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Posts posted by radiochaser

  1. 15 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Line is a social network site for teenage girls...

    Line (styled "LINE") is a proprietary application for instant communications on electronic devices such as smartphones, tablet computers and personal computers. Line users exchange texts, images, video and audio, and conduct free VoIP conversations and video conferences. Today the popular messaging service is operated by Line Corporation, a branch of South Korea-based Naver 주식회사.


  2. 14 hours ago, Mr0Yallow said:

    555, I do not even try to use medicare while outside the USA. I have been told medicare does not cover anything outside the USA. but I have discovered that medical care is really cheap here. I went to Lad Phrao General Hosp for pain from kidney stones, consultation, ER fees, x rays, IV & several prescriptions the total bill was <5000 Baht. Hell in the US that would not even cover the deductible for an ER visit.


    My last emergency room visit cost, in baht, about 1,225,000, in a Pennsylvania, USA .   That was about 2004 or 2005.

    My last emergency room visit in Bangkok was about 6000 baht.  Maybe a little less. 



  3. 11 hours ago, Grubster said:

      13 hours ago, mcfish said:

    Reality is most can't afford to live there.. Because of what they are paid but none will admit it preferring to say I love living in a rice paddy surrounded by drunken Thai men, roosters and yapping dogs.. Oh well..

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


    11 hours ago, Grubster said:

    I can afford it but choose not too. I just don't like big crowds of people anywhere. I was born a country boy and still am. I drive 50,000 kms a year up here in the jungle just to get my fill of nightlife, golfing, sightseeing, etc.  I love to drive here as the roads are good and only busy in the bigger towns from 3pm to 7pm. Much slower pace of life here no rush.  That said I have had some fun in Bangkok, Pattaya, etc. I rarely see drunken Thai men here but I know there are many.  I guess they are hard to find in the city too huh.  I can't tell you how much I love to hear the roosters in the morning, its actually even better than the sound of traffic outside your window, not quite as nice as an argument in the hallway or the pounding on the walls and floors of a early morning romp by a neighbor,  I really miss the sirens and horns.

    I agree with Grubster.   Most of the time I am in Thailand, I stay in Bangkok, because that is where I need to be.   Within the next year, I may be living in Chiang Mai, because that will be where I need to be.  

    History for me started in 1972 in much more rural Udon Thani.  Excepting the main streets, most of the streets or roads there were dirt or mud, depending on the time of year.  I was briefly in Bangkok and while it was a nice change, I enjoyed Udon much more.  

    As to not being able to afford to live in Bangkok.  With more than 200,000 baht a month income, I can afford to live almost anywhere in Thailand.  I have met others with just as much income as well, that do not live in Bangkok.  

  4. 12 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

    My Bag always got pulled out by the Sniffer Dog in Poland almost every time on my many trips a year their. A bit annoying after awhile as you go to a private room, empty everything out of your suitcase, and have a Customs Official do a close inspection on it and every thing else.


    I have never carried anything like illegal drugs before and in this suitcase so I was puzzled why he always chose my bag. It got to the point that I knew the sniffer dog by name (Brutus) and he would smile at me every time he saw me.


    The Customs Official was surprised by this to, as Brutus is seldom wrong, so after further investigation with his superiors, he concluded that my suitcase must have rubbed against another suitcase that did have drugs it it, on some other flight, and why Brutus could still smell it.


    Amazing Dog and a sense of smell to detect something so small and so long ago. But he did cost me a new suitcase even though my old one was still like new. But Brutus still smiled at me and wagged his tail when I walked past him next time. But lucky for me I didn't have to stop for another visit.   

    A little off topic, but along the theme in the post. 

    The first time I left Thailand in 1973, when I was in the Army, the Military Police at the Udon Thani Airport, told me that their drug sniffing dog had alerted on my back pack.  They wanted permission to search it.  I said yes, knowing that there was no drugs in it.  They also requested that I strip down to my shorts and they let the dog smell each item of clothing.  

    Their drug sniffing dog, however, did not alert on my hands, with which I had just 30 minutes before, been rolling wacky tobacco with.  I could still smell it on my hands myself.  Neither did it alert on any of my clothing, especially my pants, which had that same wacky weed dropped on them.  

    I think that someone at the company called them had claimed I had something with me.

    There may be good, well trained dogs, that can find drugs of all kinds, but I suspect that sometimes the dogs alert to something else and not drugs. 

    The customs beagle who was roaming around the baggage carousels at the  Newark International Airport followed by his handler, also failed to smell the apple in my carry on backpack, one time when I returned from Thailand.  

    Back on topic: 

    I am now wondering if my bags will be x-rayed and pulled aside the next time I go to Thailand.  I have a nephew (Thai) that buys shoes off of ebay and then are sold  in Thailand by his business partner and friend.    I have, on several trips, had a large suitcase packed with up to 30 pairs of shoes.  

    I guess I am just a mule.  I am paid $10.00 a pair to take them to Thailand.  Never paid less than $200.00 dollars doing this.  My wife (also Thai) packs the shoes, so we know what is in the bag.  

  5. 11 minutes ago, mike324 said:


    Yes he did, but he could not man up enough about accepting the results, he was still crying about election being rigged and not accepting the results if he lost till the end! Sounds more like a typical cry baby till the end until he got what he wanted.

    Democrats tried to disenfranchise me and many others, years ago in California. There was about 100 other people, plus or minus a few of that number.

     I was only one of three people that had kept the receipt, with serial number, of the voter registration form two elderly democrats had given me to fill out to re-register, as I had recently moved from another county.  

    I and two others were the only ones who were allowed a provisional vote, in a presidential election.  The others were denied the right to vote, as all they could do was claim that they had registered to vote, without any other proof.  

    The good part of this was, the state of California did prosecute the two democrats and convict them of felonies for criminal violation of voting laws.  

    I would say that was an attempt at vote rigging.  


  6. 18 minutes ago, nottocus said:

    If it wasn't rigged he would have won every state

    I doubt he would have won California.  There is a real reason that many of the people that live there are/were referred to as nuts, fruits, and flakes.  

    There are enclaves of people like that in Texas, but are not the majority of the Texans.  

    There are good people in California, but, in the 17 years that I lived there I met some strange ones and they would never vote for anyone in the Republican party!


  7. 29 minutes ago, transam said:

    But perhaps...........


    Transom, thanks for posting this video.  I was in Vietnam involved in COMINT and SINGINT.  Before I left, I worked 12 hours a day, every day for 8 months and helped to save both American and ARVN soldiers lives.  

    Towards the end, I was so busy working one position that no one else was qualified to do, that I could not leave to get food.  Other people in a room next to the SIT room, would bring food for me when they came back from the mess hall. 

    There were days that I was so busy that it would take me one to two hours to eat a hamburger and french fries.  



  8. 6 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    As a matter of fact, this poster knows several who support President Trump and have for the past almost 2 years while he's bee running.

    These Thais lived in the States for several years so they got a clue...:smile:

    There would have been 6 that voted for Trump, but one was very disappointing when I told him that he could not legally vote, even though he was registered to vote.  

    I don't think he understood, when he received his drivers license and was asked if he wanted to register to vote (under the motor voter law), that he could not vote as a green card holder.


  9. Hey, JDGRUEN, is this, " "Wallpapering Posts on Forum Topics is just another form of Littering designed to drown out the Opposition in order to Claim a Debate Win - Volume of Content is the Intellect of Insecure Egotists" ", the same as someone claiming to win an argument, because they shouted louder and longer than the person they were arguing with?


  10. Just now, Laughing Gravy said:

    It isn't even close a whitewash. It just shows that polls, the bookies seem to have a vested interest in someone and seem to lose of late, Brexit included. National democracy has prevailed. Tremendous.

    I am watching CNN right now.  I did not catch how many states that have not yet completed counting their popular votes, but they said, Donald Trump may get over 300 electoral votes when the states finish counting votes. 


  11. 17 hours ago, rkidlad said:


    A few years in jail is what's needed here. I remember sitting next to some guys smoking weed and it was terrifying. They were just sat there not saying much. Then they started laughing for no reason. To make things worse they ordered loads of food and ate it all. 


    Luckily they just left and went home. I was very lucky. I could have been killed by these gateway addicts. 

    Even worse, they could have fallen asleep, right there, right beside you!!


  12. On 10/23/2016 at 9:16 AM, fruitman said:


    Not true, drivers license is also accepted but not at every bank.


    The moneychangers all accept driverslicense....i never bring my passport.

     I gave my U.S. Federal Agent credentials and badge to Super Rich last month, when exchanging money.  To see what they would say or do.   

    The lady never even blinked.  Just made a copy of it, like they would with my passport, and had me sign the copy, then gave me my baht.  



  13. 16 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    all american high school students should be required to wear sidearms! 

    In my last year of high school, I arrived an hour before school started and would shoot 50 rounds of ammunition in the shooting range, on school property, with nine other students.  

    We were on the shooting team. 

    The only casualties were these:



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