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Posts posted by siggie2

  1. white trash is white trash,they are everywhere,and mostly in thailand,many a poor thai girl will put up with this because of perceived money,yet a lot of these guys dont really have a pot to p-ss in,and they are here cos western women would n't have a bar of them.Sad but true,just go to pattaya,thats where most of them are holed up.


    seems like most of the posts are farangs getting stitched up by thai women and taking all their millions of bahts.Lucky i havent got any mates in Pattaya who havent got a pot to peepee in,in fact they are all youngish,happy wealthy guys with family.so thats knocked your post in the head sunshine.

    you sound very anti Pattaya and hate white trash,is that racial???

  2. Dont know who's worse....the merc for trying to overtake or you for trying to cause an accident by speeding up and shutting him out.

    I agree its annoying when someone does that but after describing your own actions I dont really think I'd want to be your passenger.

    And that comes from someone who loves speed.

    HL :)

    This has nothing to do with the vehicle or Thailand,you met a person who wasnt driving safetly and you changed your ways of driving to,and became very unsafe too.

    This is a person mentality not a merc/thai mentality

  3. sbk, that is the answer. it was free. so no problem leaving it the room of some ditzy 20 yr old on vacation with her boyfriend. let her read it. people leave books here in the hotel all the time and never ask for them. tis amazing the amount of junk people will read on vacation. not even good junk. boring junk.

    drivel. men arent from mars and we are not from venus. its much more simple/ men have that thing between their legs that overrules the brain just like with billy goats male dogs stallions and elephants in musk. women have mammary glands so we do what those glands were made for. all the rest is just stuff to fill in the time and make it all more fun. (been around the animals waaaaaaaaaaay too much obviuosly but really the similarities are so 'there', that its impossible to escape from thinking that way).


    mating alpacas.... just for the fun of it... the male is the one that comes in to season. when he mates the female, she release her 'egg'. his 'thingy' btw is long and pointy. and it takes about two minutes to do the actual deed after many days of hard courtship. they do it while the female lays on the ground, looking almost as if she is dead from being bothered by the male.

    thought u would all enjoy this for a smile.



    sorry,not into beastiality lol

  4. In my wife's family are two rape victims of incidents happening within one month in a small village in Isan.

    A retarded 11 year old girl was lured to the house of a 70 year old man and brutally raped. She was bleeding like a pig in a slaughterhouse. The family took the girl to the nearest hospital, insisting that the practicing doctor secure DNA samples. The girl identified the rapist on several occasions with the police. She also identified the house where the crime took place. She is definitely not capable to construct a story like this. This was certified by the family's doctor.

    The sad outcome:

    The doctor at the hospital did not take DNA samples, even though this is mandatory in a rape case with a minor involved! She insisted she was not asked for that...

    The old man denied the crime. Hence, the police don't bother anymore.

    The son of the rapist threatened the family to sue them for defamation unless an exorbitant sum is paid…

    In a second case, just about 3 weeks later, a 16 year old girl was drugged at a party at a neighbor's family house and later brought to a different location. Here she was raped by a 16 year old boy and his friend. The rapist later admitted the crime and had the guts to approach the victim's family saying: in favor for not reporting the rape to the police he would be willing to marry the girl…

    Who would like to have his daughter married to a 16 year old rapist?

    None of the villagers is taking any position against the rapists, it's just business as usual. What the heck is wrong with these guys? If a society lacks all necessary to run a village according to some basic human norms, how do you expect them to run a country?

    No need to say that all this is in no way related to the internet. The call for censorship needs a little more substance, I think.

    This sems more likely than date rape on chatlines.Human rights are not at the top of this list in many villages,the same as most 3rd world areas of the world

  5. I have alays maintained that a lot of women self sabotage when it comes to men. They expect a man to fulfill so many different roles & expectations that it's no wonder they end up single & stroppy.

    oh I'm sure some will claim that women who don't hold the same impossible high standards as them have somehow settled for less but I see it different. I don't need a man to complete my life, I need one to compliment it & as such don't look to a man (a mere mortal & a male one at that :) ) to be able to meet such lofty expectations. He is just flesh & blood, with flaws, just as we have & you learn to accept & sometimes even love those flaws as they do in you.

    By placing so many exceptions, so many rules, so many requirements you send out the signal that even if he might seem perfect now at sometime in the future he won't be & I'm sure men can pick up on that & honestly, who needs that kind of pressure?. No wonder those women are never happy with who they meet. No one would be good enough.


    Thats the best post i have ever seen from you.Have you had some incredible sex lately with hubby llol lol

  6. Lets all be honest here, some of you are as bad as those in the village, why the need for private detective work? What this girl does in her life is none of anbody's bloody business. Let her get on with her life, she seems nice let her be. Most of the young girls at Uni in Bangkok earn 30k per month as hookers at night. What she does is up to her you will never stop the elders in the village having a good gossip.

    Well said Tigs!


    good points.

    These freelancer uni types finish with farangs too

  7. The early rounds are still good for big name knockouts, but maybe the emphasis on the top 4 fighting for the Premiership and European places has added more drama and tension to many Premiership games instead.

    Hey. I am a Leeds supporter, so every round so far has been good for us! I take your point though and there are some great games to watch.

    Cheers, Rick

    Well done Leeds,who could have feilded a weakened team also.

    The only people to blame is the Wengers and Sir Rednose for this.So Mardass Wenger put a weakened side out,who bought these players in the first place.If he cant get a strong squad then sorry but its his own fault and also the players for having small balls against a powerhouse side,not dirty but effective.

    At 1-1 he bought on Arshavin and co but still conceded 2 more due to the old man Sol,another poor buy.

    Manager and players cocked up this game for the fans,as the likes of Leeds keeps this competition a showpiece.


  8. I can see where the Thais are coming from. They see all the expats sat there in bars worrying about the price of beer and the real tourists flying in every year for a good 1 month blowout costing $4000. An expat doesn't throw much money around at the thai hotels, bars, restaurants, and other tourist attractions but spending their money at other expat establishments.

    Afraid that's very naive. And it looks as if TAT are just as naive.

    Expats may not spluge $4000 in a month. But we steadily spend, spend, spend throughout the year to way more than this.

    And where do other "expat establishments" shell out money to get their food, beer, foodstuffs, staff, rent and taxes (not to mention Protection Money) cars, etc? And the expat takes a salary.....and where is that spent?

    It all virtually ends up here in the local / national economy.

    What a load of twaddle johnswift.So you are the 2 week milliuonaire who thinks you are important over here,paying the girls big money and ringing the bell.get back to reality,that what we dont want here.so you say 800 gbp a week for a moth is spending,wow you are a rich boy arent you,thats 160,000 baht a year.I have friends that spend that sort of money in 1 month so take them tourist sunglases off and get in the real world monger

  9. I love Thailand but the people in charge of the country and it's scams are NUTS. Do these people have brains or just imagine up ridiculous new schemes thinking that no one else has tried them before.


    Thailand can be a great country if not for the corruption and often not ridiculous policies.

    The people in charge are relations/friends of the last bunch in charge and buy their way into politics/army/navy/police.HI-SO at its worst unfortunately.Many of these even buy their education degrees so how can Thailand ever get better,but keep your head down and enjoy everything else,as most things only effect the poor here

  10. Excuse me please but I have lived in Pattaya for almost eight years and have watched crime committed against foreigners esculate at an alarming rate. Many older retirees nolonger feel safe in their own homes here. The " suicide " rate amongst foreign residents is also very high. Hardly an athosphere conducive to attracting the rich.

    I have lived 6 years and not seen violence escalate with foreigners at an alarming rate.The suicide rate with mainly older expats is due to no money or ill health,but its not high as i do not know anybody who has commited suicide or got attacked by thais.I have friends who have been attacked by russians,and foreigners,does that count ??????

    I have never been attacked,or robbed at house or jewelry in my 6 years stay,but i have read about many thais been atatcked/robbed/murdered by thais,does this count too.

    Your statement,is quite frankly unbelievable and with no backing of stats.Pattaya is a very safe place to be unless you are very stupid,showing gold or very drunk every night,same same most places in the world

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