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    Saraphi, Chiang Mai

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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 70 seconds  
  2. From my experiences at this kind of festivities: „A stagger misstep …“
  3. Look at the pic: Very often no saws are used but fire. A piece of glowing charcole is put in a hole in the tree and refed day by day. After some weeks the tree falls.
  4. At least the hub of the uneducated …
  5. Where‘s the logic …?
  6. I couldn‘t imagine any more thai explanation …
  7. It sounds like an active act of the forest, similar to the all too often read "The car lost control". Thai way of viewing at ...
  8. Then it wouldn't be Thailand anymore ...
  9. In Austrian spoken language a hat is - you might have guessed - a huat.
  10. So I was completely wrong with my keel back assumption ... Thanks a lot, pitufikken.
  11. Our cat just brought this snake: Paddy field around Chiang Mai Length about 35 cm, diameter 10 mm Most probably a juvenile keel back, but I can't find this distinctive head pattern and the 2 parallel brown stripes on top of the back anywhere in the net. Belly orange Unfortunately I already released it back in the field, so more pics not possible. Thanks for identification.
  12. Maybe the use of cannabis sharpens your mind: What is really important in life, and what is not …?
  13. ???????????? You made my day …
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