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About bbbbooboo

  • Birthday 02/28/1915

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    80 km NW of Khonkaen

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  1. must have stabbed himself in his back to death . Clearly suicide
  2. hmm… it’s a disgusting eyesore that serves to remind everyone of what goes on in this society. Leave it there until it falls down,it is an embarassment
  3. ummm… maybe something should be done to repair the footpaths, but wait TIT?
  4. hmmm…i know the pace is slow in Thailand but how many people will have to be killed or injured by these dogs ?
  5. ummm…. monkey see, monkey do?
  6. hmmm… that will make more foreigners come to Thailand and spend money for sure . What a clever thing to do
  7. “Pattaya’s alreadyoverstretched law enforcement. … overstretched from doing what i suggest, playing on their cellphones?
  8. hmmm… no helmet…. no chance in a crash. a sad end to a life.
  9. hmmm… stupid is what stupid does?
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