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Chaam local

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Posts posted by Chaam local

  1. I am very surprise that these folks still don't get the massage.

    A good massage would help everyone relax, indeed.

    Their time is OVER. GIVE IT UP

    That's what the Red shirts keep telling the Yellow shirts, and that's what the Yellow shirts keep telling the Red shirts. It's not even clear who you are talking about...

  2. Beentheredonethat according to what you say J&K looks closer to Hua Hin than Cha-am.

    Plenty of guesthouses in Cha-am town, not sure you can have AC and TV for less than 400 baht though. I'd recommend Golden Guesthouse in the soi where most of the bars are (aka soi "bus station", probably the soi you're referring to). Prices around 600/700 baht, very close to the beach and many restaurants nearby.

  3. It's illegal to operate a company with a personal bank account, so you should really get a company account to avoid trouble in case you get controlled. Your customers abroad will also probably feel safer if they transfer money to a company account rather than a personal account.

    Opening an account at SCB was a lot of hassle for me too, and I still haven't got around to using their online system. Good luck!

  4. My friends and family always ask what I would like them to bring with us when they come to visit me in Thailand. They imagine I'm starving for western food or wine or books... They are puzzled when I tell them what I really need! Yes, picture hooks were part of my last "order"...

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