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Everything posted by nong38

  1. The article in the Pattaya Mail dated quotes from the Thai revenue department orders number 161 and 162 of the year 2566. I think anyone who is concerned about the proposed new Thai Tax arrangements and how it is likely to effect them should go and have a read or have a look on you tube as previously mentioned, the part you need to look at starts at 3 minutes and last for about that time, before dismissing this out of hand, could be 3 minutes well spent.
  2. I was looking at TNT 9(Tim Newton Today ) on youtube yesterday and for the edition of July 5th he quotes an article in the Pattaya newspaper, it might be worth going and having a look at this. The article says that pensions will not be taxed in Thailand and also that any money brought into Thailand before 31st December 2024 i will also not be taxed. We were waiting for clarification in July is this what we were waiting for?
  3. A friend of mine got his new i year retirement visa last week in Nakhon Sawan, nothing has changed, no extra form.
  4. 90 days om arrival seems to be working well.
  5. It is so easy to spot a remainer who still will not accept the result of the Brexit vote. Its history and you really do need to move on, there is no going back. I voted to leave and am glad we did but if we had voted to stay in Europe then I would have accepted that. I travelled the country just before voting day and it was clear to me that it looked like we would be leaving. One of my reasons for leaving was the EU is unaccountable, the people have no say in which way the EU was going, it was decided in Brussels by unelected officials who were all doing ver nicely thank you and trying to turn Europe into one people when in reality it was a collection countries that all had their own customs and cultures and that's the way I wanted it to stay and the direction it was heading was not the way forward I liked the look of. I am sure that there are some on this topic who will not see it that way but that does not make you right.
  6. It all depends which aspects you choose to look at, I am glad we left but has Brexit delivered all that I expected? Well no and how they fix the Northern situation is anybody's guess. We need to leave the ECHR as well that a millstone round our necks.
  7. That is true but I wonder if it was the right move, sitting in McDonalds and watching the number of cars entering the Central Plaza, well there are no queues and going straight in to park with no waiting, the initial hype is over, there is only a certain amount of money to spend and now places to spend it rather tha one.
  8. I believe is was in 1955 when few people ever went abroad let alone retired there! That fits with the 70 years mentioned, all political parties do not seem to want to change the situation and it comes for extension every year in February I think it is.
  9. I have already seen it but if anyone wants to have a look they now know where to look and what for.
  10. If you look on youtube for " DWP snooping. " it should come up look for the lady.
  11. Thanks for all the info and I thin there will more for us to digest as time goes by but just a few thoughts for now. 1. Many on here who live in Thailand as Thai residents ( more than 180 days pa ) will likely have submit a tax return for the year just gone and if you are a UK citizen you may well have been paying tax for the forthcoming year so I am guessing that under the double tax ruling, if it is not updated, we will have to send a copy of the Thai tax return with proof of payment to HMRC and claim a rebate? 2. When the Thai tax return is completed and taken to the local office is it up to the person ( me ) to work out what I owe and pay it to the cashier along with the return or do I wait for confirmation that that the return is correct and then pay?
  12. Nationwide have sent a card to me in Thailand. Currently Wise will not but they will send it to a UK address f you apply and replacements will be sent to Thailand.
  13. A new law is being passed for the DWP in the UK to stop fraud, as from January 1st 2025 they will be able to access bank accounts where they suspect fraud may be taking place, all UK banks and building societies will be included by 2030. Thy will be looking at benefits claimed if you have over 16k in savings and also particularly highlighted, pensioners living abroad who claim to still have a UK address but out goings are going abroad. Data protection seems to mean nothing, privacy nothing. Another nail in Democracy, its the sort of thing I expected from behind the "Iron Curtain " this is in addition to all the surveillance cameras and phone location, things are not what they used to be. Soon the powers that be, the ones voted in will be able to ell you where you can and cannot spend your money.
  14. Smaller selection but might be easier if you want local stuf and you live north otherwise probably not worth the bother, my wife wont entertain even looking at it!
  15. No never go to the walk but there is one downstairs in the basement at BIG C last time I looked, AIS and DTAC are the same now do not know it they are or will be moving over to the new Central.
  16. BIG C is almost back to normal with footfall tells you all you need to know.
  17. No its on the main road past BIG C, past McDonalds and then U Turn at the next set of lights AH1 I think the roads is.
  18. No its on the main road past BIG C, past McDonalds and then U Turn at the next set of lights AH1 I think the roads is.
  19. We went to the Central Mall yesterday and thoroughly underwhelmed by it. The signage is poor, boards tell you what is in the place but not on what floor. The Banks will be there next month. The food court is not as big as Big C and more expensive. The ranges seem to be smaller than other Centrals I have been to and that goes for TOPS as well and no Burger King as their website said there would be, maybe it will appear later. V Square/Big C seems to have better offers and a wider range. Yamazaki bakery offers bread in Big C but not at Central, just cakes.
  20. Just have to wait and see what happens by about March 2025, otherwise its pure speculation. Thailand has 61 double agreements with other countries and they all appear to be different and the wording in some is ambiguous. Tax authorities want their share of your money, your home country gets first grab and now maybe Thailand wants another go and then its up to you to try and get a refund, meanwhile they get the interest on the contested amount. I have a Thai tax ID for claiming back interest at the bank but I guess a lot do not so you wait and see if they get in touch, same as me next year. If you have a wife, maybe she does not have a Thai tax ID, nudge nudge, wink wink. For those of you with T/F then you are probably better positioned.
  21. Just a point of information and about access to the site if you coming from the south past BIG C, go through the next set of lights, the 117 turn off, you will then come to a U-Turn but this is just before the entrance to the new Central Plaza, you will need to go to the next st of lights to do the U-Turn..
  22. Its opposite McDonalds, southbound carriageway. There will be a Burger King and a lot of the other usual Central Group shops, Tops, B2B, Powerbuy, Sports whatever it is. Expect it to be very busy getting in and out for the first 3 weeks, I must have my photo of being there you know how it is. I also notice there is now a Makro at the Lotus complex just north of Nakhon Sawan on the KKP /Tak Road, southbound.
  23. Central Plaza in Nakhon Sawan due to open 31st January.
  24. The price of wine here is way to high and I cannot understand that in relation to spirits. The wine also available is of generally very poor quality, too sweet and stuffed with local fruit to degrade it even more. On a recent trip to the UK I could buy a bottle of wine that knocks Berri Estates offerings into a cocked hat for the equivalent of 242 bts. A fair quality bottle of wine say from South Africa or Chile in Waitrose can be had for 350 bts. A bottle of Bells is cheaper here than in the UK!
  25. Many counties have a tax agreement with Thailand where you will not be double taxed. home country and then again when you transfer money here, they all seem to be different and in my view open to interpretation. Your home country treats you as a non-resident citizen but resident for tax purposes, they want the money. Whilst if you spend more than 180 days out of your home country you would be classed as non-domicile unless you have a residence in that country you can use, I suspect that many here have given up any residence in the home country. Thailand then says that if your main residence is in Thailand and you are here for more than 180 days you could be liable for tax, which I can see because they want the money. At the moment our taxes are taxed at source where they have originated and now Thailand is looking at the 180 days and the place of residence, how this will end up is uncertain, I would suggest anyone takes a look at the tax agreement your home country has with Thailand and see what you make of it which may not be the way the Revenue service here sees it but if you are going to be asked to pay tax here then you should be able to re claim what you have paid back home although it might be slow and painful to get it. When I first arrived here there was talk of a 0.5 % land tax per annum and nothing happened so we will have to wait and see what comes out of the mist. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.
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