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Posts posted by FarangBuddha

  1. People have been warning for days for folks to stock-up on essentials...but were derided by some. If you still can, stock up on food essentials especially processed foods and dairy...and don't forget the pets), toiletries (and for the women, this includes feminine hygiene products, which are now very hard to find), drinking water, transportation fuel (keep you car or moto topped-up), cooking gas (have an extra canister), prescription meds if applicable, and have a months worth of living expenses in cash (not in a bank account/ATM machine, which may be unavailable if the network goes down because the Bangkok head offices flood or trucks are unable to make the rounds to re-fill them).

  2. The First Car Buyer Expo ended on Oct 14th - well before the floods. The rumor I'm trying to investigate is quite fresh.

    I hear what you are saying but thats also just 30 days before their anticipated delivery.

    If the 3.2 WT is B1.1 PJS are looking mighty attractive.

    Specs and pricing are attractive...to bad I can't say that for the looks as well :bah:

  3. eggs sold out-and so they were in a tesco far away from there. BUt which normal tourist goes looking for fresh eggs anyway?

    And maybe-think-the shortgaeis becse restrts and hotels etc have stocked up justy for the case.as any Thai also does?

    To make your wrath even m\more; Muy country-rather the assorted traveagencies- did issue a warning and also stated that trips cpontinue and that the more wanted places like Pattaya and HHin are normal. If needed- itineraries will be adjusted as seems fit-without recourse or ''compenstaion''-usually the major reason people start whining.

    The problem is that Pattaya and Hua Hin ARE NOT normal. I live in Pattaya and, like Bangkok, stores are out of most food staples and drinking water. There is no flooding here and unlikely to be any but supply-chains throughout the country are breaking down so stuff can't get anywhere, even if there is no localized flooding. There has also been a massive flood [sorry for that] of refugees from Bangkok that have descended on Pattaya, putting further strain on all local infrastructure (food, power, water, rooms, etc.).

  4. And most tourists will be staying in hotels which ensure that they will have access to sufficient stocks of water and other essentials. In fact, probably better to be stuck in a major hotel once central Bangkok floods than in your own home as your needs will be prioritised by all concerned (including being evac'd if required).

    So many factories and warehouses are located in Ayuttaya and Pathum Thani that imports will be necessary for some essentials in the next month to 6 weeks.

    And where/how do you think the hotels get their food stocks from? So all the supply chains that deliver to stores in Bangkok are breaking down and most stores are out of water and food staples but hotels are fine and dandy. How does that work exactly? Do they have fresh water springs in the basement and vegetable and dairy farms on the roofs.

  5. Most stores are out of many staples...even though Pattaya is bone dry, the retail supply chains throughout the country are breaking down because of flooding in the central region, where many factories and wholesale distribution centers are located. I advised people to stock-up on essentials days ago but was called alarmist or a "hoarder" by many.

  6. Will the 3.2 Duratec diesel make its way into Thai models and what would be the likely price of such a large size engine?

    How long will one have to wait for the side/curtain airbags to appear in Thai models as well?

    There's some small brochures in Thai on the Thai ford website. It seems all of these features will be available:) No idea about the cost for the 3.2 though.

    Yes I saw those...but also worrisome asterisks at the bottom noting that not all [desirable] features will be available in all markets :o

    Yes I saw that too:( Would be typical not to get the extra airbags here. I think Thais get the monk to bless the vehicle - that's cheaper! lol

    Along with a dashboard full of mini-Buddha statues makes one Unbreakable in any accident B)

  7. Will the 3.2 Duratec diesel make its way into Thai models and what would be the likely price of such a large size engine?

    How long will one have to wait for the side/curtain airbags to appear in Thai models as well?

    There's some small brochures in Thai on the Thai ford website. It seems all of these features will be available:) No idea about the cost for the 3.2 though.

    Yes I saw those...but also worrisome asterisks at the bottom noting that not all [desirable] features will be available in all markets :o

  8. You can not let it be, huh?! Teary eyed, yes! Maybe because she feels sad for her herself...but maybe...just maybe, she also feels sad for people dieing, drowning, loosing their possessions, being in horrible situations....

    It is called "compassion"- something that most of you are obviously lacking!

    Well said "DocN" These poor people keep smiling despite their woes. I think the PM has been overwhelmed by her lack of experience to deal with this type of scenario and the bad advice received from her government aides who are like headless chickens. I just wish that she had called in Marine and water irriagtion engineers to discuss the problem. But sadly she was ill advised and lacks the experience. My heart goes out to the Thai people for this disaster.

    It is a time for support not inane criticisms from armchair experts.

    People get the government they deserve...what were they thinking electing a totally inexperienced person to be prime minister...I guess only thinking about their free tablets and B 300 per day salaries...som num na!

  9. Well, just better to be prepared. They are now predicting flooded conditions for up to a month and supplies of basics are likely to continue to be strained. It's just common sense (and being responsible for one's family) to lay in a supply of the basics.

    So depriving others??? Jug half empty mentality.

    My not buying extra isn't going to stop the Thais and others' hording...just deprive me and my family of the food and water necessary to survive! If there was an official rationing system in place where one could be assured of available supplies fairly distributed that's another story...but it the situation now, it's everyone for themselves and if you don't look out for yourself, nobody else will.

    This isn't some First Would country where you might be able to count on competent disaster assistance if it should become necessary. And even then, ala New Orleans, it can take days for help to arrive. I know there will be no flooding in Pattaya but due to flooding at factories and distribution centers up north and possible severed transportation links to Pattaya, we could very well end up with shortages of essentials. Don't forget, there may also be thousands of Bangkok residents who have fled here already or are heading our way who will also need to provision themselves from our stores.

    PS: Just back from a second go-around at Foodland and don't bother going there if looking for rice and water, it's all gone. Stocks of many other items are running low. Hopefully, some more deliveries tomorrow.

  10. The Big Mac has everything besides the thin tomato slice and it has cheese and it is much cheaper. You have to pay something like 30 baht extra for a slice of American cheese if you want it on a Whopper. :whistling:

    I always get a Whopper bacon/cheese meal deal for around B 200...if memory serves, a Big Mac meal is about B 160 or thereabouts, so for an extra buck, I get real veggies, cheese, bacon, and mayo (not some ickey Thousand Island based sauce). I'll live large and take the Whopper any day :)

  11. There is no comparison between McD and BK burgers when it comes to taste...plus you get lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and mayo on Whopper. McD has no comparable burger.

  12. Foodland was crushed with people today and most everyone had their carts filled to the rim with basic foodstuffs. Purchases of stables like water, rice, eggs, etc. are all limited as to quantity. Selection of most staples (milk/dairy, bakery, and packaged foods) and non-stables was noticeably down from normal. There is only one problem, except for canned meats, soups, and veggies, there is only so much perishable food one can buy at one time.

    Also, home supplies (toothpaste, soaps/shampoos, etc.) were running down and even pet foods were not fully stocked. I don't know what people are expected to do when most of the food is gone...order fast-food delivery or eat out all meals :ermm:

  13. Why don't people still don't get it....it's not greedy dealer markups but the Thai tax structure that makes many imported luxury items very expensive. (Actually, it's a good form of progressive taxation.). Just like for wine, if you feel the need to drive a Lexus in Thailand, please contribute a sizable chunk of the grey folding stuff to the Thai treasury :lol:

    As to grey-market imports, what buyer protections as to warranty do you get...or don't you get any (from the OEM) and are there any hassles registering such a car?

  14. The "travel shops" are hit by the drop in western tourists who travel independently and buy onwards tickets and tours whilst in resort. On top of this, the expat population will have found that airfares are now generally more expensive when they originate in Thailand. I am not alone in now buying my tickets in Cambodia or KL, to the detriment of a really helpful travel agent opposite Friendship market in Pattaya. But her fare to London on Thai (F) is 190,000 baht. I can buy the same ticket when I visit Cambodia for 150,000 b, which also gives me a a PP/BKK return.

    "Which also gives me a PP/BKK return."

    So when you purchase a ticket while in PP, are you buying a BKK-LON return ticket or a PNP-LON return ticket that transfers in Bangkok? And you discard the final BKK-PNP leg in the return?

    The PP ticket from the Thai office is a 1 year ticket for $4980 usd that allows unlimited both ways stopover in BKK. At the moment I still have a BKK - PP "coupon" in hand (it solves the problem of needing an onward ticket ex BKK when checking in at London FWIW. I only travel for leisure these days, so as long as i schedule PP trip before I go to London again I simply buy a new ticket when back in PP. I'll have a few days in Siem Reap next month, so will buy a London ticket whilst in Cambodia and travel to BKK via PP. Yes, no harm in not using the BKK-PP leg, although you have a year to do so. The TG platinum card gives access to the TG F lounge even when travelling economy or business, so it's a nice way to travel for a few days away - check in 2-3 hours before departure and have a decent meal with good wines watching a DVD in the private TV room. You also get the extra ROP miles for the BKK-PP legs.

    Travelling 3-4 times a year and F fare ex PP works out an average of 115,000 baht return using accumulated redemption on the half price Gold/Platinum promotion and a free annual upgrade (meaning I just buy the J fare). Not a bad deal. Firts class travel is rarely worth the massive premium IMO, but 25-30k baht extra per leg makes it more affordable.

    Allot of information there...so if I understand correctly, you buy a [business class?] one-year ticket for unlimited travel between PNP-LON for US$ 5k, which of course passes through BKK (and allows for stop-overs). What would this ticket cost if purchased in Bangkok for the BKK-LON routing? You kinda lost me on the half-price and annual upgrade stuff but more interested about the savings of buying tix in PNP vs. BKK.

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