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Everything posted by sussex

  1. section 23 of the 2008 nationality act, for those born before 1992. Google Fongchan Suksaneh
  2. Because I am applying under the Nationality Act 2551 which grants citizenship to foreign children born to foreign parents in Thailand in the 1980s.
  3. In the end the owner went with the buyer in person, when on a holiday here (on tourist visa). No need for any proof of address from immigration.
  4. As part of my Thai citizenship application, I need proof that my parents were living legally in Thailand when I was born in the 1980s. Unfortunately, I cannot find my dad's passport from that time. I was once told by an immigration official that we can apply for documents from their archives, to find proof that my dad was here then. Has anyone done this before? How do we do it? How long does it take? Thanks for any help!
  5. By they way I have asked one reputable visa agent and they have said it's impossible to do. I wonder if it's because it's going to be an F visa category extension...
  6. Thanks for your response. It should be possible to have the cancellation of old WP overlap with the new one so that there is no break in the WPs and it needn't be done on exactly the same day. The thing is the office are saying it's easier to do this by applying for a new F visa abroad, rather than trying to do the change of extension of stay in Thailand. There is a general reluctance I've noticed for enabling the in-country change - I know countless people who've been sent to Vientiane for new visas instead of doing the change here. I'd much rather do it all in one go here, especially since I'm looking to apply for PR soon so I don't want any breaks in my extensions of stay.
  7. Hi, My work contract is changing and I will be switching from a non-B extension of stay to F (for me and my dependents who are non-O). Also getting new work permit. Ideally I would be able to do this at Chaeng Wattana but it seems the done thing is to go to a neighbouring country to apply for a new F visa at the embassy. Anyone have any experience of switching from non-B to F in a day at CW, is it possible? Or if applying in a neighbouring country embassy, which country is best, Lao, Cambodia, other? Thanks!
  8. Thanks NanLaew, I phoned the DLT hotline, they said if owner is abroad need: copy of their passport, power of attorney letter, and letter handing over ownership of car. Documents have to be signed by hand. At Chatuchak DLT it's building 2 floor 2. Fingers crossed it'll work.
  9. So the owner of a car has left Thailand (non-immigrant visa has expired, no longer lives in Thailand) and wants to transfer ownership of their car to someone in Thailand. How can this be done? The car is just being transferred not sold. Can a proof of address from their current country be used, alongside power of attorney, for the new car owner to do the transfer of ownership on their behalf? Thanks.
  10. When my dad was on his deathbed, my mum was able to do his retirement extension for him (both foreigners). She was required to take a photo of him holding the day's newspaper. She already had power of attorney for his bank.
  11. Sorry, another couple of questions: 1) I thought 30 day entry could only be extended by 15 days? Is this 30 day extension special (1st covid extension) or is 30 days the standard extension for a visa-exempt entry? 2) Is this done at IT Square Laksi Plaza or at Chaeng Wattana?
  12. Thank you both. If she does a 30 day extension first she will have a 1 or 2 day overstay before departing. Risky?
  13. Hi, my mum arrived on a 30 day stamp after her tourist visa application wasn't approved on time (3 weeks later still not approved). She arrived on Sunday and the COVID visa extension last day is 25th July. Would she still be eligible to apply for the Covid extension even if she's only been here 7 days (i.e. more than 15 days remaining on entry stamp)? What are the requirements please apart from the fee (1900 baht), I can't find info on the immigration website. Thanks!
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