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    Chiang Mai

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  1. This is how it worked out for me two months ago, I went there a couple of days before and one of the volunteers explained the procedure to me: With an appointment you can ignore the first booth and go directly to the tent where they check the documents, when the person being processed at that time is finished just go to the window and show your appointment, you will be handled in between. Then go inside the main building and repeat this when the officer is finished with the current customer and you will be serviced directly. After that you follow the normal procedure: wait for your name to be called etc. It took me about an hour. Joop
  2. You can download the maps via the OSM site, there are several options https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Map_On_Garmin/Download
  3. This is how I would expect it to behave, must be some subtle differences in our configurations, when I go to the "add account" it shows only the ATM card of the 1-name account and not the other one so there is nothing to add. As both the local staff ad the central helpdesk were unable to solve it I will in time just cancel the account and think TIT, anyway thanks for your input.
  4. I have two SCB accounts, one a 2 name account with my Thai partner and one in my name only. Both can be managed with PC-Chrome and Easy Net access, the one name account I can also manage with the SCB EASY app on my Android phone. As the Easy Net option will end next month and I did not see how to manage both accounts with the app I went to the local branch and let the staff do it for me. Result was a somewhat lengthy discussion with the local staff and the central SCB helpdesk both in Thai and English, and my Thai is fair, but it ended with we are very sorry Sir but we do not know how to do this but we will get back to you. This was a couple of days ago. Has anyone been in the same situation and knows the answer? Tried installing a second version of the App with DualApp but you have to switch off WIFI and they find out and deny registration. So far I guess we will just have to cancel the 2 name account, no big deal but we have a number of direct debits on that account like Waterworks, PEA etc and you can not simply move them to another account but have to set them up again, unpleasant.
  5. If you know the location and title deed number you can check what price the land office assumes, probably for calculations of minimum tax, transfer fees. Perhaps useful for you https://landsmaps.dol.go.th/
  6. I get my medication for many years already from Peera pharmacy near Thaphae gate, the lady owner is very knowledgeable and decent prices. Also a heart patient and take similar meds, Atorvastatine 40 mg, Atenolol 25 mg and mini asperine 81 mg. The Atorvastatine is the expensive part, if you take the Sandos brand the cost for a 4 month supply of 120 pills of these meds is 4250 Baht while if you select the locally produced Lipostat it comes down to 2650 Baht, your choice.
  7. Yes clinic inside of the moat about 20 m before the Kafe. Used it in the past, overcrowded and the good dr always seemed in a hurry. Switched to Dr Vachiraporn and very happy with that. Many people have used dr Siri so I do not doubt his competence. The signs are all in Thai so not very welcoming for farang.
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