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Posts posted by hpwheelman

  1. Unfortunately being based in Thailand makes getting jobs with US or other country firms difficult. When you can't come in for an interview... But thanks all the same. My own research has found the same thing, and I am using this forum as a last resort for this more specialized type of security work.

  2. Hello,

    OK so I have been in Thailand for about 2 years now and am trying to find someone who can help me find a contact for potential jobs related to military work. I have not seen many jobs related to this and anyone who can point me in a direction would be helpful. Part time is best as I am in school now. Before I came here I was with the US Navy and did a security related job.

  3. I still worry about what Jatuporn might do. He knows this protest has failed. While I had hoped the blood drive was an exit strategy, instead it appears to be an attempt at a rallying cry. What next?


    Seppuku in the traditional sense was something an honorable warrior/servant did when they messed up or were so ordered. Something they proudly did to atone for their mistakes. I see no honor in the way the red leaders have misled their poor, lower educated followers. Many of whom were paid more to come protest then they could have made in a few weeks or a month where they came from. This is why education is so important.

  4. I think the OP is a special case. He didn't make the move when he was a boy to get into this situation. It happened to him. Naturally he would feel more American than Thai. I am not surprised a person like that wouldn't be jumping cartwheels about doing Thai military service. Most Thai young men aren't into it either, why should he be? As far as his loans, I am sure if he was able to become US legal he would be in the same boat as any other student with such debt. He would hassled by creditors about it for the rest of his life and if he was able, he would be as likely to pay it as anyone else. Have some compassion please for someone in a very painful situation which he did not create. Getting a college education under these conditions is very admirable. I think it is a shame for the US to throw out a productive, hard working person like that who is already a fully adjusted American but without documents.

    Bottom line, he didn't come here for moral lectures, he asked for suggestions and advise. I doubt we can help him much, but the impulse to diss him seems to be very distasteful.

    BTW, someone like the OP could probably enlist in the US army and gain citizenship that way. That would involve almost definitely fighting in Afghanistan. That's a hard choice, clearly not for everyone.

    Thank you for your compassion. You are right, I did not choose to break the law and overstay my visa... this whole situation was out of my hands and I have tried to make the best of it. The US realizes that there are many people like me in the country right now... young educated adults with no criminal history. And of course they do not want to throw us out... but because we are here illegally, there is much debate over how to handle it. Like many others, the country is split in half on this issue. I think racism plays a big role... many people associate illegals with Mexicans.

    You mentioned that not all thai men have to enlist in the military. Would you happen to know the details on this? I have some extended family back in Thailand... I will be contacting them to see if they can find out for me. I'm also going to contact the thai consulate here in the US.

    As for enlisting in the US Military... that is not possible. They CURRENTLY accept only permanent residents and citizens.

    About that (speaking as a former service member) you can apply from overseas locations I believe. And if you don't not want to be a grunt, you can join the navy or air force. With your education, you would be able to get a good position to gain more knowledge and experience and you could get fast tracked to citizenship. I was in the navy, and went through boot camp with a Nigerian and Chinese and neither of them were citizens. I am speaking of the enlisted side though. You would have to do at least 2 years active duty I believe, but its not all as bad as most think it is. As far as getting caught in the US or going to the Thai embassy and leaving that way, if your going to do that, and ruin your chances of coming back to the country you leave, why not sneak into and get deported from a different country. Mexico, or Canada for instance. If your from my home state, as I think you are, you know getting into Mexico isn't that hard if you want it, and getting into Canada from the US is easy. If you do end up back here in Thailand, you can teach English. Sounds simple but as a native speaker, you can earn 50,000 a month (Thai baht) or more doing stuff like teaching accents to rich kids or basically baby sitting 5 year olds and letting them watch movies all day in English. 50,000 baht (roughly 1,500 USD) is decent living over here and a good starting point for saving money if you really want to pay back the money. But I would suggest service for you as the best way to get citizenship and make good money, while also using benefits to pay your school loans. Dig deeper in that if you can, or at least get friendly with a recruiter. They can sometimes make things happen, if you keep pestering them about it. I think anyone who actually bust their backside like you seem to have done to do as much as you have should get a break in this case, as opposed to those who well, do the opposite and expect a free hand out.

  5. Is that a lot? 35 tonnes?? Sounds like it.

    Um, yeah, you could say that.

    It's approximately 9,200 AK47 rifles (no ammunition).

    Or it's about 13,400 RPG rounds (single stage HEAT - 2.6kg each) (no launchers).

    Or it's about 5,000 light machine guns ...

    Or a combination of various bits and pieces. Enough to outfit a few hundred soldiers perhaps ...

    The article talks about HEAVY WEAPONS... what you mention is dinky toys in warfare... :rolleyes:

    Yes, but let's not assume they got the description correct. "Heavy" might mean, um... too much for me to carry.

    OK, lets end this now. "Heavy" is most likely a misused word by media persons who don't know what they are talking about. They were probably Machine guns such as a .50 caliber or perhaps a 240 machine gun or the older 60. Or other large weapons such as Gatling guns and RPG's and so on. And 35 tons of that type of weapon and ammo is enough to do damage. I didn't see any tanks on the tv news pics but i did see lots of weapons cases and what looked like short range missiles. These are far from "dinky toys". A .50 does good damage to a tank with the right rounds. And anyone dumb enough to call these weapons "dinky" obviously never shot one off of saw what they can do. They are not "dinky". But from the TV pics they look like mostly missiles, and a few gun cases.

  6. i have a Thai friend in Phuket he is abot 6ft 3, He is one of the biggest Thais i have seen , i Would not like to fight him , He is a man mountain , not all Thais are small.I do not like guns , Thais are brought up on guns, my wife can strip clean and re asemble many guns,She use to do it for the police, she use to be a marksman ,

    My advice to you is to be really careful if you want to have a mia noi :)

    I know not all thai are small but farang are just bigger in general and also dominate free fights ect. If in equal weight classes im sure Thais are able to hold their own.

    I will say it again my remark was just to tease Heng but he skillfully avoided it. I myself am no fighter and would probably taken out by most fighters.

    I would like to say, as a big farang (6' 5" tall and 107 kilos) with training and some experience in fighting, that size, while it does have advantages becomes greatly reduced when dealing with someone who is also trained. Would also like to point out that most of the "larger" foreigners have more fat then muscle and that a smaller and faster Thai person who knows what they are doing would likely kick their butt. Personally I think your size comment makes you look like a fool, no matter who you were trying to tease. Hopefully next time you make a comment on here you can do so without insulting and generalizing an entire nations people.

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