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About smew

  • Birthday November 13

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  1. putin sheep experienced a ride of a life time. Caused by brake failure as the vehicle descended a steep curve;; you know, Thai breaks do not work on steep hills
  2. nothing is a surprise: in Thailand money is everything and corruption from very top to very bottom....
  3. booze and more booze makes your low self esteem come out and you dish out at others what you feel about yourself
  4. Thai smiles is simply a disguise for: hello fool, good day sucker… how much can I get from you for nothing or zero work
  5. sad, but true, our young society members want something for nothing or something the easy way.... posting videos and being so called influencer( scammers) is one way to get money without serious word. So ..wanting easy cash>> need viewers and "hits">> so more outrageous the video more viewers
  6. This is is the VERYBEST !! Simply unbelievable, naivety has no limits, never seen any one, slim and skinny to start with, being so gullible to believe that he was overweight and .... please make a movie and use the real guy as I want to see him in person on the big screen... He should be laugh at wherever he goes .. If I were him \I would keep my mouth shut and not even talk about
  7. thinking of re-sale value;
  8. it is the same from top to bottom... laziness
  9. From the highest to the lowest placed offials/police/land administrator/ corruption is pervasive throughout Thailand. Everyone demands a tip... and a tip is a form of a bribe for good/better service. NO questions and no qualms !!, inbedded into Thai culture, and as common as brushing your teeth in he morning.
  10. learn by trial and error , great engineering
  11. what star..??...wish people would stop calling scammers: stars influencers and promoters
  12. 9 BiB against 2 quite an overpower or just difference in strength.. about to be transported to donald promised land of america ..some one has to: MAGA..
  13. gents, gents, gents: he decided to share all his hidden treasures resulting in this masquerade: he is alive and well and soon to re-surface as an identical fourth cousin no one new existed ... arrogance and corruption has no boundaries
  14. more quality visitors, most likely putin sheep are showing off when outside russia..
  15. He is alive and well, under another name. Soon we will discovered that there always was an identical third cousin of his living in Tak, and will get to see him soon. Will believe it in his suicide, if: I personally take his DNA sample, and conduct analysis and personally compare it to his mothers DNA all performed outside of Thailand. Yes, I am a Thai law sceptic: after ~~ 20 yrs in Thailand
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