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Posts posted by zigistar

  1. I lived in Pattaya for few years(yes i did run away) and by my knowledge the beach is always been the playground for rats at night,i dont see this as any news!!!

    They where on the beach more then 10 years ago and today they still are(BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!)

    Ofcourse i agree that those animals can spread nasty deseases who even can kill us and spread as an epedemic.

    While i write this i realise that the 2 different kind of rats on Pattaya's beach do have allot in comon! :)

  2. Is he an idiot? YES

    Is he fighting his war? NO

    Should he been taken in custody? YES

    Are all English people like this? NO

    Do pattaya attrackt scum? YES

    Are all people who live in Pattaya scum? NO

    Do we need to make his trial? NO

    Do we need(want) foreigners like this in Thailand? NO

    I think we all agree on this and there is no need to throw him out of airplanes or let him rotten in 'THE HILTON"Let justice do his job thats how its done in a democratic country.

    People please dont generalise Brittish people and Pattaya with this guy....Pattaya is indeed the home of some big criminals from all over the world who are searched for but this not mean that every expat there is a criminal!

    I hope he get a fair trial if the Thai authority take him in and not get injured or killed by an angry mob of Thais or fallangs.

    In no way i take his side its just a reaction on some posters who go abit to far.

    And NO i am not even from the U.k but i am sure you can see this on my grammar and spelling

    Peace to the country we living in and love...

  3. I will start by saying that i am 100% against the acts and idea's of the reds so that nobody think i support them.

    Just a few facts for the people who call the protesters all names possible.We are talking about mostly non-educated people who been payed to go to Bangkok and will do whatever the leaders ask them to do, i rather feel compasion for them then hate.Its Thaksin and co we have to blame,and hate i hope justice will be done for all of them!

    I like to take the example of Ruanda in 1994 people who lived peacefull in the same village started to kill eachother just because the (goverment) told them to do so.It seems not that hard to stirr up people with little or no education and even make them murderers of neighbours,friends and even relatives.I know this was an ethnic conflict but it shows the human nature.

    I hope this not gone end in a civil war as well because altough this isnt an ethnic problem we do have 2 camps who are after today further from a sollution then ever.

    Burning down buildings and looting is not something you expect to see in this country i hope i am wrong and it all settle down soon but i have bad feeling about this.

    Before some members start to talk about my low postcounts etc. i am a resident for a very long time that not mean i know it all but i think i know something about this country.

  4. Actually, it's so easy it's scary. Imagine buying such a lethal munition as a hand grenade in the West!

    you really think its that hard to buy that in the west.......you are really wrong,i am not around gangsters and i got that oportunity several times to buy stuff like that...btw not old world war 2 stuff but brand new stuff......i know its scary but as drugs weapons are big business and if you know the right people you will get it easy.

  5. i see always alot of support if they catch somebody ...1st of all you dont know the guy 2 nd he didnt do nothing wrong to you and as last you dont wish you worst enemy in a Thai jail so please before you react in that way use some comon sence.....

    Few weeks back i went to a bar with my wifes brother who is a policeman(ya thais are not allowed in bars) anyway if he show his policecard its normal they let him enter now comes the clue altough this was a firsttimer when we went to a certain gogobar we where denied acces even with policecard....who are the real criminals then?

  6. Excellent - about time they kicked these scumbags out of the country - they give farangs a bad name, much better they are locked up back where they come from !

    You should see the prisons in Belgium where he will be locked up. A 3*** hotel is nothing compared to this. This is not a punishment anymore.

    Better keep him in Bangkok Hilton...

    I wonder if you have really seen a Belgian prison. You know many 3 stars hotel who have a bucket for instead of a toilet?

    The Belgian prisons for suspects and small criminals are a shame indeed, but top criminals such as Monsieur Dutroux are kept in five star prisons.

    not gone vote for Dutroux ofcourse but walking in soletery been waked up every 30 minutes etc. i dont know thats 5 star.....

    yes the general belgian prisoner do have a 5 star treatement but use your brain even if you have that treatement "freedom" is something you cant compare with nothing...i am sure there many prisoners in Belgium who have abtter material life then outside altough they dont like to be there,i wonder why?

    Maybe freedom is the nuts?

  7. funny that Thailand is gone do what no country in the world ever could do.....what ahppend after the "great Thaksin" war on drugs? o yes right the drugs are still around in the same amount only the price went up and who did the most profit on this?Ya the high ranked drugdealers (cops)who make even more money and at the same time could kill at will all who walking in there way and that in a "legal way".

    O fcourse drugs are bad but is Thailand really think what nobody ever did before them.

    Isnt afganistan the number 1 heroin suplier of the world and growing year after year after the U.S and other forces invaded it?That same drugs that funding the war vs the coalition forces........UTOPIA.....

  8. To be save you need too avoid Thailand in Total. The other day i drunk thai man put a gun to my head, but he was to chikken to use it, after i went to police station and they would not do anything, then i started complaining about the police, then they wanted to arest me. But i just gave them the finger and left and nothing more happent.

    Thailand is the wild west, get use to and live with it or get out of Thailand that is the only thing to do.

    Believe me i am a crazy fuc_ker but after more then 10 years i never have pointed a gun on my head even never been in some kind of fight(maybe because i have the brains to avoid those situations)

    And 2 nd i will never never give the finger to even the lowest ranked cop in Thailand.

    But he tough man do whatever you like to do....

    LOL@ he was to chicken to use it....happy for you to find that out

  9. i am living in Petchaburi and altough some parts of the year we got jellyfish around here its now way worst since they built those ugly looking dams to hold the waves taking sand from the beach.So its not only an ugly sight it also atract so many jellyfish because there is simply not much current anymore in those arias....i used to go there many times but thats over for me,i simply not gone take the risk.....

  10. That all tuktuks in Thailand are a rip of if you dont know the real prices is a fact,i in the years i lived here i traveled the country in every direction multiple times but never never saw the rudeness and unpolite agresive way the tuktuks in patong operate and last time i been there was years ago.It deeply surprise me that in one of the most notorius tourist spots this behaviour is stil tolerated by the authority's.I hope this stop soon either by just make them iligal and just work with bathbusses(where the price is openly projected to the costumers or by meter taxi's...

    For the guy that like to see farangs beat up a tuktuk driver,thats a real bad idea ...you going to jail and will pay the guy a ton of money for his ever lasting "faked" braindamage so you better dont touch them because then you fuc_ked up for sure.

    THIS HAVE TO STOP!!!!!!!!

  11. Ya lets hang him now!! or maybe hax him !!!!

    This guy is just a mule and dont worrie he will have his punishment for the ones that "hope"

    The real moneymakers are now laughing and counting money.

    To all those who go for the hanging etc. imagine its your son dauhter would you have the same reaction oops sorry i know this can never happen in to your nice family its right.

    Always those same reactions by people catched for drugs.....and like stated before bad idea to legalise "ice" so i am not pro drugs i am just against laws that punish drug users or small time dealers and people used as mules harder then murders and rapists....

    just my 2 cents

  12. Not gone compare with Peru i never been there so it wouldent be fair.....but the numbers of time i just go out of a bus(in Bangkok)because he drive like a fool i cant count anymore.

    The long traject busses are in general a bit better but also on these i went numerous time to the driver to ask him to slow down(maybe i am a pussy),and few times i just let him pull over and get out in a city to get a hotel and continue my journey the day after.

    I am living here for 2 decades and yes it get better every year but no busses for me anymore i prefer to drive myself rather then take the risk.

    Nickbkk you can take the bus if you try the little red ones in BKK those are the ones you sure like.(the drivers get paid on the # of passengers so he have all reasons not to slow down)

    Have fun


  13. For all those who are worried about this upcoming laws just move your ass to Cambodia and set up something there,its easy simple and if you smart enough you will have the oportunity to make real money contrary to Thailand the Cambodians make it easy to set up a business and workpermits.For people who have a family in Thailand and need(like) to working its ofcourse not that simple your wife will not be happy to make that move.

    My point is except a few,most people who work here in Thailand are people who wana stay here but dont have the money to do it and pray hope and believe that set up a business with the little money they have will keep them here,maybe one out of hunderd will succeed.I wouldent open a business here even if the goverment give me money for it,Thailand is a great country if you have the money to support yourself without the need to work(few exceptions).

    If you have any problem to get your WP just open a tailorshop seems that those get no problem to get a WP...

    Good luck workers in Thailand!!!

  14. I dont get it why the police cant find him,few weeks,months of phonetaps on his friends and close relatives is prob enough to find that scumbag,i could be wrong but i doubt it.

    Anyway i hope they will find him and he get what he deserves as do his wife ofcourse...the only guy in jail is basicly a poor tool used by his sister,i know he killed alredy somebody else(maybe also an order from his sister) so ofcourse i dont feel bad for him but its sad to see that the real murderers are still free.

  15. He didnt escape by boat...few days after his bail he was back in Belgium....only 2 options..fake passport but my geuss is that he got help from the Belgian embassy and not from the Belgian embassy in Bangkok they give him prob the advice what to do but didnt work active on it.Anyway i wouldent stay in Thailand as well if i was him and indeed a very stupid move of the Thai court to grant him bail....after all it was very clear he really did it...they say innocent until proven well in this case even he didnt admit it for ones the police got a really solid case against him.But i geuss Falangs who use a little drugs are a better catch for them then somebody who murder a poor girl,at least moneywise they can squeez more money out of them without much publicity.

  16. Seems that the most of the people who reply on this thread are"experts"on drugs transport use or disrribution......yes true thailand was ones a heaven for heroin.....i can tell you that since the great Thaksin started his "war on drugs"that the price of heroin is almost 10 times as high as it use to be just before he became prime minister. Altough the amount of heroin sold is lower then before he achieved nothing it is the same story with jaba and other shit...the only thing achieved is that the criminality rate is now much much higher then pre-Thaksin,people who live here long enough will sure agree with that few years ago it was no problem to go walk streets with golden chains etc.now they(thai junks)grab it day or night if they have the chance..i wonder why?Anyway back to the "experts" bringing heroin to thailand is bringing sand to the beach...forget it,thats no longer the case...and thats why its now big business for the ones that are willing to take the risk...

    A little note for the ones that love to see people hanging or deadpenalty's just move your ass and go living in China or stay in the U.S because i am sure most of the pro dead penalty posters are U.S idiots who dont know any better ...God bless America <<<<< LOL ironic if you think about that.......btw,no i dont hate us citizens actualy i have friends all over the world and all kind of race so please dont take it personal its just that my experience shows that only brainles people support the system of killing people as a punishement.....

  17. Do thailand have any secret service?Its like they more worried about bars closing at 2am fallangs who have to make visaruns and people who smoke a pill then find out where that corrupt snake is hiding(i know cambodia)and so do thailand...try this trick with the mossad they would know every single thing he do including all his fake names and paspoort#'s. I cant imagine if they really want him they couldent get him.

  18. little update for the people who are inteersted......been monday brought a thai police(brother of my wife)and this was of alot of help to figure everything out on sunday...could talk to the police who arrested him and did the interogation etc.

    On monday i was early in Nong Palai and was the very 1 st who visited him...his spirit is high he only suffer from the severe beating he got in Soi 9 not from police but from Thai inmates his face blue cant breath thru his nose but not able yet to see a doctor.....What a luck for him i been there monday 2 the same time i was talking to him a"lawyer" he meet in police station was coming to visit as well and was gone let him sign a bunch of papers....also the paper so he could get his possesions 60.000bath,bankbook etc. who is now stored in some place in the policstation...i saw imiditaely something was not right....when the whisle who anaunce the end of visit went,the lawyer didnt have the chance yet to talk to him so he asked for a 2nd visit in a smaller room(i pretended at that time i still was with him so he invited me with him).....God or Budha or whoever was with me the Fallang guy M. who is in chArge to guide the fallangs to visit asked me on the phone and asked me i could speak french(so laywer wouldent understand a word i said...lucky i do)so he explained me that this same laywer was his 2 years ago also meet him in police station(what a coincidence)he told me its a total thief who just try as much money of you and your family as he can and just do nothing for your case....so i convinced my friend not to sign any more papers of that guy ofcourse he didnt and he was fired on the spot(very angry at me ofcourse but my police handled that mather fast and good)I got him new laywer now a decent one who went to visit him alredy today....

    The thief lawyer told the bail was between 700 and 800.000,i been personaly to the court and the bail is 500.000 and not 1 bath more....now because i am far away and timing is bad peole from europe come to visit me i cant do much for him except stay in touch with his family laywer and guide a good friend of me whi is willing to visit him and get him to sign the right papers so he can sell his shares he have then it take 3 working days before that money is on the bank and have him sign a paper that my friend can take that money out from the bank as well...so iff everything go a bit smooth he could be out on bail by monday or tuesday.....I hope so like others told alredy its hel_l and even few years can mean the same as a death sentence....he isnt that young anymore(no he didnt mollested a child)for the ones that see an older man and jail in the same context...

    on another note and to end...his family contacted the embassy thursday and they promissed to take care of it go visit him and tell the family what to do.....geuss what...until today he even didnt hear somebody from the embassy lets not talk about see somebody....Really if you ever be in trouble in thailand(and people who live or stay here regulary know that this can happen easy...a simple motorbike accident can be enough if you have bad luck and lets say you hit a child and the child die.....thats just 1 example not gone give 100 others..anyway thats not the case here he really is guilty to an offence...but didnt harm somebody then himself.....ofcourse laws are there to folow i know but we all human and we all make mistakes.....

    thanks for all the tips some where very helpfull

    i will update again if i have some important information.

  19. Sounds a little strange to me normally the victim would be demanding compensation from the driver and they will get it too !

    Yes, I agree.

    Sounds like one of those: if I don`t come up with the money soon, they`re put me prison scams.

    Wager that she will asking the OP for some dosh soon.

    This could be close to the truth....Phuket tuktuk drivers are a shame for Thailand(maybe it changed)was there only ones but i was shocked by the way they acting and talking towards farangs...most of them are muslims at least @ chaweng.I dont wana give false info and i talk about 3-4 years ago so maybe the city did something about them alredy but reading this story not much changed.Altough its not uncomon in Thailand that you be responcible(or try to hold you responcible) for an accident where you 100% the victim.Just keep tight and maybe good thing to call that cop adviced by the member above.

  20. Also "having contacts" can only get you so far.The most important time when all of this could of been settled without him going to jail is already gone,he is in the system now.Maybe he should of contacted you straight away after the initial arrest.What contacts you have?Dont say neils Kolov or something stupid like that :D

    I am awareof what you say it gone be tough now he is in the system but nothing is impossible i did PM because some info is better to be kept between us if you would be so kind.....most important thing now is that i can talk with him he is diabetic and need medical,moral and prob some finacial help for the moment...i need to look after him thats what friends are for in life i geuss.How dumb he did is even not important.....after i talked to him and know the story better i can ask my contact(Kolovs) he could help me :)

  21. Two conflicting rumors then. Hopefully some facts emerge soon.

    alot of misonformation in this thread.....but not to me to tell how it really turned out i think nathan(who wasnt there...if he was i was there as well :) ) can tell exact # if he wish......i not gone do it altough i do know the exact outcome....but LOL @ some of the reply's in this thread.

    sorry i was to dumb to see there was a page 2 but it prove i am right nathan told it like it really happend..dam_n i am good @ read people...

    see you soon Nathan maybe agame in Phuket? Or Samui....then i will tell you who i am as well because iam sure you are wondering.....

    @Loquent we where playing pokergames every single days for almost 4-5 years without 1 problem ever &lt;deleted&gt; do you know about anything...JOKER

  22. Hi,

    I am living a long time in thailand and a long way from pattaya(did live there for many years but i geuss long timers do understand my move to other places) i just found out a friend of mine is arrested and is placed in that hel_l.I am planning to leave tomorow so i can go visit him on monday....now i saw on another thread that you need to have the same nationality to be able to visit him and thats not the case....is that still true?Is there a way to bribe the gard and still can see him?I know some odd questions but they very important for me i need to drive 8 hours+ one way just to get there and go there for nothing is kind of a waste i also have some connections in pattaya so i would try to get him out of it but then the first thing i should be able of is talk with him and hear his story...i cant contact my connections with just"my friend is in jail get him out for me"

    Thanks for all people who take time to answer me


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