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Posts posted by dragonmasterzip

  1. Loved Pud and RDN's letters. They truly hit the spot.

    I come from money. Not a lot of it, but enough. I go out of my way to not dress like I have money. I never buy new cars. I rarely take women out to expensive places and certainly never in the beginning of a relationship. I do this intentionally to make sure a woman is going out with me.

    I do have the Blarney, charm and am good looking, but what I do very well is make a woman feel like she is the only person I am talking to and what she has to say is important.

    TV and cultural pressures have made it very popular to think money is both the root of all evil and the salvation. My intimate knowledge of my friends who grew up with a lot of money makes me glad I do not have a lot of money.

    I did not read every letter with great care, however I was noticed quite a few of the ranters, who were also English teachers, do not have a very good grasp of the grammatical rules of the language, they purport to teach.

    Good people come in all classes and seem to be in dwindling supply. But when you drive a honey wagon, it is hard to see the roses.

  2. Dear Dont Marry A Thai,

    If I were you, I'd stop posting on forums and go looking for a job, earn money and feed my kids.


    Sphere :o

    I went bankrupt once. Before I finally let go, I was quite sick with worry. An old man who lived behind my house was over one day talking to me and I was going on aobut how I was broke and needed money and was spending all my time worrying.

    He asked me, "How much money can you make doing that?"

    So my advice is go make money. Go find out what it takes to make money and focus on that.

    My wife divorced be using death by cancer to get away from me!

    But I have two really cool daughters and I am not dead yet, so I have hope, frequently dashed on the rocks of women who cannot see how swave and deboner me be. But I dream on and look to the next woman, cupcake, or creation of my own delusion.

    I am comforted by my children who love me, though often express disappointment, and my two dogs who love me unconditionally.

    I recommend you just hate her a little bit more and when you have accomplished that feat see if you can hate her even more and then see if you can perfect your hatred, get it a bit more pure, focused and cranked up just a bit more.

    Then let us know how it is working for you.

  3. the original subject is emotionally charged.

    To exploit:

    - to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage

    1. a financially independent, educated man from a Western country, who has had a lot of experience of sexual relationships

    2. adolescent or young adult Thai women during their academic learning, dependant on additional funds to finance their studies, with limited sexual experience

    " People sell themselves, on purpose. It is anybodies right to do so."

    Yes, it is. But I argue that a 'college girl' in Thailand would enter into a relationship as sought by the original poster without full knowledge of the possible consequences and without the degree of choice that would make it an agreement entered on equal foot by consenting adults.

    There is a considerable inequality in personal, economic and emotional 'power' here for me to justify using the term 'exploitation'.

    So the 50 yearold office manager, should not offer the same young lady a job because he has considerable experience in running offices and she has none?

    When dealing between the elder and the younger there will always be an experience gap.

    You exploit people you meet every day. In many cases because you have more money than they do, you come to these relationships from very unequal ground.

    But then I do not consider a college aged young lady to be quite in "child-infant-helpless" status.

    From your morally superior point of view, it would be better for the college girl to find a poor college boy and go for a bit of the blind leading the blind.

    Since I am the man who started this mess, I feel it is my job to continue.

    Yes, I would expect some "use" of one another. I certainly am going to offer a nicer place to live, better food, safe environment, with modern conveniences like computers et al. Certain none of these things would be beyond these young women's reach, but I am sure these are issues. I would also be a gentleman. You act like because I like women and sex and want to have two lovers, I am somehow dragging my knuckles along the floor, club trailing along behind.

    The fact is I am educated, experienced, well read, well traveled and an enjoyable person to be around. I tell stories well. I am witty and reasonably handsome. I stand 6' tall and weigh 185 lbs. I am a health specialist and am in excellent health.

    I am not looking to do this with a lock and chain. I am seeking someone who may lack experience, but has an interest and would like to give it a try.

    I know it will come as a shock to you, but there are women who not only like sex, they like sex with men older than they are and some of them even like to have sex with other women. I am looking for two of these women.

    I can appreciate you being concerned, but I think you are letting your holier than thou morality to be poetically skew your vocabulary a bit to the emotionally irrationally charged.

  4. First after you have a house hit directly with lightning, and you have watched your TV, VCR and computers melt internally, you will no longer think the tripping is a nusciance.

    I do not know aobut Seimens stuff, but there is a breaker which will automatically reset itself one minute or so after it has been tripped.

    Also 35 amps is not very much. In Japan I put a 50 amp breaker in. Here in the states I have a 200 amp main breaker.

  5. I remember one day my GF looking at me cross eyed afer a great deal of screaming during sex and saying, "I have the big organism."

    In Japan, the slang for your cock is son, and so when my wife was horny she could just ask if my son was swollen?

    Personally, I would have loved to have been at that dinner and heard your wife.

    Just too cute.

  6. New outbreak of bird flu in northern Thailand, official says

    The disease also jumped to people, killing 16 in Vietnam and eight in Thailand.

    Wow, almost everyone in Vietnam is gone and that leaves only 6 or 7 people in Thailand.

    People need to understand something very simple. Eat well, get enough sleep, do not drink to excess and have a strong immune system.

    SARS has a 10% death rate. Old weak sick and those who are in teh medical field workingt 15 and 18 hour days were the people who died. That was 95% of the deaths.

    Lets keep in mind Chicken Little.

  7. Thank you for changing the title of the topic. I know what I want is unusual. In the world there are likley fewer than 20 million families which are Polygamous. Having had hundreds of lovers and only 30 or so relationships with more than one lover, I know I am in an uphill battle.

    I was asking the question because I am aware of Thai women penchant for feeding their ducks! And do not want to be on the menu. :D

    But I also know bisexuality, lesbiamism and sisters, especially twins who would rather stay together and share a deeper love of each other, than they likely would of me.

    My apolgies for seeming callous, but I am quite paradoxical. I am one of those soft hearted romantics, who cracks up his daughters when they look over and find me crying while watching romantic movies, but I do also have a collection of whips and years of experience using them.

    I know many people are confused by S&M. Most people who do not live within this world only have hollywood's big whips kneel down you worthless blah blah blah. Yes of course there is some of that going on within the S&M community and 99.9% of it is DRIVEN BY THE WORTHLESS TOAD ON THEIR KNEES!!

    In my sig are the lines

    He who rules truly serves

    She who serves truly rules

    The fact of the matter is I do not like changing partners all teh time. To me a sexual relationship really only gets good when there is a mental and emotional aspect to it. I often find myself unexcited when first with a woman. Without that mental connection, John Thomas seems less than interested.

    IDeally, I would love a rather business like relationship to change into one which was more bound by a sense of caring for each other. But I am also a rather practical man. I realize there will be some taking on the womne's part, but I do not wish to put my assets, which I feel at this point in my life are mostly my own, but really due to my upbringing somewhat I am the custodian for my daughters.

    From a practical point of view, it appears I could live for far less in Indonesia and in a very simple manner handle the local police with gifts. But I find the people of Thailand to be really quite wonderful. I have great respect for many aspects of the culture and think other parts are rather silly, but then I come from the US where the silly parts of our culture seem to far outweigh the respectable ones. Certainly, I do not have anything bad to say about the King, in fact as best I can tell, he would be far more suited to running the country than the curently rulers, but I am not sure I could look at any major country and not feel a similar feeling, after all in politics as in stew, scum rises to the top.

    I also find Thai language to be a daunting task. I speak Japanese and seemed to pick up BasaIndonesian rather quickly but Thai to my ears is like Arabic, just unrelated sounds.

    I do not mind starting with rather professionals. Certainly one would hope to find two young ladies who feel this is more standard, so perhaps starting at Eden would be a place to begin.

    I have read on some other boards how Eden am man picks one girl and the girl picks the other girl. I do not mind being patient and having the girls tested at a hospital for STDs. I am planning on retiring to Thailand or at least going there for a number of years.

    I would like some advice on problems I might face with family members, both real and created, the authorities ( I plan to be discrete or not flashy, but I am 6' tall and do not look at all Thai, so I assume people will notice me as a long term resident and that I keep appearing with teh same two women, as well as my daughters who are also Asian looking) and any other things good to keep an eye open for.

    I appreciate this last round of advice. My apologies again for having been less than tactful in my opening post. I am aware of this problem of my communication, and pray this rather long in the tooth dog can learn some new tricks.


  8. To answer a few questions:

    Yes I have been to Thailand. First two time there, my wife found a young lady had her tested and worked out all the finances. In our family, I made all the money and my wife controlled it. I was able to spend rather freely and she was exceptional at making all this work.

    The third time I was in Thailand I was with two young Japanese ladies.

    Two, I am just trying to be practical here. I do not think Thailand is some sort of meat market, but I am aware there are young ladies who do see having a relationship with a man as a business relationship.

    I can here to ask advice because the people on this site seem to be both knowledgeable and some reasonably open minded.

    I find it interesting I have asked for advice and gotten only one person to answer any part of my question.

    The rest all say Wow too much trouble just drag them off one by one and <deleted> them for a short time. I find this to be a very "meat market" mentality.

    I prefer to have relationships. I realize to a degree this is going to be economic and one hopes I will be with a woman who will be able to "fake" an interest in me as a person, until the actual process of getting to know each other kicks in.

    I consider the act of sexual congress to be a rather intimate one. I know many start out and are nice and fresh and act human, tehn like nurses they go in one of two paths, they remain human and caring and tehy become cold and robotic or cold and deceitful.

    I do not wish my relationship to be abusive, nor do I want someone coming into it thinking they are going to convert me to some long term economic cash cow. I also have some personal tastes which do run to the kinkier side of life. So I prefer to find ONLY THE WOMEN WHO LIKE THIS.

    I believe if I like something, there is a woman out there who has a comlimentary liking as well. Given that I have found a number of these women in my life, I assume they exist in Thailand as well. I am also aware they will be more rare.

    I am seeking the advice of people who are in Thailand and have a range of experience.

    Please stop with your holier than thou attitudes, you waste you time.

    Please refrain from your "just get a disposable girl for a ST" comments, this is not my style and will not become my style.

    I am perfectly happy for my companions to turn into long term companions, but I do not want them coming into the relationship thinking this is a given. This would be dishonest on my part, and while I am aware they will likely be less than honest, I do not operate my life this way.

    Hope all of this is clear to you.

    I am sure those holier than thous yahoos will not have heard anything, after all when your head is filled with sh*t, one cannot expect you to be able to think at the same time.

    For those of you who do have any knowledge, I would appreciate your advice within the parameters stated above.


  9. Restaurant and bar business are teh number one failing businesses world wide. They fail for two simple reasons.

    Bad location and poor management.

    Too often guys who buy bars are guys who like to drink in bars, they give away drinks, do not watch everything like a hawk.

    Restaurants are teh same. You can be a great cook, but if you do not know the price to the baht, penny pence florin or yen that is going into each dish right down to how much soap to clean teh dish, you are going to fail.

    If you are very well known, run an amazing place, you can pull to a poor location

    One guy in 100 can do this. You are likely not that person.

    Business is money in and out

    a great bartender who pulls people in but is stealing is same as having a bad bartender.

    Hire a great stealing bartender to show you how the stealing takes place. Pay him for his knowledge. Follow his advice.

    A great business to make a lot of CASH money, but always remember when there is a lot of CASH around people try to pick up little bits of it.

    Very labor-owner intensive business.

  10. my 60 year old sister has been living with a girl who is 23 now. They have been together for about 5 years. Both are fat and white.

    So it seems the real problem is an old guy with a pretty girl.

    A friend once commented years ago when he was coming out of rehab for coke, everyone in tehre was an old white guy or young chick. After all who is giving coke to a 45 year old bitrch with sagging tits.

    he is 68 and she is 19 and they decided to be together.

    How would all you righteously indignant people feel if we came over to your house and bad mouthed you about marrying outside your race, or social class, nationality, someone with a different hair color

    Just amazing

  11. I just do not like a different girl each day. And I do not want just one. So what would be the estimate on the price of a pair of girls if rented by the month?

    I would prefer them to both sleep with me and even do a bit of GoG.

    My logic being if there are two from the beginning they may gang up on me, but not think they are going to get to me Mrs. Me

    what you propose is normally a problem.

    One could be rifling your room while you are busy with the other .you will be occupied .

    Sometimes you find sisters who do a double act .

    But it may be a front to clean you out while you sleep .

    just stick to one is recomended .

    if you require group sex do it occasionally and watch your wallet and money ...

    One of the reasons why I am thinking of long term ie by the month is I would not be there with people who are looking through my stuff. Money would be in bank and wallet would have a minial amount in it.

    So if I rent a single girl for ONE MONTH what is teh going rate?

    What is your estimate on what two who WOULD DO GoG be, ie one girl by month X 2 plus alpha.

    Is teh question clear?

  12. I come down on legalize the drugs and legalize prostitution and tax them all.

    I do not need some government dumbf*ck telling me which position to use when I screw, nor which mind altering substance I should take.

    Making drugs illegal only increase property crimes and requires more taxes to pay for the jails and jailers. Not to mention the police and courts.

    You need to lay off the wacky baccy mate, you are getting paranoid and depressed.... also a bit boring too by the way.

    Drink beer, not all the beer mind you, and stay out of jail. Don't drink and drive, don't kill someone by accident stay cool,

    mines a pint landlord.


    Actually I rarely drink even rarer for beer rarely smoke

    I never drink and drive

    I am saying the laws are wrong adn should be done away with.

    They cost us money, do not improve society and infact make it worse.

    How would you like it if they enforced all teh prostitution laws completely every day all the time?

    Maybe you need to get up from the bar before than 57th beer

    I am saying if alcohol which is a very dangerous drug is legal, legalize them all.

    If a woman wants to sell her pussy and you want to buy it legalize that as well.

  13. Use heavy foil add some salt water to each foil wrapped spud.

    Get some snad and put it to one side of teh barbi

    place teh psuds in teh hot sand and cover with coals

    Much easier to do this at a beach in a fire pityou dig deep

    and long

    push coals into a deep area cover with a layer of sand

    put in spuds with heavy foil or double wrapped really triple wrapped with some salt water put on sand ad more sand and then rake cola over the top

    Potatoes will be done in 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the size of spud and the size of fire.

  14. you can pay for sex on any continent.. probably even antartica...

    How many halibut for a LT in antartica?

    Used to have a walrus but the bitch cost half a ton of sardines a day

    I like those small black bodied penguins

    The Emperor ones just too upitty for my taste, flashy gaudy bunch of bitches :D:o

  15. <font color='#000000'>If the government is going to make money off of it, and they are, then I don't believe they should have to register. I do believe in the health checks that Bud Z mentioned, but I don't feel that they should be locked into that profession forever.

    Why should you see this any differently than a bus driver who needs a special commercial license to drive a bus. IS this perosn LOCKED into driving a bus?

    Make it legal everywhere

    Legal in Nevada. Brothels there are clean, well run, no pimps and regular health checks.

    Trying to make laws about morals where there is no victim is stupid.

    If parents want to push their kids to prostitution after they are biologically mature, well shit there are accountants and dnetists who hate their life because their parents pushed them.

    Most of all this BS about sex is all church related. Churches want to keep power out of the hands of women. so sex is bad and wrong unless you do it in the dark, doors locked, no moaning and only to make a new baby which should be raised in that same sick and perverted church.

    Churches never follow the teaching of their leaders.

    Christ preached love

    Church's book of common prays has a prayer to bless a Jeep going into battle.

    We do not need to even start on the Muslims do we?

    Jihad is a Holy war WITHOUT VIOLENCE

    And old Buddah said follow the middle way

    NOT sex is bad

  16. A few pages back there NedKelly said , behind your back.

    I think this is very much the issue.

    When I married my wife, I told her I would never leave her. I would take care of her no matter what.

    Now when she met me, she had to share my bed with 5 different women. I am a man who believes in test driving before purchasing a car ;-)

    By the time we reached marriage, my wife was the only one around. I liked her. I loved her. I got horny everytime I was near her. I enjoyed talking to her. We enjoyed each other's sense of humor.

    WE got married and We got pregnant and She started throwing up. Clearly, thought she was Japanese, there was some British qualities, for while the sun never set, it was morning someplace and she had morning sickness 24 hours a day.

    It is very difficult to maintain an erection when your partner keeps getting up to toss her cookies.

    HER solution: Was for me to take a lover. She had a friend from where she used to work. This young lady had broken up with her boyfriend. She was lonely and she had mentioned to my wife how she missed the sex and cuddling.

    So my wife told me she thought it best if I took her friend as my lover.

    My wife invited her friend to dinner. In between upchucks, she told her friend she would consider it a favor if she would have sex with me and even sleep over, until she found a new boyfriend.

    Her girlfriend was shocked.

    But my wife is not a woman to be dissuaded from an idea. She explained I would never leave her. I needed sex and she was not able to give me the sex I needed. She was happy if her friend fell in love with me and even stayed for the rest of her life with us, had children and everything.

    Her friend and I spent the night together in my office which had a pull out bed. She was quite nervous in the morning until my wife asked if I was any good in bed and they got into a technical discussion, while I cooked breakfast.

    I believe her friend was more impressed that I could cook really well, than our evening together, but she visited us 3 or 4 times a week. She and I occassionally went out to dinner and took a few small trips (I was reluctant to do this because I wanted to be there to take care of my wife).

    All during this I never felt unfaithful to my wife.

    After about 5 years and a number of lovers, (her friend found the man of her dreams and got married) my wife's sex drive started to return. But she insisted I keep my lovers because she knew some of them were in love with me. She had them over for dinner, sometimes met them for coffee or lunch. She also during this period discovered she had an interest in women as well as me.

    Occassionally, I arranged for a group of men for her. She did not want a "love affair", she felt it would get messy. She always was happy with the idea of any of the women I was with joining us permanently, but felt another man would be a problem. She did however like the worshipping and sense of being the center of attention of a group of men and the abundant sex, but was like getting to eat a whole chocolate cake, not someone one wanted to do very often.

    Near the end of her life, she did fall in love with a man. He was married. As soon as she knew what she was feeling, she came to me and we talked about it. He was Japanese and it was just one of those cultural things.

    I felt a big old wave of fear. I asked her could she keep her agreement with me that we stay together NO MATTER WHAT? She said yes.

    The guy was in love with her. Who would not be, my wife was beautiful, intelligent, charming, elegant, and turned men's heads wherever she walked.

    So I took him out to lunch and explained the situation and told him I was OK.

    Can we say FREAK OUT?

    They met for lunch. My wife was not sure what to do about his wife. Eventually the whole thing fizzled.

    All of this made us closer. The fact was my wife was interested in my happiness. I was interested in hers.

    When ever I met a woman, I was wearing my wedding ring. They all mentioned it. I would hand them my cell phone and tell them to call my wife, if they felt they needed her permission.

    My wife died from cancer a couple of years later.

    Now I am engaged. I have made it clear I will have lovers to my new fiancee. She has brought them to our bed.

    I have told my daughters when they start having lovers, they should look to older men for their first lovers, because these men will be more experienced. I know they will pick men who are of high quality because my daughters a picky women.

    I have explained who the other women have been during the times they were growing up and my lovers would stay over or I would be out all night. They have eaten dinner with these women, even asked them to help them pick out Mommy's birthday present.

    I recommend to my daughters if they marry a powerful man, more likely he will have a higher than average sex drive. It is better for my daughters to bring home their husband's lovers than to let him go find them himself. I feel he will see those women as an extension of his wife (my daughter). I say this because this was how I felt about every woman my wife introduced me to. We never had any trouble with any of them, whereas a few of the women I found, kept hinting it might be time for me to leave my wife.

    I expalined I would never leave my wife. I had given her my promise, my word. Anhd if I would leave her, how could this woman trust me to keep my word to her.

    So I answered YES.

    I was never unfaithful to my wife. I kept every major promise I made to her. Minor ones (yes I promise I will be there on time), I was not perfect, but got better over time.

    I have been a widower for 5 years. It took me 3.5 years to find my current fiancee. I would rather live unmarried for the rest of my life than to try to live some lie.

    I have a dominant personality. I plan to have more than one woman. They will know about each other and will share the same bed. I am upfront about it.

    99.9% of the women in the world may reject this way of living. I am not looking for hundreds of women a few will do.

    personally I think the ideal relationships would be Me with 2 wives serving me and each of them having two men serving them and those men having two each women serving them or a man and woman for the bisexual mix.

    If we grew up with this as the social norm, I think there would be a whole lot less BS.

    Everybody serves somebody

  17. I just do not like a different girl each day. And I do not want just one. So what would be the estimate on the price of a pair of girls if rented by the month?

    I would prefer them to both sleep with me and even do a bit of GoG.

    My logic being if there are two from the beginning they may gang up on me, but not think they are going to get to me Mrs. Me

    I would plan to change or add a pair every 3 to 6 months depending on attitude.

    and while I am dreaming would this be totally impossible with some college girls? ie not necessarily professionals. I realize to get them I might need to invest a bit more time so maybe batch 2 or 3.

    But would like the opinion of the members of the board here who might have walked down this path in their days of premarital bliss

  18. Get a cow.

    Put it in a small pen, so it cannot walk

    feed it beer and oat porridge

    massage it with shochu

    you can make beef you can cut with a fork!

    Steak is a process of having high enough heat and short enough time.

    Use a clock.

    You can fry them but grilling is better

    best is to do what the Japanese and Koreans do

    slice the steak into small pieces

    get a small charcoal grill with a net

    put a piece on the barbie

    grill it for a minute and dip it in sauce and eat it

    you never have cold steak

    every mouth full is hot and delicious.

    you stop when you are full.

    the cut of the meat depends on how you cook it

    Round (The Thigh) is tougher in genral and needs to be cooked less to stay tender

    The sirloin which is along the back is a bit more tender and the tenderloinwhich is inside along the belly is the softest and runs on average $16 a pound here in teh States

    I can get good Eye of the round for $3

  19. 2.4 A copy of a bank statement showing a deposit at the amount equal to no less than 800,000 Baht, or an income certificate (an original copy) with a monthly salary of no less than 65,000 Baht, or a deposit account plus a monthly income of no less than 800,000 Baht a year.

    2.5 In the case of the bank statement, a letter of guarantee from the bank (an orginal copy) is to be shown as well.

    From what this says you need to deposit money OR have a certified income of 65000 baht

    I am currently trying to verify this with the Thai Embassy here.

    I own property which makes about 3,000USD after all the management, maintenance and taxes etal

    the 30 year TBills are running at about 5.8%

    10 year at 5.3

    better to buy a few apartments in luxury resort areas in the US and have a known property manager handle them.

    You should average 16% gross and net about 10% in real income while having a write off on the depreciation, any trips you make back to the States, you write a letter to your agent saying you are coming to LOOK at your properties and the entire trip is a business expense.

    Plus your capital appreciates in real dollars.

    After all you want to have something to leave to that young BG(s) who popped your cok for the last 30 years of your life!

  20. SARS should be renamed SAMS (Severe Acute Media Syndrome)

    Novemeber 2002 to May 2003 less than 4000 cases of SARS resulted in less than 400 deaths

    During this same period 12000 people died in Cars and China does not have many cars still.

  21. yes shopgurl they do have it in Japan. Japanese men are quite infantile about women and sex. but for the girls it is a well paid job for very little effort, so I feel if men want to be stupid and women can profit from it, go ahead

    Chinese women however, in my experience do not clean themselves as rigously as Japanese women do. Not a racist comment, just an observation having spent a good deal of time in both places.

    Japanese take bathing more seriously than religion

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