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Posts posted by radiochaser

  1. 5 minutes ago, kkerry said:



    Check you have JavaScript running as many sites require this to run properly.

    Check if you have an AdBlocker preventing some items from showing.

    Also try deleting your ThaiVisa cookies, cached images and history. Then restart your browser.








    OK, did all that.  No search box, opened this thread and the page jumped to the bottom of the page.  I had to scroll back up to see your post. 

    I am reading this in chrome, because of the old issue of creating a gmail address so I could continue to receive news letters. 



    Thai Visa.jpg

  2. 35 minutes ago, MJCM said:

    what kind of errors are you experiencing ?


    Slow for Website and App ? Yes, Because of that the Indexing isn't finished

    Can't find your content ? Have a look Under More - Activity Streams - My Activity Streams or click on your User Name (top right and select "My Activity"


    Well, on the "New TV Format" thread, I made one quote.  Thereafter, if I clicked the quote button for a different post in that thread or clicked the reply button at the bottom, the New TV Format repeats the first quote I made.  

    In the above thread, the post I clicked "quote" the poster was writing about a yellow bar at the top, " However, going to the Yellow bar across the top of the screen, choosing the More / Activity / My Activity Streams /  Content | Posted In seems to do the trick (though that entire section was blank when I tried it earlier in the afternoon. ".    I see no yellow bar, much less any links for or about activity.  

    I have been checking different forums.  About half of those open up, then suddenly jumps to the bottom of the page. 


    Some of the threads have HTML coding inter spaced in the thread, making it difficult enough to read that I close the thread.  

    One thread mentions that the "search box" (or function) in the upper right corner (If I remember correctly ) does not work properly.  I do not see a "search box". 

     If I remember correctly, the old format had  these links at the top of the page for , Home, News, Newsletters, Tech, Rent-a-Car, Destinations, Forums, Radio, etc..  Now I have to type "thaivisa.com" into the URL field, to find those links.  

    And, the strangest thing about the New TV Format.  A few years ago, (could be 2, 3, or 4) I was recieving Thai Visa news letters at my, radio1@ ....... email address.  Got it there several years.  Then it became intermittent and finally stopped.  My webmail provider pointed the finger at Thai Visa.  Thai Visa support pointed the finger at my Web mail provider.  

    I had to create a new email address in gmail.com, so I could continue receiving the Thai Visa newsletters.  Now, with the start of the New TV Format, I have suddenly started to receive the newsletter at my old, radio1@...... email address and at the gmail.com email address.  Strange!!!

    Some other quirks that I cannot remember at this time. 

  3. I hope that the crappy, hard to read, see, decipher, grey/gray color font is not, won't be, and is decided against being used in the Thai Visa forums!!!!

    I find that --> extremley <--- difficult to read with out using a function such as, Control A to highlight everything on the page, or using the mouse cursor to highlight the text, changing the text to white and text background to blue, so there is a high contrast of the text to background!

  4. On 8/3/2016 at 0:50 PM, Wilsonandson said:

    Speed has improved. Yesterday was tough, the day before that very tough. But slowly I'm getting used to the new site. Rome wasn't built in a day. Stop hanging onto the past and embrace the present. It's improving all the time. Today I posted many times. Found out much more about the new format. The only way to improve is to bash away at the new format. Learning by doing. After a while you will grasp the basics and rhen learn the details. You can do it. Don't let new software get you down.

    My problem isn't with the past, it is with the present format.  

    Many errors with the new format.  


  5. On 8/1/2016 at 6:01 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Thanks SoiBiker...

    Indeed, I got a popup notification on my screen when you posted above quoting my post. Not sure I want those pop-ups every time, but...

    However, going to the Yellow bar across the top of the screen, choosing the More / Activity / My Activity Streams /  Content | Posted In seems to do the trick (though that entire section was blank when I tried it earlier in the afternoon.

    Why that has to be hidden 3-4 links down under the MORE link in the new version, when it was so much easier and more directly accessible (1 click) before under the very visible My Content section, I simply don't understand.

    There is a yellow bar across the top of the screen?????

    The only yellow I see at the top of the thread is the the left.  The yellow back ground for the word Thai, for the logo "Thai Visa Forum"

    I made one quote and post.  .............  

    Now every time I click quote, or try to reply at the bottom of the page, the same quote, see above the stars, appears!


  6. On 8/1/2016 at 6:01 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Thanks SoiBiker...

    Indeed, I got a popup notification on my screen when you posted above quoting my post. Not sure I want those pop-ups every time, but...

    However, going to the Yellow bar across the top of the screen, choosing the More / Activity / My Activity Streams /  Content | Posted In seems to do the trick (though that entire section was blank when I tried it earlier in the afternoon.

    Why that has to be hidden 3-4 links down under the MORE link in the new version, when it was so much easier and more directly accessible (1 click) before under the very visible My Content section, I simply don't understand.

    There is a yellow bar across the top of the screen?????

    The only yellow I see at the top of the thread is the the left.  The yellow back ground for the word Thai, in the logo for "Thai Visa Forum"

    I do see a blue bar however.  

    I have just clicked everything that is clickable at the top of the thread and none of those clicks led to "the More / Activity / My Activity Streams /  Content | Posted In" you mentioned in your post.  

    Sign me, Puzzled.

  7. Well it does raise the question as to why is the number not standardized worldwide. However threatening people with a long jail term for just discussing it is way over the top draconian suppression and intimidation. Long past due for the Thai people to rise up against this sort of stupidity. Otherwise Thailand must be prepared to enter the new dark ages under a never ending military rule.

    Getting real close to exit time, me thinks.

    Why take the Example of the US in Europe its different all together.. why always follow the US when they don't even follow the rest of the world and go metric.

    Another display of European arrogance and anti American bias.

    The 911 concept was first used in Canada for the Winnipeg police services. It replaced 999 and was selected based upon US studies that showed 911 was easiest to remember and to dial without error. Despite European assumptions, North America was where the concept of central dispatching and combined first responder practice was developed. Ever hear of something called Paramedics? That was pioneered in North America too. You know the strategy of stoop and scoop for trauma victims? North American concept. It's the rest of the world that is lagging behind.

    Why go off on a tangent about metric? Metric and emergency dispatch have nothing in common. And fyi, high tech industry in the USA uses metric, especially where exports are key.

    " And fyi, high tech industry in the USA uses metric, especially where exports are key."

    And, I think this is odd. I had parts made by machinists in Thailand. I had them made by three different shops. None of them used the metric system for measurement.

    I also spoke to an engineer at a machine shop that made specialized electronic boards requiring very exact measurements. All measurements are non metric, down to hundreds of thousandth of an inch.

    Now, back to our currently schedule forum topic!

  8. The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

    And if this unknown Gun man is identified as a Lutheran or Roman Catholic will you then extend your rhetoric to Christians as well? Do not assume you know when the truth has not yet been revealed.

    "A Muslim woman, named by CNN as Loretta, told the channel she heard the gunmen shout "Allahu Akbar" - meaning God is Greatest in Arabic - as they shot children."


    Express .... very credible...

    From your comment, I am making the inference that you doubt the credibility of the UK based news organization, express.co.uk. I am unable to argue for or against the credibility of the Express.

    However, after a 30 second google search I did find this.

    How much credibility would you give CNN? :

    "A witness who wanted to be identified only by her first name, Lauretta, told CNN her son was in the bathroom with a shooter at the restaurant.

    "That's where he loaded his weapon," she said. "I hear like an alarm and boom, boom, boom ... and he's still killing the children. The children were sitting to eat. They can't run."

    Lauretta said she heard the gunman say, "Allahu Akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic. "I know this because I'm Muslim. I hear this and I only cry."


    (edited to change what I originally wrote.)

  9. The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

    And if this unknown Gun man is identified as a Lutheran or Roman Catholic will you then extend your rhetoric to Christians as well? Do not assume you know when the truth has not yet been revealed.

    "A Muslim woman, named by CNN as Loretta, told the channel she heard the gunmen shout "Allahu Akbar" - meaning God is Greatest in Arabic - as they shot children."


  10. What a joke. Do they really think the bad guys are going to incriminate themselves by providing this information?

    Of course they will.

    But the US Gov't isn't talking about enemies who want to hijack the "religion of peace". Even if they wanted none of them can read Arabic or any other Middle Eastern language.

    If you are coming from an English speaking country and have shared any non-liberal views you are at risk of being denied entry.

    The US gov't under the current admin & a Clinton admin will check the social media pages of military veterans, anyone supporting the 2nd amendment, opposing abortion, criticizing Obama or Hillary, etc.

    "Even if they wanted none of them can read Arabic or any other Middle Eastern language."

    Yes they do. Both school trained linguists and native speaking linguists!

    Both written and spoken language skills.

    Then hopefully they are better than our Russian language experts who made a big presentation out of a "reset" in relations complete with big, red button prop. Only the Russian word they thought meant "reset" really meant "over charge". Great job guys!

    When did that happen Mopar? Let me know and I will put a question out for one of the Russian lingies. See if he/she knows about that.

  11. What a joke. Do they really think the bad guys are going to incriminate themselves by providing this information?

    Of course they will.

    But the US Gov't isn't talking about enemies who want to hijack the "religion of peace". Even if they wanted none of them can read Arabic or any other Middle Eastern language.

    If you are coming from an English speaking country and have shared any non-liberal views you are at risk of being denied entry.

    The US gov't under the current admin & a Clinton admin will check the social media pages of military veterans, anyone supporting the 2nd amendment, opposing abortion, criticizing Obama or Hillary, etc.

    "Even if they wanted none of them can read Arabic or any other Middle Eastern language."

    Yes they do. Both school trained linguists and native speaking linguists!

    Both written and spoken language skills.

  12. Published on Feb 23, 2013

    "China considered using a drone strike in a mountainous region of Southeast Asia to kill a Myanmar drug lord wanted in the murders of 13 Chinese sailors, but decided instead to capture him alive, according to an influential state-run newspaper."*

    The U.S. isn't the only country using deadly drone strikes. China's plans to kill a drug dealer in another country with an unmanned drone. What is the embarrassing difference between the Chinese and American drones strike programs? Cenk Uygur explains.

    *Read more from New York Times:


    Hmmm? China, respects human rights more than the United States? Who would have guessed!

    "Human Rights Defenders

    China’s human rights activists often face imprisonment, detention, torture, commitment to psychiatric facilities, house arrest, and intimidation."


  13. I have an envelope that had belonged to my mother and had been mailed to her decades ago.

    I had not payed much attention to the stamps on the envelope until one day I noticed inverted Jenny's. It took me a couple of seconds to realize, they weren't inverted Jennys, the stamps were upside down on the envelope.

    But, for two seconds, I was a millionaire. cheesy.gif

  14. The hard rightwing elites in the US are virtually the only place to go to get spooks for the superpatriot spy agencies that collect information, which is where this report comes from. The State Department IG among the whole gang of IGs in the spook elites.

    The superpatriot rightwing spooks figured they had a slamdunk here. Just throw it up and call in some not very busy flatfoots from the basement of the FBI building to ram it through the hoop.

    Think again.

    I have seen, known democrats, in both the Army intelligence units and the NSA bring people up on charges for less that what I have read that Mrs. Clinton has been charged with.

    People charged with breaches of security were of both of the major political parties. Democrats charging democrats, republicans charging republicans!

    Careers were destroyed and military personnel were imprisoned for their breaches of security!

    It was not done, as you imply, for political purposes, breaches in security such as Mrs. Clinton has been reported to have done, literally can, and has, cost people their lives!

  15. I see, .44 mag, .45 ACP, .30 Carbine, 7.62 x 39 mm rounds, and 12 gauge shotgun shells.

    I would not load any of those rounds into a firearm. Old, rusted ammunition. Might not even fire and at worst, could have a bullet stuck in the barrel.

    If those were found, just lying on the ground, then someone must have dug them up someone else and then dumped them there.

    I left out the 5.56 x 45 mm rounds. I do not see any 9 mm.

  16. There is no written law that states that Americans have to pay personal income tax. There are former IRS officials that have went on record stating they themselves could not find any written law and even the former head of the IRS dodged the question and simply stated that Americans understand it was their duty to pay personal income tax. There is a difference between a persons duty and a country's law.

    People think that their taxes go to pay for schools, false, paid for with property taxes. People think their income taxes pay for roads, false, paid for by the fuel tax. And the list goes on and on and on. The personal income tax is the biggest scam of all time.

    Here is a list of taxes Americans pay.

    #1 Air Transportation Taxes (just look at how much you were charged the last time you flew)

    #2 Biodiesel Fuel Taxes

    #3 Building Permit Taxes#4 Business Registration Fees#5 Capital Gains Taxes#6 Cigarette Taxes#7 Court Fines (indirect taxes)#8 Disposal Fees#9 Dog License Taxes#10 Drivers License Fees (another form of taxation)#11 Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax#12 Employer Medicare Taxes#13 Employer Social Security Taxes#14 Environmental Fees#15 Estate Taxes#16 Excise Taxes On Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans#17 Federal Corporate Taxes#18 Federal Income Taxes#19 Federal Unemployment Taxes#20 Fishing License Taxes#21 Flush Taxes (yes, this actually exists in some areas)#22 Food And Beverage License Fees#23 Franchise Business Taxes#24 Garbage Taxes#25 Gasoline Taxes#26 Gift Taxes#27 Gun Ownership Permits#28 Hazardous Material Disposal Fees#29 Highway Access Fees#30 Hotel Taxes (these are becoming quite large in some areas)#31 Hunting License Taxes#32 Import Taxes#33 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Taxes#34 Inheritance Taxes#35 Insect Control Hazardous Materials Licenses#36 Inspection Fees#37 Insurance Premium Taxes#38 Interstate User Diesel Fuel Taxes#39 Inventory Taxes#40 IRA Early Withdrawal Taxes#41 IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)#42 IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)#43 Library Taxes#44 License Plate Fees#45 Liquor Taxes#46 Local Corporate Taxes#47 Local Income Taxes#48 Local School Taxes#49 Local Unemployment Taxes#50 Luxury Taxes#51 Marriage License Taxes#52 Medicare Taxes#53 Medicare Tax Surcharge On High Earning Americans Under Obamacare#54 Obamacare Individual Mandate Excise Tax (if you don’t buy “qualifying” health insurance under Obamacare you will have to pay an additional tax)#55 Obamacare Surtax On Investment Income (a new 3.8% surtax on investment income)#56 Parking Meters#57 Passport Fees#58 Professional Licenses And Fees (another form of taxation)#59 Property Taxes#60 Real Estate Taxes#61 Recreational Vehicle Taxes#62 Registration Fees For New Businesses#63 Toll Booth Taxes#64 Sales Taxes#65 Self-Employment Taxes#66 Sewer & Water Taxes#67 School Taxes#68 Septic Permit Taxes#69 Service Charge Taxes#70 Social Security Taxes#71 Special Assessments For Road Repairs Or Construction#72 Sports Stadium Taxes#73 State Corporate Taxes#74 State Income Taxes#75 State Park Entrance Fees#76 State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA)#77 Tanning Taxes (a new Obamacare tax on tanning services)#78 Telephone 911 Service Taxes#79 Telephone Federal Excise Taxes#80 Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Taxes#81 Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Taxes#82 Telephone State And Local Taxes#83 Telephone Universal Access Taxes#84 The Alternative Minimum Tax#85 Tire Recycling Fees#86 Tire Taxes#87 Tolls (another form of taxation)#88 Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)#89 Use Taxes (Out of state purchases, etc.)#90 Utility Taxes#91 Vehicle Registration Taxes#92 Waste Management Taxes#93 Water Rights Fees#94 Watercraft Registration & Licensing Fees#95 Well Permit Fees#96 Workers Compensation Taxes#97 Zoning Permit Fees

    I guess they need to pay for the wars somehow.

    But, if you were, like me and my siblings, born on a United States Government property (military base), you are required to pay income taxes and all those other taxes in your list are just icing on the cake!!!

    This according to information in a 1 inch stack of papers sent to me, when I lived in California, by a man who claimed I did not have to pay income tax.

    Other than that, if I do not pay certain taxes, then people with guns will arrive at my house to arrest me and put me in jail for not paying those taxes!

    Or people with guns will arrive at my house, take all but items needed for basic life to sell them at auction and keep the money, because I did not pay taxes!!


  17. Is there a set "limited period" she can be in America? 1 month? 3 months?

    Thanks for the great info. Now to work to get that visa!!!!

    I believe that the visa holder can remain in the United States for up to 6 months.

    If the visa holder wants to remain for longer than 6 months, they must submit a request to the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS [actually, in think the name has changed a little]) asking to remain longer than 6 months. INS will want to know how you plan on supporting yourself, as well as other information.

    There is no guarantee that you will be allowed to stay longer than 6 months, but even if your request is denied, your visa will still be valid and you can return again later.

    If someone has better information, or more accurate information, please correct my post,

  18. You don't realize that most of the "illegal" shootings in the United States are committed by criminals that are "not legally allowed" to possess firearms?

    You should understand that it is not the lawful abiding citizens that are doing all the shootings!

    The Second Amendment was not written for the purpose of arming "criminals" and that is discussed by those that participated in the signing of the document that contains the Second Amendment.


    Point 1: So the "shooters" were criminals beforehand? Each and everyone?

    Point 2: Maybe so, but some gun carrying lawful abiding citizens claim that by carrying guns they can protect themselves. Against what?

    Those gun carrying lawful abiding citizens are not stopping criminals/terrorists! Therefore, why do they need to carry guns?

    Point 3: I was not there so I cannot make any assumptions.

    Point 1: Yes,> most< of the shootings in the United States are done by criminals, that is, people who have been convicted of crimes, and who have yet to be convicted of crime.

    People who, when committing an "illegal shooting" are in the process of committing some other crime, (robbery, theft etc) or where the actual "illegal shooting" is the crime, (drive by shooting, attempting unjustified homicide).

    Point 2: Well, me, in California, 5 times, 2 times in Nevada against people that either threatened me with bodily harm, or were intent on stealing my personal belongings or my vehicle. Never shot anyone though!

    And there thousands, if not tens of thousands of times a year, that someone protects themselves or others from criminals attempting to cause bodily harm, or theft. The media here in the United States will not, or will try to not report self defense with a firearm.

    There is one anti-gun group, that will not accept a claim of self defense, by a person with a legally possessed firearm, unless that person kills the criminal!

    So, by that criteria, I did not protect myself from being harmed or killed by a person that threatened to kill me. A person who kicked in the door to my house, only to face a pistol pointed at him. I did not shoot and injure him, I did not shoot and kill him, he turned and left the house. So, I did not defend myself according to some!

    Point 3: But you were not there, yet you did make assumptions. See your point 2!

    California is rampant with criminals that attack people out away from the cities. I am guessing but, I think that 90% of people in California live in the cities. When I lived there, cell phone use, was almost non existent. Go out away from the cities, sheriffs were distant and may take hours to find one to report a crime.

    Having been a Federal Agent, I helped police departments and other Federal Agents in several states, here in the United States. They shared information and experiences of people that did protect themselves from harm or death and did so with legally owned firearms.

  19. There was not much of the sound in the two videos of the web page. But what I heard sounded very much like the sound of a multi-channel transmitter that could be heard all over the shortwave band in the late 1980's through the mid 1990's, when I was paid to monitor radio communications.

    Those multi-channel transmitters may have been in use in the 1960's too. But, I do not know how the space craft receivers could hear those radio signals on the dark side of the moon, which would act as a shield blocking shortwave signals. Just as the moon did, preventing the space craft from communicating with NASA.

    Hence, the recording being sent to NASA in a communications data dump, when the earth was again visible.

    I think it was last year but some probe landed on a comet and recorded strange sounds being emitted from the comet. Or was it an asteroid?

    Radiochaser what kind radio coms were you monitoring? sounds like a good job for somebody who is into radios

    All communications from DC to Daylight, as the engineer called it.

    Radio transmitters well below the AM broadcast band, up to about 1.2 Ghz, from 1987 to 1996. Data signals, analog signals, frequency modulated signals. Later, signals that were mostly from 30 mHz up to 4 GHz.

    Strange signals that no one knew the origin of.

    Radio broadcast jammers and emergency MADAY signals from ships and aircraft.

    Signals of civilian origin and those of military origin.

    Signals that people intended to transmit and those that were not intended to be transmitted. Signals that originated inside the United States and those that originated outside of the United States.

    Signals that were communicating information to, spies!

    From 1987 to 1996, I worked a rotating shift. I had to complete one year of training after I was hired, and then I worked mostly by myself, only having other people in the building that did administrative work during the day shift.

    Many of the shortwave signals were located by long range high frequency direction finding (HFDF), 1987-1996. Later I worked with a mobile direction finding vehicle, having to locate radio transmitters and sometimes contacting the people operating the transmitters. Sometimes backed up by local police and/or by Federal Agents.

    If you like to listen to radios and don't have any, you can do it on the internet at these links.



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