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Posts posted by la69

  1. According to the judges Google and other search engines can not be held responsible as they have "no knowledge about their links being used in an illegal manner" as opposed to the people behind Pirate Bay. They had knowledge and intent.

    Just a big munch of rubbish, I'd say.

    I followed the first trial every day live on bambozzle and there were nothing that could be said was being against Swedish law except the illegal downloaders themselves of course. Instead they claimed that due to the smart ass attitude these four guys showed they must have a willingness to facilitate illigal downloading and was thus trialed and sentenced for facilitating for others to commit copyright crime.

    The fines were calculated as follows: If you download the same song 10 times (For instance, Hey Joe, great song, has one file with 274 versions of the song), find the version you like and start listening to only that version they calculate it a minimum loss of 10 full cd records (or 274 cds of Hey Joe compilation if you downloaded that one). A common price for a CD in europe is around 15-20 euro so that would "cost" them 150-200 euros (or 4110 - 5480 euros) for that one song you got in your phone now. On top of that a multiplying factor was added for a "scare" effect, something that is against the law in Sweden. The trial accepted these claims however without even listening to the independent science reports saying otherwise.

    In this second trial they disregarded this way of calculating loss however but increased the "scare" factor.

    Basically, download in Sweden, get caught, be punished for life (you and your family and future generations) but go murder a mother, rape the kid and then kill some more in the shopping center and you are out of prison around 8-10 years after (generally and statistically speaking, each case varies of course).

    There is no reasonable correlation between crime and punishment in this case.

    Don't download. Or use a Vpn!

    Be careful out there 8)

    Edit: Minor spelling

  2. Greetings,

    I was wondering if some people here are playing FFxiv and how it performs for you? Lag? How many login attempts? What Isp you got and what area you live in?

    I can't connect at all for most of the time. Out of a couple of hundred log in attempts I have managed to get into the game 5 times of which 4 had lags over two minutes and was followed by disconnects around 10-20 mins after. One time I was actually able to run around for about two hours but interacting with Npc's took around 30 secs for each chat option.

    My internet is really bad most of the time. I have a 8/1 mbps line and usually connect at 6 or 7 mbps. For a month or two I have had terrible connections though with constant disconnects and very slow connection speeds. At&t have been here two times to check (and fix some) the cables and I am a constant telephone spammer to 3bb who also have had technicians sent here, fixing some boxes and cables. But problems remain. Cant even use facebook or google at times. But for the times when it works, when speed seems to be up, I still can't seem to get in FFXiv at all. All computers are ok. Routers/modem are ok. Software is ok with nothing blocking the game and so on.

    I am hoping I can change Isp to see if the support gets better so some feedback on your quality with your Isp and FFXiv would be appreciated! (Although I don't think I can change as I live a couple of Km's too far away from most Isp's server locations)



  3. Greetings,

    I was hoping a couple of people could ping 4 IPs for me for a couple of minutes and then post the results here.

    The adresses are:

    uk.focusvpn.com (adress in the uk) (adress in hongkong) (adress in korea) (adress in singapore)

    These are adresses to vpn-service servers in various countries. I play some games on the internet but it is almost impossible to play anything from here. Most of the problems are probably related to my cables to the telephone station but some are ofcourse the general bottleneck going out from bangkok.

    Together with the Vpn company we are trying to find better solutions and they have come up with a redirecting tunnel from one of these servers. I just have to pick one. I am hoping to get a bit more feedback about pingtimes to these servers from other people though as it may help me with the troubleshooting with my Isp.

    So if someone has 20 minutes available and could ping a few mins on each one of these Ips and post the result or PM me together with the Isp that you are using I would be very grateful.

    (In order to play Lordoftherings I must use a Vpn to get european IP as lotro europe dont allow IPs outside europe due to licensing rights.

    EqII works most of the time however even very very slow at times. I dont need Vpn for Eq2.

    I dont need Vpn for Ffxiv either but that one I have only been able to log into 5 times out of a couple of hundred attempts.)

    Best regards


  4. ManinSurat and Hyperion:

    Great tip! Just downloaded the iso torrent. I really want to try this game out but I was a bit worried about regging it as my credit card is Swedish. However, you stated they now use PayPal which is great info! So I'll give it a shot.

    I was wondering one thing though, there were also patches available on the site that offered the torrent. I suspect I could just download them and run them before getting CD-key. Or maybe have to do after getting the key. I was wondering if you did this or let the square installer do the updates after you installed the .iso?

    My internet is very very bad and an ongoing technical matter with 3bb but as long as the downloads are made from Thailand it is fast enough so I'd prefer to download via the torrent page. Gonna try it out.

    Just curious!

    And I miss Ffxi =)

  5. Yeah, I guess so. I already have 17" right now. It looks great but if possible I'll do 18".

    Btw, the new City SE version comes with 17" from store. The two lesser models comes with 16".

    I had an old model city and had rubbing issues (on full lock) with 16". You have to put them on and make sure u can turn lock to lock and they don't rub anywhere. 17" might be doable, though my guess is 18" will rub and give a more harsh ride.
  6. Hey mate!

    I got my new Honda City 2010 from Honda shop in Hua Hin. Sorry to be a little bit off topic but I thought you, or others, perhaps would like to know this anyway. We got no cash discounts at all but I found out that extras are very cheap in Thailand. I didn't find the car to be cheap but that is ok as all the extras would have cost me a fortune in Europe. It's fun to tune/style your car here!

    The service recieved was excellent service as well I must say.

    We wanted white colour so had to wait two months for it. Also ordered the full Modulo set with skirts, spoilers and lists. Got parking sensors, rubber mats, tinted windows, sports steering wheel and some other stuff I can't remember.

    First thing we did after was to visit the tyre shop Kosol whis is a few km north of Hua Hin, towards Cha Am. They buy back the already rather nice tyres you get for 11000 baht if you buy new tyres with them if you do this at once. Got some very nice low profile 17"s in exchange for old (new) tyres and another 7000 baht.

    Lowering the car was 5000 baht and was done at same shop, Kosol. Be careful to lower too much though as roads in Thailand sometimes are not suitable for it. We already have some scratches underneath.

    We framed the plates both back and front and also withing glass windows.

    The last thing we did, and this was tricky, was to change the hood. I wanted a more sportish look but it was hard to find new hoods for the 2010 model of city and the ones we found were mostly made of carbon fiber. They are, in my opinion, a bit too light to support accidents. So after having talked to the Honda shop, the seller arranged for the modification of it if we could provide some pictures how we wanted it. Price was 10000 baht for this and it looks really good now. Looks like have air inlets on hood but they are fake as I guess it is not suitable to push hot air into the engine compartment.

    Also, during the time we waited for extras, the seller came over to our house two times! One time just to give a small gift for us (toy cloth dog to have in back window, haha, but nice touch) and also to give some paperwork we still waited for. Also, they came over to pick up the car for us when it was time for hood change so we didnt have to go back with taxi.

    Now the car looks very nice and next thing to change is the muffler/exhaust system, possibly getting two of them although that requires change of backskirt to portoset. 8)

    Good luck, mate!


    Ps Oh yeah, they also gave us key chains, two of them =). I actually found that to be a nice touch. And we got a plastic weather protection cover for the car.

  7. Cheers for the reply.

    Yes, username and password is correct.

    Connection type is PPPoE with encapsulation LLC.

    The connection status is however "Disconnected". The option connect doesn't help as well. I am guessing there are more settings to this than the normal ones but so far it beats me.

    Ill check the log tonight though. Perhaps that could give a clue as to what it could be.

    Hope you entered the correct user/password. The connection type should be PPPoE LLC (in the wizard below the user/password). The rest is the same at my 2640T and I have 3bb too.

    What does your modem show for the connection status? STATUS -> ADSL. Any speed there? Does the log say anything (at the same page)?

  8. Greetings!

    I decided to upgrade my old and somewhat erratic modem with a new one and got the Dlink Dsl 2640t. I am unable to set it up though.

    I have tried both using the cd that came with it and trying to set up it from the browser:

    Isp is 3bb indy plus 8/1. I get out around 3.1/1 with the old modem.

    I live in Cha am area, near Bangkao.

    Im using a splitter as well.

    Upon initial startup, status lights go blinking which it should.

    After a while the ADSL light go blinking as well, which it should. However, it is my understanding it should switch to steady light when having negotiated a valid link. This it doesn't. Instead it turns off.

    When I use the CD setup wizard it doesn't find a pppoe connection having tried for a couple of minutes.

    When using setup guide from inside browser login modem restarts as it should but fails to get a connection.

    The old modem still functions.

    I checked the settings in both new and old modem and they seem to correspond but obviously they doesn't. So does anyone have some suggestions as to what I am missing out on here? It's driving me nuts (well, not only this. A combo of suddenly not being able to reach my old vpns in Sweden and this is :)

    Vpi/Vci are the same 0/33

    Encapsulation same.

    Protocol same

    Upnp might not be same. Not sure I need it all though or do I?

    Modulation was set to same on both modems.

    I just dont get it =)


  9. Greetings all!

    Keema, hope your car is still doing you good :)

    I have searched the net now for some time looking for some styling options for my Honda City SE 2010. Asked around a bit in Hua Hin area but was rather rudely told off by some young mechanic to buy other car instead. Guess he doesn't understand the joy of modifying your car bit for bit :D

    So does anyone know of any good places to modify/tune/style your car near hua hin, Cha am or even Bangkok? I would like to make it look very different from other Citys if possible. Also considering performance tunes but don't really know what you can do here in Thailand.

    I see thaivisa had thread for yaris and crv but couldn't find anything for the city. Maybe those links are common ones, though?

    Anyway, I got my it two days ago. It looks great but I am still waiting for the spoilers and skirts that will arrive in a couple of days only.

    I changed the tyres to some nice low profile 17" ones and also lowered the whole body a bit. :D

    Edit: Spelling, grammar

  10. Greetings,

    I hope I post this in a somewhat correct subforum. I made a search the past hour but do not really find what I am searching for.

    I am most likely getting married to my thai girlfriend shortly but I do not know much about the legal obligations for a marriage in Thailand. Neither do I know if there are several ways of doing this, ie a "legal" marriage, or just a ceremony. I have heard of both.

    Anyone here that could perhaps point to where I may find more information about this, please?

    I am aware of several of the "cultural" issues such as dowry, familysupport and so on but don't know anything about the ceremony itself and what Thai law stipulates regarding assets and, should it happen, divorce. I am planning on a life here in Thailand so it doesn't really matter what the law says but I do want to know what I am getting myself into =)



  11. The dealer seemed rather reluctant to put in a Cd instead so I took it as it couldn't be done but I wasn't very persuasive as the missy for some reason likes the idea of an Ipod in the car :)

    Ah well, either way it will be fine I guess. When her family visits and go in the car I don't expect to listen to my music anyway and other days she let me listen to whatever I want as she books the tv during some soap operas and music shows and we usually go to a place once or twice a week with a really good live thai band so guess we can continue taking turns :D

    How's your car doing, Keema? =)

  12. Greetings,

    Any suggestions on where to learn Thai in Cha Am or Hua Hin? I can do private lessons or attend to a school. A couple of hours every day is possible. My current knowledge level equals or is close to zero.

    Did a search on forum but did not find any relevant information.


  13. Greetings,

    I am changing my regular chlorine pool system to a salt water (chlorine) pool system. I have spent some hours reading around in this forum and elsewhere and have come down to two different choices:

    The VX 6T system (I have very small pool, only 30000 litres) which comes with clocks and timers and also nice features like safety backwashing to disconnect the unit. For my pool cost would be around 36000 baht.

    The Chloromatic esc 16 (or 160 perhaps) system which seems to be fine but albeit more basic perhaps. Cost 29000 baht.

    Does anyone have any experiences with any of these chlorinators? I'm leaning towards the VX but opinions are greatly appreciated :D

    Links if needed:

    Edit: Was not allowed to post links. The company that manufactures VX is called Astralpool located in australia .com.au. Productblades can be found from company named Hurlcon. They have pdf's and manuals as well. For the chloromatic the company is called monarchpoolsystems. :)

    The Vx home page Astralpool: not allowed

    Vx product page, pdf: not allowed

    Vx manual: not allowed

    Chloromatic 160 system (or 16). Link gives to 24 system. Think 16 is without acid pump:not allowed

    Chloromatic product page, pdf: not allowed

  14. Visited the Honda dealer in Hua Hin just to look but ended up buying a Honda City SV!

    Like yours, Keema, I changed the frontgrill and got the skirtsets and dark shaded windows. Got another steering wheel for it as well and parking sensors for the missy. Maybe some more things. Don't remember :) I think it will look very nice. Have to wait until dec/jan though as I got a white one which doesn't arrive until then. Maybe thats a 2010 model then?

    A bit annoying with the lack of cd-player however. Converting old cd's to mp3 and put them on ipod or usb-stick is a bit stretching if you ask me. The mp3s on computer are not sorted and labeled in a good way to make it easy to play what I want to hear. However, if I may ask, maybe this is solved in a good way:

    If you have subfolders on your usb-stick or have play lists in your ipod, are they manageable from the control unit in the car in a good way?

  15. Hey people! New to the forums here and considering buying a City or Jazz as well.

    Hey, Keemapoot! Your city looked nice. Where did you order the customization? At the store where you got your car or somewhere else?

    If I buy a city I too want to upgrade it a bit :)

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