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Posts posted by zappa

  1. Never admit to speaking or understanding Thai. Got me out of a few fines.

    Always carry a photo copy of your passport if your not carrying it, especially in BKK.

    Always SMILE. :o

    If your on a motorcycle, get your helmet off quick, they tend to move you on as soon as they realize your farlang. To much hassle :D

    Other than that, be as polite as humanly possible and take into account what <deleted> money these guys are on, ask 'em for a beer if your in your local area, always pays to be known and liked by these guys, it can save serious hassels if you do have a problem.

    Little story a policeman on Kho Chang told me about a guy who liked his ale, a lot, and had overstayed his visa but refused to do anything about it. He used to drink and play pool with the police. They took a liking to this chap and didn't want him to get into trouble. So one night a few of them jumped him, handcuffed him in the back of a pick-up and took him to the nearest border point, got him re-visad, got him pissed and dropped him back at his favourite bar. Now there's service for ya :D

  2. Kho Chang used to be a wonderful place 'till Toxin and his henchmen got there hands on it. There are still some nice spots and people, try and find somwhere to stay that's still owned by locals and you'll have a good time, and a visit to Baan Kwan Chang is a must and if you don't mind a bit of discomfort you can even stay a few days.

    Outside Thailand, Laos.

  3. Try Khao Sarn in the evening, about 7:30-8 up near the police station. Usually a few guys selling old posters (mostly Thai but some western) and there are some great deals to be picked up by local artists if your into paintings,etc. Check out the guy near the petrol station.

    Or the old reliable Chatuchak-loads, just takes some looking.

  4. There seems to be very little rape in Thailand compared to England and other western countries.

    I wonder why that is...

    More a case of very litttle reported. As more rape crisis centers are opening the figures seem to be rising. That and the fact thaT IT'S PERFECTLY legal for a Thai man to rape his wife, even if she's left him.

  5. What about Tom Yam Kung? Pad Thai?

    It's nothing like Einsteins relativity theory but it sure tastes good.... :o

    As far as I'm aware Tom Yam origanates from Cambodia and was introduced to LoS after the fall of Anghor. Fried rice dunno but I imagine any country with rice as a staple can put in a claim for that one, and yes Tom Yam is delish. Pat Thai, well if you like a plate of greasy mush then I'm sure it's the dish for you.

  6. Is there anything in this world that has actually been invented, discovered by the Thai's? I've been asking a few people, Thai and foreign and have yet to come up with anything from technology to food. As soon as someone comes up with something others can find a different source.

    One of the funniest I've heard was from a Thai friend who's convinced Thailand invented the spoon, and is very proud of the fact.

    Any ideas?

  7. A young novice went to her mother superior," Mother superior I have a problem, I'm afraid I used some very bad language today and feel guilty." So mother superior sits her down and asks her to explain what happend.

    Well I was playing a round of golf, says the novice, and hit the most amazing drive, only to have it hit a power line and drop to the the ground after only 20yards.

    Ah! and that's when you used bad language was it, asks mother superior. No,says the nun, it gets worse, as I was going for my second shot a squirrel ran out from a bush and stole the ball. And that's when you swore was it, asks mother superior. No, says the nun. Just as the squirrel was running away with the ball an eagle swooped down and caught the squirrel then started to fly away.

    So that's when you said some bad things is it, asked mother superior, getting quite annoyed. No, says the nun. The eagle was flying over the green just as the squirrel let go of the ball, then the ball rolled towards the hole and stopped about 6 inches short of going in.

    The mother superior took a long hard look at the novice and said, "you missed the <deleted>-king putt didn't you".

  8. 250 Honda, four cylinders. Yeah, got me aswell. Goes like stink, stops like a super tanker. Gonna sell it soon (when the broken leg heals) (bicycle by the way). Need something bigger to get out of BKK and something smaller to get to work.

  9. Sentence was too light.  :D

    Another 20 years might discourage these people, to be served in their own countries. :o

    The crime was committed in Canada, and the court had to decide by Canadian law. I do not see any reason, why the court should sentence her to a longer prison-term solely out of the fact, that she is a foreigner.

    The fact that she's a foreigner has nothing to do with it. Anyone dealing in the misery of the slave trade should get a minimum of twenty years after inflicting a life-time of emotional problems on their victims. Maybe Canada should think again about the sentencing of these people.

  10. Life of Pi, can't remember the author but an excellent read. Sick Puppy by Karl HAgen also excellent and anything in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. Best book for me of all time Pappilon-Henri Cherrier and of course Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit. If your into fantasy try the Belgariad series -David Eddings or just about anything from something David Gemell. Happy reading.

  11. Although I don't have a lot of sympathy for this woman, I can understand her fear of the money lenders. Teachers, esspecialy in private sector schools, have to work very long hours for fuk all money. My wife is one and she does a 12-14 hour day for 8,000 a month. And because she's at a private school she's also expected to come to work when ever her boss deems fit. Sats. Suns. and can have her holidays cut short with only a few hours notice.

    These teachers have no job security, very little money and can't get legitamet loans from banks without a garanter, no wonder they go to the black market money lenders for the little luxuries of life.

    Until the government gives these women the same rights and privaleges as gov. school teachers, there will be a perpetual cycle of debt and poverty for private sector teachers. I'm surprised that this kind of thing hasn't happend before, and will not be surprised if/when it happens again.

  12. Ambassador, thanks for taking this posting as seriously as it was intended. Why is it all posts on this site seem to end up either raging against "terrorists" they're not a new thing and will be with us for many years to come, or a slagging match about which nationality is more inane(insane) than the other. Can't we just have a little fun with one of these topics now and again. :o

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