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  1. So I guess I got wrong information and just trusted it for some reason.. pffft thanks. Sorry for taking over the thread. What a waste of time and money these visaruns and constant extensions have been..
  2. I know I can get the visa but I thought the one year extension required guardianship? A hundred wasted visaruns if I'm wrong...
  3. Just checking to make sure, I'm correct it's not possible to get a one year extension based on child if I'm not the guardian, right? Even if in actuality I'm the one taking care of her and officially her father..
  4. Would that mean extensions on 60d entry stamps or also older 30 day stamps? And how about 60 day family extensions? Somehow I guessed that the "relaxation" of rules was just gonna make it much more annoying and random..
  5. Is there a reason why people seem to be going to Chiang Khong even though apparently Chiang Saen is only one night and a little closer to Chiang Rai?
  6. If that's your history and you have 20k cash to show there's 0% chance you'll be sent anywhere unless you decide to defecate on the Immigration desk.
  7. So it's pretty much confirmed that I'm probably not gonna have trouble crossing the border for third time this year, right? Has anyone tried the Chiang Khong border in such situation? Are the extensions still same - so I should be able to get extra 30+60 by getting the standard extension, followed by Family Extension?
  8. Thanks for the info. But did you legitimize your child in court before doing that? I'm aware that had I not done that it should be easy, but it looks like for some weird reason it might be much harder after doing it... Maybe I gotta check with the Amphur, but getting the mother do anything is tough so I was hoping to involve her as little as possible..
  9. Thanks! Sounds terrible as I expected it be an amphoe trip.. How much did it end up costing you? I can at least get the 2 month family visit visa with the current paperwork from juvenile court, is the 1 year different? I was just thinking to use that option..
  10. Hey, I went through the process in Juvenile Court to legitimize my child when she was really young, but the mother was sadly marked as the only legal guardian as she was mostly with her at that time. Things have changed and I'd like to be her guardian as well - is this a simple process that we can just do in Amphoe like it would be if we didn't do the court stuff before, or are there any problems?
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