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Posts posted by rebo

  1. It's only a question of keeping your walls and ceilings as much dust free as possible. These larvae use the common house dust to produce their cocoons. Where they don't find dust they don't reproduce.
    Since in our houses the walls and ceilings are regularly vacuumed (about every 2 - 3 months) we got completely rid of them.
    What is also helpful is a smooth wall surface.
    And you will wonder how much dust you find after the action in your cleaner bag ...

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  2. 2 hours ago, Cadbury said:

    Bad guess Vacuous one! Teak is 25 years to harvest time in the tropics.

    You're right. Of course teak can be harvested after 25 years. And it is for commercial purpose.
    But what do you get? Wood hardly more useful than pine wood of less age.
    With 25 years teak is just in the growth phase of slowly starting production of its important oil/rubber and other contents which will later make it so resistant against critters, acid, water and abrasion.
    The only value of teak wood harvested after 25 years is that you can sell it to clueless western winter garden owners who think "Wow --- Teak! Will make my neighbor jealous ...".
    Precious teak wood has at least 50 years of age, better 100 or more.
    Harvesting valuable teak trees is not a question of the planter's generation ...

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  3. My favorite yogurt supplier is Stefan who spent his whole life manufacturing alp dairy products.
    By far the most natural tasting, delicious yogurt I have now after tens of years suffering on Thai industry yogurt, or making my own from typically available northern Thai farm milk.
    Also his cheeses are highly recommendable; all products for really reasonable prices.
    The secret is obviously the milk quality: Stefan sources his raw milk from a farmer he could convince to feed some cows on special pasture diet, so producing rich enough milk enabling him to make his products according to Swiss cheese maker standards.
    Can't say whether the milk could be called organic according to western directives.
    The shop is called "Mediterranean Kitchen", Saturday and Sunday pizza is served as well (https://www.google.de/search?tbm=lcl&ei=BOWUW87SPMz7vAT4y5eADg&q=mediterranean+cheese+pizza+chiang+mai&oq=mediterranean+cheese+pizza+chiang+mai&gs_l=psy-ab.12...;si:12391119906907715243;mv:!3m12!1m3!1d51468.17551156386!2d98.9770469!3d18.7767109!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i786!2i654!4f13.1).
    I have no business or other relations to this shop, I'm simply impressed by taste.

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