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Everything posted by Colabamumbai

  1. Tend to agree with you, the 70s very happy to see you. 2010, what do you want, 2024, we don't care. Is how I see it.
  2. Oh no what about Thailands image, tsk tsh now.
  3. Takes a foreigner to teach Thais. Live or die they don't care. My view after 50 years.
  4. No was infamous.. My Life as a heroin smuggler Bangkok to Bombay A. Clark on sale on kindle amazon now. Thanks
  5. You buy online, with valid license. One offers 10 years, most 5 years. I paid about $125.
  6. Yes Thailand, was good to export from, before xrays and dogs.
  7. Cause their dead.
  8. Your bank may have a limit per transfer check, some allow 50,000.
  9. All jobs, daily teachers. Jobsdb. Co. Th.
  10. So Banff is in Thailand, not Alberta.
  11. Phillipines doesn't want him.
  12. That means the junta can land in Tak and carry out assaults from Thailand. $$
  13. I like the rats, 2 legged kind.
  14. I was snorting heroin off the food tray, nobody cared.
  15. Give opium back to the people. It makes everything good.
  16. Always some Thai pervert taking my photo.
  17. Be smart wait until immigration tells you what you need if anything.
  18. Village headman son did it and fled to Bangkok, we all know that.
  19. Rule of law, not more than 12 inches.
  20. Cranes are a danger, living here I will warn you, stay away from cranes. Weekly occurance here.
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