After 20+ years of experiencing local available farang food, I am very interested in what you all would cosider a food item or meal that would be a "go to" if it could be had at a click of a button or locally available.
This ideally should be a top 5 list of what you actually want and would be willing to pay(reasonable cost) for highest quality artisan made and organic or as close to it as possible. No cheap substitutes as this is as I would eat with my family.
As a thought, Thai or Iocal food made with healthier ingredients, sauce and meat could be on this list as well.
Example; papaya salad without fermented fish, dried shrimp or fish sauce.
Larb with duck or chicken, no cartilage, skin or gristle.
You can make a top 3 or a top 10 as you each prefer.
Any feedback and participation is really appreciated and you dont have to be in Isaan or Thailand currently to add.