leave/return as Many times

    as I wanted from Thailand so long as I obtained an exit stamp, so I thought.

    Is this normal, or did he mess something up? What can I do?

  15. Hi guys, I am pushing 70, and was thinking of a trike. I am going to try to post a pic. Does anyone know where you can buy one ?

    -- this post scares me :)

    If you are only looking to spend X but you really can spend more, check out honda pcx 125. Its actually scary to ride normal motorbikes like waves or clicks after you try one. THe PCX is larger, more stable, and more fuel efficient. Worth loooking into anyways~

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