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Posts posted by jak2002003

  1. i think MCwalen means : 22000 b for is 1 year. including ED visa too i suppose. and he says 200b saving for 1 month. 12x200 =2400 is.

    so with the discount we pay : 22000-2400=19600 b in total? is it so ?B)

    No, I think he's saying 22,000 is a common price. Walen price is 24,960 baht, so you'd only save about 200 baht per month by going elsewhere for a purportedly inferior service.

    As for the ED visa, you always pay the Thai consulate directly, not the school, so any prices quoted by any school will exclude this. The only thing you should get free from the school in this respect will be the paperwork for the visa.

    I'm still intrigued by MacWalen's comment that you can study free at his school via some method to reduce the fees to zero. Come on Mac, let us in on the secret?

    Maybe the same system used by some other schools to bring other candidates for subscription for language course...., by giving bonuses ..., some schools lately work that way as competition grows..... , but ;;; just an assumption ,not knowing is the case...


    I know several people who went to Walen School and I don’t really think it’s possible to study for free! They have a sort of pyramid scheme thing that when you recruit new students to the school you get some money from the new ones. Then when they recommend others you get a percentage of that too. In reality I think it would take a very long time to get enough students to cover you costs, but perhaps it does work for some people.

    I am currently attending Pro Language School in Chiang Mai. I can really recommend them to you as I have been there nearly 3 years and never had any problems with them. Some of the stories you hear from other schools and visas, money etc are quite surprising. At the moment Pro Language is charging Students 25,000 baht/course will be eligible for a 1 year ED Visa. This is to register for 180 lessons. They get all the paperwork sorted quickly and efficiently and because the school has been around a few years now, everything goes fine at the immigration office.

    The teachers are great too and the course material is good as you learn reading and speaking at the same time, which is a great way to learn. I know now that they have lots of classes starting for beginners and intermediate students, so now is a good time to approach them.

    Good luck and hope you enjoy you time in Thailand!


  2. Hi.

    I think an ED visa is a good idea for you. You will get to learn the Thai language and also the visa will allow you to stay in Thailand for one year. After that you can apply to extend it if you like for up to 3 years quite easily. The best plan is to come over here using a normal tourist visa, and then approach a Thai Language school. I am using a school called Pro Language. They have a school in Bangkok and also Chiang Mai (where I am).

    This Thai school has been running ED visas for many years and so they know what they are doing, all the paperwork is done at the school and the staff there will be glad to help you fill in the forms and tell you want you need. I can recommend this school because the teaching and course material are very good and they are also quite flexible in finding you classes to suit your level and the times and days you would like to study. You can find their website and contact details on the internet if you want to ask them yourself about prices etc, and what they advise for you.

    I have heard some people have problems with other schools, for various reasons but I have had no problems the Pro Language and I am now taking the 3rd year ED visa.

    Hope this helps you. Good Luck


  3. Can anyone tell me if there are any large duck farms in Chiang Mai area, or suppliers of ducklings?

    For the last 3 years I used to keep a small flock of about 10 ducks for eggs. However, after a night raid by some street dogs I now only have 2 left!

    I have looked around my area, but people only seem to keep Muscovy ducks (for meat) and a few rice farmers have small flocks, but were not willing to sell me any (only eggs). I am looking for the white peeking ducks. Any help would be appreciated as I miss my ducks a lot!


  4. Hello,

    I have tried many different places in Chiang Mai over the years, and I can honestly recommend Pro Language. I had all sorts of problems with private teachers and other schools, but this one suited my needs.

    They have great course material from beginner to advanced. They teach speaking, reading and writing from the start so you are familiar with the Thai Alphabet and Thai words. The place has a very friendly and fun atmosphere and the teachers are very dedicated. They will often go out of their way to find more exercies or information to help you if you are unsure of something or have a question. They also set you regular homework to expand on the lessons and this is very useful for me. I am in a small group class of 4 other students. I like to learn in a smaller class like that because I feel less self conscious about asking questions. If you prefer you can also learn privately one to one.

    Another good thing about this school is that it’s very flexible when it comes to the times and days you would like to study. They found the class to suit my times easily. I am very happy with this school and have just finished the course for this year and will defiantly sign up for another year.

    They offer a one hour free lesson, so I think it’s a good idea that you go alone and try it out. Here is their web site http://www.prolanguage.co.th/about-4/chiang-mai-branch/

    Hope this helps. Good Luck


  5. Hello. Your post is very interesting as I can identify with what you are saying. I thought of a few things you might be interested in.

    I have been learning Thai for over 2 years. At first I found it very difficult. I was teaching myself from books and my Thai friends. I live in Chiang Mai. My Thai was not really improving and so I got some private tutors at my house, but all of them were not very good and just confused me more, and my motivation decreased!

    Then I started a language school called Pro Language. They have one in BKK too. I really recommend you start a school. My Thai increased quickly and I could ask any questions to the teacher about anything I was not sure about. I was luck in my choice of schools, they had good course material and friendly teachers.

    However, when I used to go out to the markets or visit friends houses, I was surprised how little I understood. They seemed to understand most of what I said thought. This went on for a while. I had done so much study and was doing well at Pro Language School, but outside I was struggling to understand people. Then I realised the local people were all talking the Northern Language of Lanna!!!!!!! I felt so stupid lol.

    Because I had many Thai friends from Chiang Mai I was picking up the Northern Language without realising it, thinking it was Thai. When I went to Bangkok people could not understand me lol. My teacher was very good and helped me with the correct words. We thought it was very funny and the other students used to look at me like I was mad when I spoke some sentence in Lanna language by mistake.

    Perhaps you have picked up a lot of Issan Language from your time there and that is confusing people? Also may words might be the same as Thai, but the tones different. This is the case in Lanna, language. I am sure I speak with a Chaing Mai accent now.

    Anyway I really recommend you join a school like mine for sure. Also just listen to people and conversations going on around you. Watch Thai TV and listen to the radio. I learnt lots form songs on the radio.

    Keep going! I got to a point when I nearly gave up, then suddenly if all started falling into place. Sometimes, when I am relaxed with my friends I can understand about 90 per cent of the conversations and can speak to them in Thai with no difficulty and be understood (although I sometimes mix a sentence up a bit). Other times if I meet a stranger or am in a stressful situation like immigration (which I hate) I panic and forget everything!!!!!!

    So don’t worry, just keep going and defiantly join a good language school.


  6. Hi. Hope you are doing better with your tones now!

    I was having real difficulty with them for ages. I was learning from books and some CDs, but i found like you they did not really make it easy to understand.

    I have a breakthrough when i started learing to read and write Thai. The letters have classes and tone marks and it was quite interesting and easier to learn. I really recomend that you attend a language school. You will learn thai much faster and you can ask the teachers any questions about tones and other things.

    I tried a number of private tutors, but found they lacked experience. I found the best school was Pro Language for me. I can say its very good. You can get a private or group class and they are flexiable in their hours and times to study. They have very good and easy to understand course books.

    Hope you enjoy learning your tones lol.

  7. Hi. Hope you are having luck finding a good Thai Language School.

    One that I hightly recommend is Pro Language School. I have been studying there for quite a while now and find it excilent. They have really good teachers and will gear the lessons to fit your needs. They have good course material and a series of course books that build on what you learn. In terms or reading and writing they have one of the best methods i have tried.

    Its a very friendly environment and they make if fun and relaxed so its very easy to ask questions and not feel stupid lol. Also they give homework and ideas for further study in your own time that gives you some more motivation and interest.

    Hope this helps you. Oh, they also give a free trial lesson, so i really recommend you try it out and see for yourself.

    Good luck.

  8. Hi.

    I currently attend a language school in Chiang Mai called Pro Language

    Its really good and I can honestly recommend it! I had tried private teachers at my own house, but the progress was far too slow. I have been at this school nearly one year and have found it to be enjoyable, stress free and very useful to me. All the teachers are very friendly and the atmosphere is relaxed and fun. They are very flexible in finding a class to suit your level, and have lots of good course books and study material. You can study private or be in a small group. I know many people are unhappy with various schools for various reasons, but I can honestly say I have had no problems at all at Pro Language, and the staff and teachers are very helpful and approachable.

    I will sign up for a second year soon. I looked around other schools and they were not as well suited to me in terms of materials and schedules. I also don't like to be in a very large class.

    What was best for me about this school was their flexibility. I told them how many hours a week I wanted to study and also which days and times etc. They were very accommodation.


  9. Its so frustrating when you carn't do anything about a problem! My neighbour has been slowly collecting dogs over the past year. I think she has about 9 now. They are a constant annoyance with barking and howling when they go out (which is most evenings and early mornings)..Its so loud we have to go out. We can even hear them in the house above the sound of the TV. We also have been woken up in the early house by bouds of barking.

    Once my wife told them about it (in a polite way) and the neighbour flew off the handle, saying she loved dogs more than people, we were dog haters, and she would rather her children died than her dogs! Many of the dogs fight with each other so have to be kept in cages or locken in seperate rooms in the house. There are some on chains in the garden. Now there is a persistant stink wafting over our fence. Yesterday she came home with yet another dog! These people are mad, and there is nothing we can do.

    Our house in now up for sale, but when people come and look at it they hear the dogs barking like crazy and leave. ARRHHH.

  10. Does anyone here know where I can obtain some white ducks in Chaing Mai? I am looking for Pekins or something similar (but not muscovy) Also is it difficult to introduce new birds into an existing flock. My ducks are free range and have a large lake so have plenty of space. Thanks.

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