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Posts posted by tardelli

  1. p.s. i dont like JEEPS too , because jeeps or big cars always has more problems and expensive other costs too. i like normal sedan which has big hatcback bagaje and has high enough ground clearence.

  2. i live in Thailand as expat and i am intend to buy a second had hatchback car.

    i do not like too big cars like PİCKUP or SUV

    BUT i like hatcback sedans with HİGH GROUND CLEARENCE like 18--20 cm high.around.

    because in rainy season Thailand has flood most places and has bad ways in provinces .

    normally i lke to buy automatic honda civic or honda jazz

    because they are strong cars and less tecnical problems

    BUT both cars has the LOWEST GROUND CLEARANCE and its good ONLY for asfalt ways.

    i need a car which is NOT TRUCK OR SUV but after all that , has higher ground clearence

    for bad ways and drive without problen when floods..

    is there a car like that at all ?


  3. Friend of as came to thailand for holiday and he has fly ticket to singapore

    from bkk 25 of march evening this month

    but his 30 days tourist visa expire at 24 march before 1 day he fly ;

    * he worry now about 1 day overstay

    because of new visa rules which 20 of march beginning..

    if he fly 25 march ( 1 day overstay ) will be problem or not?

    or might be same as before ;

    he could pay 500 baht and the problem solved or not? what better to do ?


  4. Hi ;

    i live long years in Thailand

    and I'm looking for a used HONDA CRV to buy ;automatic gear ; (Gasolin) year might be 2007-2008

    p.s. Howmuch might be the price around second hand honda CR-V normally ?

  5. is there any minibus service ( van )

    in pattaya which go direct to bangkok Train station " Hua lampong " ?

    i know all other ways by taxi ;buy bus than bts+metro ETC..

    but i wonder if there is "minibus VAN" passing hua lampong station ?


  6. Are Thai people skin Racist ?

    i have some african origin but european citizen friends

    and some Thai girls try to look down him only about his darker skin color !?

    they mean to him that he lie ;he were not from europe like that) very stupid commends like that )

    but when they say that ;They forget about their own dark black skin color) to look at the mirror first) if so ?

    and they probably has no idea about imigrants; cause never been abroad too ) just racistic .

    i think as soon as possible : Thai education minister need let definitly to teach the Thai Children

    what Racism meaning... they even dont know this meaning i guess.

    its very rude and hurt some good people sometimes ;

    Thailand is a Touristic country .

  7. to Actived new sim card AİS ( 1-2 call ) is simply * 120 call sim opened ...This i know.. ,


    BUT how to actived new DTAC sim card ? what number i have to deal?


  8. i am in bkk area and in begining july i want to travel to south Thailand where i never been before.( andaman sea area)

    i do not prefer to fly with any domestic airlines in there

    but anythink okey expect plane. (Train,ferry,bus etc.)

    first of all: i want start my journey by Train from HUA LAMPHONG train station in bkk.

    The names of the places which i want visit at all ( i write it "haphazard")

    1. koh samui ,2.koh phangan 3.koh lanta 4.krabi 5.phuket

    This 5 places i want to see for sure.

    my question is : if i start my journey from " Hua Lamphong"train station

    ..where should i go first better?

    kohlanta ,krabi ,phuket,samui ,koh phangan ?

    or go first by train to surathani and after samui , koh phangan ,phuket ,krabi koh lanta and back.

    well : i try to find the most practice and reasonable way to visit this 5 places.

    from where should i start my jounery? how should the best aragement?

    Thanks )

  9. in inland short flights : example : like : "from phuket to bkk" are the plane pilots are farangs at all ? or only Thai pilots? which inland airlines use to fly with foreing pilots?

    i am sorry but i seriously afraid to fly with Thai pilots

    specially if its a Thai lady pilotunsure.png ) unskil


  10. i dont understand why you dont stay where you are

    then no problem to find greman food and others your own nationality

    i am a middle age single man who 50 years old ;i will travelling alone ;

    and even if i can speak "some" English language ;

    my mother language is German anyway ;

    i am alone and i am intend to stay in samui long -term around 2 months; its a long time to be alone.

    and i also wish to meet some middle age German speaking ladies in the area where i might stay in Samui)

    and i wish also to get there some friendship with people as well ; what should i do alone 2 monhts long?

    example :when i stand up in the morning for breakfast or when i go to beach for swiming

    next table must German speaking people to make friends easier , thats what i want.

    i am non interested for Thai prostitutes or any english speaking ladies.

    much easier and comfortable to contact with ladies in my own language .

    sure i searched German forums too all about samui .

    but i search in english here as well ) got it?

    Thanks )

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The junta scaring away entrepreneurs and making living in Thailand difficult does not help matters. The Baht will fall eventually. Would not touch Thailand with a 10 foot poll.

    For once, I would agree with you, perceived political-risk has not been helping matters.

    Other factors would perhaps include :-

    - the slowdown over the past few years in the Chinese economy (the regional super-power)

    - the global economic crisis over the past several years (destination for exports & source of tourists)

    - the decline in drugs-exports over the past few decades (which may have also previously helped the local economy)

    - the maturing of the Thai tourism-industry, and switch to higher-volume lower-spending tourists

    - the weak price for rice-exports over the past few years (and also other agricultural-exports such as rubber)

    - the impact of a stronger Baht on exports & manufacturing

    - a poorly-educated workforce

    - unhelpful visa-regulations & land-ownership laws discouraging inward-investment

    In my view the formerly-strong Thai economy, robust since it bounced back from the 1997-crisis, has been weakening over the longer-term regardless of whoever was in-power. That goes for the military (twice), the Dems and the five Thaksin-related governments.

    The Baht will fall eventually ? i bet it will

  12. Hi

    i would like to know :

    Bus from Roi-et to pattaya which depart 5:30 am

    what time arrive to pattaya nearly and where drop the passingers ?

    howmuch cost is the Ticket price pro person from roi-et to pattaya ( normal ticket)

    and the bus from where go back to roi-et in pattaya?

    i will be thankfull if somebody answer my questions

    Thank you

  13. There are TONS of "NORMAL single Thai ladies in Thailand; who searching farang guys in datings everyday in internet;

    they are dying to finding a foreign lover or a husband ;

    and they dont charge any money too !! just for love.

    i am Talking about single or divorsed young or middle age thai ladies who has a normal job ;

    many friends of mine found really nice and decent ladies and some got married too.

    i still cant understand :WHY % 90 american and English guys prefer to go with

    avaricious and heartless BAR GiRLS or WITH PROSTiTUTES usualy at all???

    if you go with whores than of course they will hurt in the end.

    whores are degenerated and fixed only to money.not the man most.

    maybe the Anglosaxon system in usa and uk teach their citizens only TO BUY SEX at all;

    they have no idea about to find a normal girl and live happly together with her in love..

    simply most anglo guysdoesnt know Normal relationship with normal ladies. when they go abroad ; first think they do is: goo beer bar and take a bar girl !!!!!

    and expect from her real love !! HOW???

    its really pity 52 years old mankilled himself for nothing.

    maybe is the sick and stupid anglo systems fault in there ;

    because most of anglo guys chooice that tragic way to kill himself in abroad.

    us uk aus.

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