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  1. after 11 years maybe time for a complete new filter fitted with Zelbrite. Because if the body has become fragile and split/cracked then the inside walls of the filter are also becoming thin, and may split soon as well so don't waste any money on a new valve. Check out Zelbrite it's far superior to sand and glass. Check out the pool professor 0821966003
  2. I've seen many methods over the years.... Keep Avitol away from the pool and other animals it's a dangerous toxin that causes epileptic symptoms!! If some went in the pool I don't think it would harm you but why risk it? 8 or 9 brightly coloured kids rubber snakes works well, but the birds are clever so keep moving the snakes around every now and then. I've also seen a 4 or 5 times lifestyle carved and painted owl placed fairly high up near the pool or on the house, this works well. If the pool is not overflow type try lowering the water level so they can't reach it. Also they will drink salt water as well! Try to keep the poop out of the water if you have an overflow pool slow the water over the overflow so the poop does it get into the tank and stays on the top of the overflow then use wet and dry vacuum before you swim. Poop depletes the free chlorine in you pool so it's not effective, so test and add chlorine regularly or get a chlorination machine from me. I also saw a large silhouette of a black cat cut out of aluminium that worked well. When you're around your pool buy some small banger type fireworks that bang when you throw them, they soon get the message. If the poop is dry vacuum regularly. I hope this helps From an old pool professor 0 8 2 1 9 6 6 0 0 3 and on L I N E
  3. Please help. I have found dome land i would like to buy - how do i discover the owner? Thanks
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