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Posts posted by straightdave

  1. Yep, there's a class several times a week at Boxer Rebellion, soi 13, Sukhumvit.

    You should come and check it out when you are here...although the teacher is fricking awesome, there are relatively few members in this class (does vary).

    This is fine with me, as I get the odd private class every now and then!


    In your list, I have only heard of C, but I'm just a beginner practitioner, the guys at the gym probably know the rest...they have a website

    thanks 10D, can you tell me a little bit more

    I really am an open minded journey man and I love the comardie of reality based and "workers" gyms

    whats the background of the teacher(s) there?

    seems like you have a nice bunch of guys at your place, the website is cool

  2. Dave, from what i see here in Thailand it is multiple attackers and usually armed. If its a single thai opponant and he starts to lose other

    thai's will come to there defense quickly.

    So for me I would avoid going to the ground at all costs and stick to strikes. If i see a weapon or multiple attackers I have a great Kobaton thats legal to

    carry. I also have a great stun gun that looks just like a cell phone but i have heard they are illegal to carry. I even heard from a good

    source sprays are illegal here too. Still trying to verify with police.

    If you get a thai into a choke or submission on the ground I will bet other thai's will soon turn your head into a soccer ball.

    The ultimate is conceal carrying a semi-auto pistol like an HK45 which i did in the usa legally (licence to carry) and it saved me twice without

    unleashing (one was knife attack other was 3 on 1) a round but foreigners are not allowed to conceal carry in Thailand.

    take care


    I hear that about the ground-its place to be ready for,but avoid at all costs

    another myth is that all fights go to the ground- this may be true if one is untrained,certainly not if trained

    don't get me wrong- I love grappling, one has to know how to surf the turf, I have heard how one BJJ teacher in bangkok destroyed the muaythai army champ( no suprise to me at all)

    but it does kinda teach a loving of going to the ground

    I think its true in many places that people may join in

    legal or not I fully intend to carry some of my little "toys", where did you pick up the phone stun gun?, sounds kinda cool

    I have a vast collection of stuff that would persuade any lowlife to stop and think again.I collect it.

    So, any idea on teaching there?

    thanks man

    appriciate the reply

  3. hello ladies

    Soon I will be in beautiful thailand. I will starting up some ladies self defence classes in central bangkok.

    I will be teaching highly effective and hardcore western sylabus's.

    The training may not be always pleasant as my main goal is to get you to avoid, rather than handle a possible threat.

    Students will face stress induced scenarios. There will be plenty of shouting and screaming, and maybe some tears, but I promise you, you will certainly upgrade you abilty to defend yourself- and your loved one's.

    The training will include ( but not be limited to)

    empty hand and weapons

    how to spot a sexual offender


    stress management

    A few facts to leave you with ( sad, but true)

    1- 1 in 4 ladies will be attacked over a lifetime( makes me almost ashamed to be a man)

    2- studies almost but prove how a lady with even the minimum of training greatly improves her chances of survival

    3- karate, taekwondo, muaythai, judo, aikido are NOT martail arts.

    They are almost useless for a lady to use in a real self defence situation, and will do little more than aggravate an attacker, thus placing her in more danger.

    4- the average serial killer has an above average IQ and may spend a long time 'interveiwing' his victim, thus making her chances of survival very bad

    5- today you most probably walked past both a rapist and a serial killer!

    6- 90%- 95% of you would not stand a snowball's chance in hel_l if he was on your case!

    Lets try and change that.

    Stay safe


  4. hello boys and girls 2/10/2009

    Straightdave here, my first post, greetings to you all,

    just to let you, and hopefully get your advice, that I will be living in beautiful thailand very soon .

    I want to work with some guys already there and help bring reality based martial arts to bangkok.

    I would like to know your opinion;

    1- is there a market for this do you think?

    2- can people ( men and ladys) in thailand handle hardcore reality based training ?( for example, in the FAST system, the instructor hurls very racist, sexist abouse at the student(s) to get then psyched up ( because although it's aweful, thats what happens on the street.

    This is a concern for me as, quite frankly I have a hard time calling a black person a " <deleted> nXXX" and lady a ' <deleted> asian hooker" etc.

    Even in USA people sometimes complain. Interestingly, not the subjects of the abuse, who sadly report this is what they have often heard,its usually people watching.

    We hint whats in store for them.

    How about training in urban CQB with airsoft?

    How about the instense sort of military type selection training which pushes people until they are about to drop ( often seen in KAPAP seminars where I saw SF even have to work it)

    3-have people here heard of;( and if so, what do you think of?)

    A- FAST the system of Bill Kipp out of colarado? Ex marine, good people.

    B- Southnarc, another true vet, its good to know theres guy like this alive and on our side.

    C- Avi Nardia of the KAPAP combatives ( so much better than the cash and certify, krav-maga, ) Avi is an israeli living in US- good man, totally dedicated.

    D- Richard Dimitri of Senshido out of canada.

    E- ISR matrix , a new form of , how to describe it, combat wrestling, exellent for cops.

    4- does anywhere do that already?

    thats enough for my first

    thanks much


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