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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. UK government a joke. 


    Told us that leaving Europe they would be able to control immigration... Lied to is that it was Europe's fault UK was powerless to stop immigrants. 


    Well, they lied.  They actually wanted to get nfke immigrants...to use the for the massive amount of jobs left behind when genuine legal European people could come live and work in the UK. 


    They also are totally incompetent at stopping illegal immigrants. Dads Army would do a better job. 


    They also love to use the immigrants as scapegoat for their politics.  



    • Confused 1
  2. 1 minute ago, BKKBike09 said:


    Social disparity has existed under every government. When Labour form the next government, it won't get any better. In the late 1990s I lived on an estate in 'North Camden' (Kentish Town) for several years. Crime was rampant. The only police we ever saw were blue lighting it somewhere - never saw them on foot. That was under a Labour government.


    The fall in the number of 'Bobbies on the beat' is not so much due to funding as to statistic driven policing. If Constable A is pounding the streets for 8 hours he (or she) may well have a deterrent effect on crime and provide a reassuring presence to residents, but they're not closing cases. However it's very hard to quantify the 'value' of that sort of policing.


    Forces want to look good so they now prioritise activities that can be statistically measured: so more paperwork and less pavement pounding.


    Are u serious? 


    Yes, social disparity has always existed, but it's at an all time massive high under this current government.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 5/7/2024 at 7:52 AM, bristolgeoff said:

    How can that be true it is illegal and does not exist in Thailand. Gov and police say this so it must true I believe what they say.just like what China does in the special economic areas.no gambling sex massage illegal foods.mainland China does not allow this happen right

    The report is false and clearly defamation. Thailand should arrest and imprison the people who wrote that report as it damages Thailand reputation.. 😭

  4. On 5/4/2024 at 5:51 AM, JimTripper said:

    Which VT are you in and for how long?


    These types of interactions are there. I think part if it is the bar scene here. Guys are used to sitting at a barstool near other guys and expecting a conversation.


    I also interpret some if it as gay, but it depends on the guy. It's always at the back of my mind. 

     No gay farang living here is going to want to talk to another farang expat to try to hit on them ....Why would they want an old fat loser when they can choose from all the fit, attractive young smiling and happy Thai guys? 😂

    .... So dont worry about that. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, kickstart said:

    It is all right taking them back to the UK, but will they grow, they are tropical plants, and will need a greenhouse to grow them in, if it is a hot UK summer you might be able to grow them outside.

    But Basil and Chiles are continuous grows, and will die in a UK winter. 

    It's OK. I have a conservatory to grow them in. I plant to grow the again each spring from seeds they make. 


    I was worried the customs would fine me if they see some packets of seeds in my suitcase. 


    I can't get the Thai Basil in the UK, or the winged beans. And the price of the chilli peppers mad...so I though I would grown them myself. 



  6. 500 trees!  Is this a commercial venture? 


    What size or kind of trees are they? 


    I used to have a mango, lychee and lamyai orchard with lots of trees....and I also kept about 50 chickens and some ducks free range amongst them. 


    I never had any problem with my chickens harming the trees. They were good for them..tbeir poop fertilised the ground and they ate pest insects.  They used to roost in the trees. 


    Maybe it's the heat, lack of shade or lack of water, or even pests killing your young trees? 


    Seedlings stand a very poor chance in this climate if simply planred out in the dry season. 


    They need to be grown in pots, under cover for shade, and get regular irrigation, until they are large enough and sturdy enough to be planted out....which is best done in rainy season. 


    If you start killing your neighbours chickens you are going to stir up a lot of trouble. 


    Another poster suggested getting a dog. That is a very good idea. You could leave it to run about on your land and it would chase away the chickens and then they would be deterred from coming back.  












  7. On 4/9/2024 at 11:18 AM, rexpotter said:

    Yes, they test more these days, like I said when I posted this, it is not accurate but that was not the point. Don't shoot the messenger. Go to any mall, and watch the fat little kids waddling around with their overweight mothers searching for the next ice cream or donut shop. Try to buy any snack at 7-11 or anywhere really and it is loaded with sugar. Its a crime. It should be restricted how many of these junk food outlets are allowed in any sguare meter in any retail center.

    When I first arrived 25 years ago, there were not fat people here. And the Thai's I worked with did not like sweet anything, they liked healthy food.

    I wonder what is going to happen with all of this? they can't put 30% of the population on Ozempic. And Asians do not look good overweight.

    I from the uk and it's even worse there for diabetes. 13.6 million at risk from type 2 diabetes.. 


    Here in Thailand I have chosen to go hungry rather then buy any 'food' from 7/11.  I have not been able to find any food in that place that did not contain lots of sugar. 





  8. As a fit healthy man, I could identify as being disabled and go abd win at the paralympics.  Or, identify as a kid and go win all the medals at a school sports day.. 


    How about I enter my pet greyhound in the 200 meters race as he identifies as a human? 


    Where does it end? 


    How about having mens and womens sports seperste as they are now, and simply add a third gender class. Trans can compete together against other trans.

  9. 3 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    A lot of the problem is  lumping in lgtbq+ whatever it  is  this  week, liking someone of the opposite  sex and wanting to be the opposite  sex are totally different things.

    Yes. And most LGBQ people are getting pretty sick and tired of these trans activist crack pots damaging the gay communities hard earned respect. 


    Genuine trans people we respect, but these social media woke clueless angry people are a disgrace. 



    • Thanks 2
  10. On 4/6/2024 at 3:21 PM, RichardColeman said:

    Because I do not agree with gay marriage , does not make me homophobic. Civil partnerships should be respected as much as marriage in the 'emergencies' you describe. I see marriage as it is in the bible, man and woman, etc - though I am not a religious person or religiously brainwashed - it is my view. Both marriage and civil partnerships should be equal in the eyes of the law, society and people.  I have no issues with people being gay or being together. If any of my sons or grandchildren were gay they would always get my full support.  The problem is that people  tarnish all people as homophobic as they do not agree with gay marriage - that is the problem in society

    Well that is all well and dandy for you. 


    So why none Christians of opposite sex can get married?  Should marriage be only for Christians bexaie it's in your religious book? 



    • Agree 1
  11. 1 minute ago, watthong said:


    Back in my US days, I used to work in Immigration related  field (as third party doing contracted work off INS, as US Immigration was known back then) and run into quite a bit of Anna Nicole Smith scenario, ie young girls marrying rich old geyzers. Whenever we see a 20 plus year gap between the ages of the couple, us file clerks would quickly leaf through to page XX of the green card application, and sure enough we would see serious amount of income and assets from the part of the groom.


    Will that be any reason to deny? No such thing, INS don't rule out the possibility that these two are getting married for love/companionship - among other things -that constitute marriage between 2 PEOPLE. All the conundrum that surrounds the legitimacy of a straight couple would also happen EQUALLY to a gay couple when they apply for a marriage license. The question of which SEX either party belongs to will not be relevant in whether the marriage is going to be "genuine" (for love or money or companionship or a combination thereof). To put it bluntly, if a bar girl can marry for love, so can a ladyboy or any other gender-arrangement thereof.



    No idea why people. Are agsist age gaps. 


    Some younger people are naturally attracted to older, and same the other way around. 


    There is a 20 year age gap between me and my partner and we have been together for 28 years and still in love. 



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