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Everything posted by Somrak

  1. I have benefited little financially here. I paid for the education of Thai children. PhD. Now I have to pay 35% taxes here even though I would have to pay 30% less in Switzerland. Craziness.
  2. Will be somehow like this. But he will not stay 1 day under police detention and pardon is he already. (?)
  3. TRT only loves corruption and power. .?!
  4. Saw the mail about my next 90 days. Is the 18.04.. But as I was away, I did my thing at the 13.04. became a message, with my dates. But up to now, it is still pending! :♧
  5. It's very sad but the system still does not work 100 %. When I did make my visa nearly 3 month ago I told them "Please put my informations back in the Comp." They told me "no problem"! Now I can't not even log in again. :-(
  6. But the problem is sure not "ja ba". The Problem are stupid laws.
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