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Posts posted by Siwanan

  1. Hi berries!

    I'm also farang woman living in Thailand, nice to meet You here!

    The situation of my children are not quite the same than Yours. My children are adopted from Thailand. Older one was 11 months then, so he didn't speak anything then but started to talk pretty soon our language.

    Younger one was 2 years when came to our family. He knew just few Thai words, didn't really talk..but changed the language smoothly and before he was 3 years, he spoke "perfectly" our language. I think it helped that out older son really speaks a lot..

    In our country in Europe specialists say that there is no worries about talking before child is 3 years old.

    There are many,many children I know who doesn't speak when they are 2 years (I used to work in kindergarten), some even almost 3. Then suddenly they start to talk. Children learn languages by listening, so just keep on talking!

  2. We are an European couple with two boys adopted from Thailand (we live in Thailand now but when we adopted babies we lived in Europe).

    Also in our country adoption is very common these days and people adopt more and more children. Those children usually have very, very good homes and are treated often better than biological children, they are very much loved because often their parents have tried to have children for a long time before adoption.

    In Thailand many people don't even understand adoption, they don't understand why someone wants to raise other peoples children.

    Or they think that we just take care of these children while we are here and when we go back to our own country, we leave the children here.

    But there are also people here who think we are something special and we have a good heart because we have adopted Thai children. The truth is, we didn't make any charity, we just wanted to have family!

    I do understand why Your wife thinks that way. One teacher in our children's school keeps asking me if I really love our children. Well, now that she believes I do, she wants to talk to me everytime she sees me, and tells me how nice woman I am!

    I do recommend adoption, visit some orphanage and You see..

  3. Hello!

    I have tried to get information about Varee Chiang Mai school, but haven't get any by e-mail.

    Does anyone know about their school fees?

    Any other opinion about the school?

  4. That's right Bina, thank You!

    Here in Thailand we have gone to doctor's appointment three times for new prescription for Concerta. We have gone to different psychiatrist (pediatrician) every time, trying to find someone who knows about ad/hd. The worst case was when the psychiatrist was surprised how is it possible that my child can not sit in his own place at class room for one hour, but wants to wonder around. And he was angry with my child when he played too fiercely at appointment (I didn't give medicine that day because I wanted doctor to see him without it).

    I tried to explain that this is the reason why we are here!

    The doctor told us we should punish him more.

    Any of these three doctors didn't know about medication for ad/hd, we told them what we want and what kind of dose.

    It doesn't feel very good..

    If someone can recommend a doctor in Chiang Mai, I would be more than happy (we are moving from Pattaya to Chiang Mai).

  5. I am a mother of two boys who are adopted from Thailand.

    My first son came home to me from orphanage when he was 11 months and I never would have thought that I can not handle a baby! Two of us (my husbamd and I)weren't enough to run after him!

    He never waited anything; he had to get everything rightaway, he was aggressive against other children (dangerous, couldn't leave him alone with other kids at all!), he spoke all the time (after learning to speak), he took everything to his hands that he saw; and broke them, and he run and run and run..

    Sorry, I can not even explain how hard it was with him..

    We took him to neurologist when he was 3 years old, because we were sure there was something wrong with him. In Finland ad/hd belongs to neurologist department, not to psychiatrist department as here in Thailand (not that they know anything about ad/hd but still..).

    Our doctor "ordered" him to kindergarten to a special group to learn social skills, he also mentioned that he has symptoms of ad/hd but he is so young that he can not give diagnosis yet.

    When time went on, things with him got worse as he grew up.

    Later he get diagnosis of ad/hd and his doctor took his case as an example of a typical ad/hd to his lessons that he gave to other doctors and students. That doctor was one of the leading ad/hd researchers in Finland.

    Our son couldn't concentrate in playing or watching tv or drawing or anything that kids usually do.

    He didn't get any friends. He was hyperactive from the minute he woke up till he fell in sleep.

    After he started taking Concerta, his life changed totally. He can now do everything that "normal" children do, he is very smart at school and his selfconfidence is growing.

    I we ask him that would he like to try without medication, he does not want to. He says he feels much better with it, he has get friends, he can concentrate in teaching at school and he feels that he does not have to fight..would I deny that from him?

    I also want to say that even that we have had the most difficult time with him, we couldn't love him more. He is the most social, cheerful and lovely child.

  6. Thank You all!

    Varee seems to be closest to our house and looked quite nice from the pictures..can not say anything else because I can't read Thai!

    I sent e-mails to all those schools and asked about school fees, and we have to visit them next week when we arrive.

    ..In Finland finding school is so easy, just send Your child to a school near Your living area, and that's it!

  7. Thank You for the answer!

    I know Lanna international, but we wish our children learn Thai well before English..

    Can You tell me what is the health section, I'd like to talk about AD/HD too!

    In our children's school here in Pattaya teachers know about AD/HD now, after I have told them about it, I think I have to give some lessons for the teachers in Chiang Mai too!

    But, what wouldn't I do for my child..

  8. Hello!

    We are an European family (Finland) with two boys adopted from Thailand (5 and 6 years).

    We moved about one year ago from Finland to Thailand and boys went to bilingual school in Pattaya (they only spoke Finnish then) where teaching was in English and Thai. Now they speak Thai and some English.

    Next week we will move to Chiang Mai (Hang Dong) and have no idea about the schools there. We know there are many fine international schools, but too expencive for us now, and we also want boys to learn Thai well.

    We would like to find good private Thai school or bilingual school..we have found Wichai Wittaya bilingual school, does anyone know about that?

    We can not find any information about private thai schools from internet, how can we find them that we could visit?

    About goverment schools..our older son has ad/hd-disorder, and teachers in goverment schools might not understand why he can not stay still for very long time..punishment is not the answer to his problems!

    Please, if someone has any ideas, let us know!

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