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Posts posted by totonjoy

  1. The information provided by Genericnic is absolutely correct. I am in the same situation as him, but of UK origin and would add the same caveat as is contained in his second sentence. There are only 2 points I would mention. First, the Will must be executed correctly, in accordance with Rules in appropriate jurisdictions. Secondly, the location of your sole beneficiary will doubtless have some bearing on the matter.

  2. I'll check them out. Mede8ter by the way, is a very sophisticated product from South Africa. It's well supported with regular firmware updates and a very active forum. Who knows, your suggestions may be just what I need.


  3. In my experience, most UK banks, including some offshore offices, will not post anything to the Far East. I maintain a UK address, but it is that of a friend who sends things on. The banks say they are only protecting their customers interests. They lie of course and are actually protecting their own interests. They couldn't care less about their customers.

    Roll on the revolution!

  4. I can personally testify to the excellent hospitals on Penang Island, having had quite a few operations there over the last 5 years. The Government Hospital is quite adequate and very cheap indeed, although you have to get up early and get in line. In ascending order of cost Adventist, Gleneagles and Island Hospitals are excellent private establishments. Mine is the Adventist, in which I have undergone (among other) a quad heart bypass and am still here to tell the tale.

    Like you, I really don't trust Thai health care. Shame really, but there it is.

  5. Totonjoy, it's a completely different case. The passport with the visa or extention is still in his hands, he can show it. However, he has changed his name, and that is what the question is about.

    Sorry, I read the question as being about a transfer of visa to a new passport. In this case, the circumstances requiring a transfer are a change of name, causing secondary issues on that particular point.

  6. Hmm........even 950 sounds expensive. I'm in Malaysia and will make sure I have enough of everything before visiting Pattaya again! This very morning I purchased a month's supply of the generics for clopidogrel, statin, beta blocker and aspirin, all for the equivalent of 1040.

    Just a comparison for you.

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