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Posts posted by quiggs

  1. "might i add though, there are ALOT of stunning girls in the world but very few fit men"

    Where is this exactly? I do not find this to be the case.

  2. In my situation, I do not need a car(she has one) , and she owns a house. I tend to agree with your logic, but, all my money will go towards satisfying Visa requirements, and developing an existing business.

    You may very well be right...it may all fail, but, I am going to try. ( can always come back to suburbia and make money.

  3. Ha, seems to be.

    Well, I appreciate the comments. My mind has been made up for some time...plans are in the works, just wanted to hear some experiences.

    Honestly, seems I am in better shape than many coming there...I will have a work permit, and a job if I want it....more importantly, someone I trust. Seems that is something not easy to come by...anywhere :o

  4. I realize it is not a "ton" of money. Not really looking for "advice". I was just hoping to hear of some positive experiences....seems so many have had bad ones. She isn't in it for the money, and she's no bar girl. There is only her mother left, and she has plenty of money.

    That is not a huge nest egg, but, i will probably have another million baht before I go, and a little stipend for a year or so when I am there...in addition to the fact my fiancee makes about 40-60kUS a year as well in Thailand. Like I said, not rich, but, not poor. Middle Class. Almost seems rare in Thailand.

    We have enough to explore opportunities, just not enought o fail miserably several times:-)

    I have read this forum for several months...and have heard MANY of the pitfalls...so I just thought I would try to scare out the other side of the coin.

    Thanks! :o

  5. I have a degree, I have over 2,000,000 baht, and I have a fiancee....what I do not have is an adequate plan, but, thanks for your negative comments...thse are the kind I simply do not need.

    I am not sure what kind of bums run around Thailand creating people with this type of point of view, but, it is rather irritating. Please save it for the hippies, and whoever else you do not care for.

    I need no special welcome....just asking what peoples experiences have been.

  6. I guess I will have to get the DVD of the college games sent to me. As you know....college football is at LEAST as popular as pro. I am in a fantasy football league, so it would be helpful to record the rest. Kind of wondering if people get together for these games at all....Monday night football? Oh well....my woman is in for a treat :o

  7. She has a business, and is doing pretty well. I will be investing in it, as well as possibly opening my own or looking for a position. We are kind of on the fence....plenty of money, but, not tens of millions of baht. She could probably get me a work permit..Yes, i can always come back and earn money...she seems to think it will all workout, but, after reading this board, I am not so sure. :o

  8. I would like to hear from people who have met someone special in Thailand and made the big move, rather than bring them to their country right away. I am struggling with what I percieve as a considerable uphill battle with the economica of being a foreigner in Thailand.

    I am not broke...by any means, but, not rich either. Looking to stay that way...or better.

    Leaving her is not an option.

    Not looking for a silver bullet, just curious if anyone has any experiences to share. Seems this board is full of misery :o

  9. I don't want to speak for anyone on thsi site, but, I am 33 years old, and I have been with countless "farang" women, many quite beautiful. Until 5-or 6 years ago it was a race to see how many :D That is all well and good, but, a little empty.

    The next phase was settling, and dating on a serious level...this is where the real difference develops between the two cultures, and the real comparison starts in my opinion.

    I am not a sex tourist and in fact avoid the whole thing while in LOS. I have simply found something in LOS I could not find in all my years of looking with western women.....I can go into all sorts of reasons why I think they are different, but, no need to insult anyone, or any group. I am simply much happier with my Thai girl than I have been with 100+ farang girls. I do not think I am alone. You can have that club, and those women...been there :o

  10. WIth the upcoming college and professional football season almost upon us. I am curious is there anywhere on this Island Expats can go to view a football game? I have a friend sending DVD's, but, it is nice ot sit at a pub with some other sportsfans and watch once in a while.

    I realize the chances are slim of any positive response. Despite my passion for the game which is the Unted Staes number one sport, it doesn't seem to be catching on World Wide :o


  11. I do not understand the hostility toward illegal immigrants on this board. I live in the US, and have been around them all of my life. Most make money and eventually end up leaving, and some eventually become permanent citizens. I guess Is this cultural thing?

    I know I will have to jump though hoops to remain in Thailand, and I think it is rather an odd affair, but, I will do it for the woman I love, since we are having such a rough time getting her a visa in the US, and she has a business and family.

    Frankly, the whole thing is depressing. I would have never gone looking for a Thai girl had I known all the hassles, but, then again, I suppose that is part of the reason for the law. get out :o

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