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Posts posted by tgw

  1. 2 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    Not quite accurate.


    Case officers who work under cover in embassies are actually the only agency employees who do actual intelligence collection (besides NOCs, who sound as if they could do a lot, but tend to produce precious little). Calling them 'low level' ignores that without them, there is no intel. Once they move up to 'high level' and become management, or "7th Floor types" or CoSs, they become bureaucrats who might manage, but they produce little of what goes into the agency product, PDB, etc.


    A case officer under cover has a full time embassy job, just as if he/she was a State Dept employee. He/she also has agency work, which tends to mean 100+ hour weeks.


    And no, they are not always obvious, because they are also doing a full time State job, such as Pol, Econ or Commercial. If trained well, they can fool even the local service.


    While the vetting for agency case officers is complex and as thorough as humanly possible (background checks, swirls, psych assessments, IQ tests with strict cutoffs <~120), a psychopath can sometimes beat the system. I suspect the subject of this article meets that criteria, as one of the 3-4% of humans who are psychopaths. Some psychopaths become rapists, some become Ted Bundy, some become CEOs of major corporations, and some become Presidential candidates.


    The key attributes of a psychopath are an easy charm that fools many people, pathological lying, thinking rules apply to others but not them, an absence of guilt or shame, and a total lack of human empathy.


    you are correct of course about the case officers, yet nowadays little intelligence is collected by case officers in person, while dead drops are still used for physical items.

  2. On 8/29/2024 at 11:06 AM, KhunLA said:

    OMG ... he did not just say 'retarded' .... that's it, I'm boycotting Tesla  :cheesy:


    Along with all imports from USA, UK, all NATO member countries :coffee1:


    not only that, but he called Kadyrov a "Russian General" ... while technically true, I think it's way too flattering.

    • Haha 1
  3. From the article above:

    BBC and Mediazona’s research has identified the names of 70,112 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine, although the true number is likely much higher.


    these are 70.112 dead Russians that have been identified by name.


    I think the headline is misleading casual readers and browsers into believing the Russian deathtoll is just 70k.


    and do those numbers include DPR and LPR troops ?

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  4. 5 minutes ago, thesetat2013 said:

    Something wrong with this mans head. In a position to get all those women willingly. Yet feels he needs to drug them so he can do what he wants. I am curious though if he is CIA why he is an Embassy worker and able to get the trust of all these women?


    Embassy worker is the usual "cover" for low level intelligence agents. I say "cover" because it hardly fools anyone.

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  5. 57 minutes ago, johng said:

    Well for one the "fine people on both sides"   lie

    for two  the "bloodbath" lie.


    well, don't you think the first one is true ?

    there are people in the GOP that don't support MAGA.


    #2 - I agree that the "bloodbath" quote is being deliberately misinterpreted and spinned.
    but on the other hand it would have required a clarification by Trump and when doing such a clarification he could have made the people misrepresenting that quote look very silly. he didn't clarify. huh.

  6. 11 hours ago, CharlieKo said:

    I don't need any opportunity from you to support anything. You can stick that where the sun don't shine! 






    As for regurgitation? If you cared to not just accept a one sided story and went out of your way to so some research and, yes actually look at media which you don't do atm. Then you might see all you are doing is absorbing propaganda from one side. There is always two sides to any story. Somewhere in the middle is the reality of what is really going on!


    I see you provided no credible source for your claim that Blackrock bought Ukraine

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  7. there is a channel on youtube I like to watch which shows US political cartoons on a number of topics, of course most are about US politics. the channel's name is "Laughter".


    cartoons from all political sides are shown, and I noticed a significant difference between pro-MAGA cartoons and others. the pro-MAGA cartoons aren't subtle, often fail to be funny, feel forced and seem primitive. I think they are a good reflection of the actual politics they are caricaturing.

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