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Posts posted by siggie2

  1. Realy terrible news for Phuket again.However there is danger in all walks of life and to go on the beach after dark is not very sensible to me.

    Hope she makes a full recovery and the scum found and a hefty sentence,and maybe 20 minutes for the family in a police cell for the vermin

  2. Thakkar out of your cons list these 3 are about my only concerns;

    Serious pollution, though intermittent, during the period between mid-February to mid- April every year

    No seriously good Indian restaurant; no South Indian food

    Bad driving

    Although all 3 I experience at the moment in BKK. Ok there are decent indian restos here but in the last year I haven't been once as it simply takes too long to get there.

    Indian restaurants and bad driving I'll leave for others to comment on. The pollution levels look as follows (unfortunately there are no measurements for Pattaya, so you'll have to make do with Chon Buri):


    As you can see, March in Chiang Mai is seriously worse, February and April are comparable and the rest of the year is better to much better in CM.

    I hope this may be of help in making up your own mind.

    / Priceless

    The chart is showing that Pattaya air pollution increases during rainyseason.I thought it would reduce as the rain will wash a percentage away.
  3. Sorry to say,you will not get any help or compromise whatsoever.Maybe he wants to buy your land and is trying to force you out.Maybe you are lucky that he hasnt copied you and built a guest house as thais are good for that

    Generaly thais are very very unreasonable,as my neighbour says her 6 dogs only shit small,when they poo all by my house and gate,just in the perfect place to tread on.

    I have told her on more than 1 occasion what a nasty bitch she is and she just smiles and threatens me with voodoo,

    It seems that you don't like Thais, and they don't like you!! :) Are you planning to stay?

    Thais are GENERALY unreasonable

    1 thai woman with farang husband with dogs.

    helloooo mike hunt go away little vermin,and stop flaming,if you want to say anything i can give you my number with pleasure my mike

    Your lack of command of the English language is the problem (nothing wrong with that, since it does appear to be a second language for you). If you say that 'Thais are generally unreasonable' then that means more than 1 woman and her dog. To use the word 'generally' implies that Thais are normally, or commonly unreasonable. Maybe should choose your words more carefully, it could lead to misunderstanding.

    Your other comments are otherwise amusing. The 'Mike Hunt' joke I haven't heard since yesterday, but it still gave me a good belly laugh nonetheless. Well done.

    Thanks for the offer of meeting your friends. Very sociable of you. I'll PM you when I'm free.

    Gone past even checking my spelling,so a few karaoke bars first,and i meant big as wealthy not bodyguards lol.Never mind dont want to give you any misunderstandings of my post

  4. Sorry to say,you will not get any help or compromise whatsoever.Maybe he wants to buy your land and is trying to force you out.Maybe you are lucky that he hasnt copied you and built a guest house as thais are good for that

    Generaly thais are very very unreasonable,as my neighbour says her 6 dogs only shit small,when they poo all by my house and gate,just in the perfect place to tread on.

    I have told her on more than 1 occasion what a nasty bitch she is and she just smiles and threatens me with voodoo,

    It seems that you don't like Thais, and they don't like you!! :) Are you planning to stay?

    Thais are GENERALY unreasonable

    1 thai woman with farang husband with dogs.

    helloooo mike hunt go away little vermin,and stop flaming,if you want to say anything i can give you my number with pleasure my mike


    Do you know me,as you think thais dont like me,turn up and i will introduce you to some realy big thai guys

  5. Sorry to say,you will not get any help or compromise whatsoever.Maybe he wants to buy your land and is trying to force you out.Maybe you are lucky that he hasnt copied you and built a guest house as thais are good for that

    Generaly thais are very very unreasonable,as my neighbour says her 6 dogs only shit small,when they poo all by my house and gate,just in the perfect place to tread on.

    I have told her on more than 1 occasion what a nasty bitch she is and she just smiles and threatens me with voodoo,

    It seems that you don't like Thais, and they don't like you!! :) Are you planning to stay?

    Thais are GENERALY unreasonable

    1 thai woman with farang husband with dogs.

    helloooo mike hunt go away little vermin,and stop flaming,if you want to say anything i can give you my number with pleasure my mike

  6. I've noticed that there is a thriving nightlife on Soi Buckhaw/LK recently. So this obviously has reduced the numbers of Beach Road Soi punters.

    I think that many knowledgable return visitors to Pattaya tend to avoid Walking Street and the Soi 7/8 scene and search for value and smiles elsewhere.

    Exactly right mate.After 6 years i try to find new bars on my 2 nights a week piss up.Also try to find good restaraunts too.Too many bars and not enough drinkers in Walking st except for the 2 week millionaires who give false hope to the bar owners

    The candy shop syndrome has well worn off and the bull shhhhhhhhhh chat is a joke

  7. Sorry to say,you will not get any help or compromise whatsoever.Maybe he wants to buy your land and is trying to force you out.Maybe you are lucky that he hasnt copied you and built a guest house as thais are good for that

    Generaly thais are very very unreasonable,as my neighbour says her 6 dogs only shit small,when they poo all by my house and gate,just in the perfect place to tread on.

    I have told her on more than 1 occasion what a nasty bitch she is and she just smiles and threatens me with voodoo,

  8. Bruce is just trying to frighten off prospective buyers.

    Good one.... :)


    I see that the Stoke chairman,soon to be Sir Peter Coates,has basicaly told him to mind his business and he can afford to buy KJ,but not for stupid money.Caotes is one of the few top 100 who is still making good profy,estimates are 400 million,so that equates to 10% of his fortune

  9. And it's the fault of boys allowed into girls dormitories and teenagers wearing sexy clothing, it's got nothing to do with the fact the sex education in schools here is still a taboo subject (and probably in the home as well).

    How often do you meet a young girl working in a bar or massage shop because she now has an unplanned bambino to support.


    maybe they work in the bar because father decides he doesnt want responsibility and the government dont care,so yai has to take care of the baby whilst the mother has to work.

    Thai mans fault on this one,and if father had teken care then no bar girls

    Not just the Thai fathers fault but also the culture and Budhism which teaches people not to worry about the future who is going to "glove up" when they dont have to worry about any consequences ?

    I have to agree with you my friend.The drink/drug culture has something to do with it also

  10. it's foolish to pick an exact number for a particular day.... but the big picture isn't difficult. Thailand's latest crisis (real one) was about 14 years ago and it was over the currency, it dropped from 20 to 50 in dollars, roughly. This led to big exports and the Bank of Thailand keeps it's bids out of the fx market ever since so that the baht is kept low.... foreign currecny earnings are instead put into US Treasury debt. Because Thailand is smaller than Japan and China it can actually play this game of not bidding on it's own currency and "investing" in US debt with it's dollars (and purchasing oil and other imports, of course) to an even higher degree than the aforementioned (politically), however at some point this results in problems for all parties involved (except certain export businesses and foreigners/tourists converting into baht). The trend internationally however is a falling dollar and, as they say, a trend is in effect until there is evidence to the contrary and it appears that the US dollar is losing it's reserve status. As well, asian countries must move away from the Export Policy to one of consumption and service based..... best to be prepared for a more normailzed baht..... in the 20's. Invest in Thailand or other Asean countries, do not rely on the cheap baht to continue forever.

    You can also look at it another way. It makes sense for Thailand to be poor for many reasons..... but not so poor that all someone has to do is hop off a plane and they are rich just because their printed paper money is XYZ instead of Thai baht. Thailand is not that messed up... it was a game which you can see in the Bank of Thailand's own data such as how much it's reserves in US debt is as a pct of GDP vs. other countries as well as The Economist's Big Mac Index etc etc. the signs are everywhere.

    Thank you for your time and experience sharing. I'm simply tad worried that I may have to put off retirement a bit longer and was maybe looking for a trend of some type that may cause the delay as I have been there 3 times in the last two years for a total of 4 months collectively and found the constant warm weather (and warm smiles) did wonders for a chronic pain issue I have, thanks again for your time.

    No reson to continue here any further since the rotten stank of trolls has enetered the thread ... I'll make it back whenever, idiots will always be and wherever humans tread (or "thread" as the case may be), it's just fact of life and easy to avoid ...

    Be well and if your in LOS catch a few rays for me :D



    Take the good with the bad if you can afford it.I was very lucky in retiring early,6 years ago in LOS.i cashed some gbp for 74.9 and then a couple ish years later i got 69.9.Been living on this thai baht until a couple of months ago and i am getting nothing like the amount but accept i have been in a grat position for over 5 years.

  11. Good works are great but why does religion have to be brought in to it? Surely the point should be to help people, not use the help as a means to convert people. Offerring your opinion on the nature of life, the existence or not of one or many gods is a right of any individual but it would be dispicable to only offer help on the condition of conversion or stustained indoctrination.

    I think everyone should be educated in school about all the worlds religions and allowed to make up thier own minds.

    Some might even suggest that these gods people have a great life,free food,free accomodation,see the world,and maybe earn some money too.

  12. Religion is forced in many countries]

    Thailand is a country where religion is not forced upon anybody.

    Christians of all denominations do a lot of good work in rescuing girls from prostitution in Thailand. If you don't know that, you need to get out a bit more.

    Just for starters, check out Rahab Ministry in Pat Pong. They offer ex-prostitutes vocational training, to help them earn a living. We know a happily married couple (now in Australia) - he is an Australian schoolteacher and his wife is a former bargirl who was rescued by Rahab. She is a practising Christian in Australia, and raises money for Rahab there. There are Catholic priests working in Bangkok and upcountry in similar ministries, including with children.

    Would your home country be better off if the Salvation Army did not exist?

    Religion is always forced on people, they start brainwashing small children at a young age they leave you no choice but to believe. I am happy i went to a public school and was never forced to believe in a fictional character whos existence has never been proven.

    Can Christians do good.. sure they can just as easily as priests are known to do bad things with boys and scandals being covered up by the pope. But yes Christians can do good things but normal non religious people can do those things too.

    Being a christian does not make you a better person, you are how you are because how you act not what you believe in.

    I doubt the missionary here would help people who don't want to listen to their sermons or want to convert to their beliefs.


    I am an athiest but does that make me a bad person,I hate Man Poo but does that make me a bad person,I hate Bangkok but does that make me a bad person.I have even turned my cheek many times but that does get a bit painful and retribution is sweet too.

  13. Do the mothers drop out of school forever?

    Unfortunately they do. get pregnant and must leave before it shows. CNNOT Have them corrupting theschols morals can we.

    These are very important government issues but until somebody comes in and isnt corrupt and for the real thai people,thenthis will continue.Money talks in this country and nobody is interested in young pregnant women who get abonded by the reckless boyfriend

  14. And it's the fault of boys allowed into girls dormitories and teenagers wearing sexy clothing, it's got nothing to do with the fact the sex education in schools here is still a taboo subject (and probably in the home as well).

    How often do you meet a young girl working in a bar or massage shop because she now has an unplanned bambino to support.


    maybe they work in the bar because father decides he doesnt want responsibility and the government dont care,so yai has to take care of the baby whilst the mother has to work.

    Thai mans fault on this one,and if father had teken care then no bar girls

  15. This is certainly not a new fad. It's been going on for yonks. The only difference is that in the western world, most people have more sense than to want an immediate family.

    This is not only about safe sex, it's about common sense too.

    What does Thai Culture say/teach about this?

    Are you having a laugh or what,the english young girls have plenty of sense,get pregnant a few times and they have a free house,money,nappies etc etc,and keep the 3 fathers in the house too,so they can provide the extra strong lager and drugs.

  16. Any money that Thailand could contribute would be dwarfed by western donations - what they could do, is send over a couple ships of that rice that been in the storehouses for months.

    yes they could do that,but no one expects them to match donations from rich countries,but 600,000 baht is an insult.

    Thailand is a very rich country with too many poor people.

    Totaly agree,then they still moan when majority rules.About time Issan ran the country and throw out all hi-so chinese thais who rape the country and dont contribute nothing for the growth.Also throw out the farangs hi-so wannabees too,a cancer of thailand

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