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Posts posted by upinthesky

  1. (To OP) Hard to find one who is honestly love you for life. Most Thai women like to hang out with rich farang, once they run out of money they got dumped. I am going to honestly tell you that most decent and above average social class Thai ladies have no interest in foreigner, especially farang. Unless you are lucky enough to bump into one.

    During my whole life here in Thailand. All I can see is Thai women who married to farang are those who are unattractive to Thai male. While those who are good looking usually got married to the Thais (above social level) and other Asian nationality. These are from my personal and friends' experience.

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  2. Am a FF member for over 2 years. There are two prices: 2100+ passport type allowing to visit anytime at any branches except Platinum while a lunch time membership is around 1100+ you can stay at the club from 11am til 4:00PM Mon-Fri

    It is hard to get a lunch time membership for new member unless you try to negotiate with the sale person. Good luck!

  3. I imagine it's more to do with copies not getting spotted by foreign company employees than race.

    There's also a lot of Japanese only signs around Thailand at a certain type of entertainment venues also no Thais only foreigners are allowed into another kind of entertainment venue.

    The 'No Thais' sign is in English, it's to stop foreigners taking prostitutes back to their room.

    I figure they thought 'No Thai prostitutes' was too rude.

    I have heard it before. The no Thai sign is to prevent from farang bringing a prostitute into the room. Not a discrimination issue.

  4. This remind me when I first visited Japan in suburb area and I can see some restaurants and hotels with "Japanese only" "No foreigner" signs up at the entrance. Is the store owner kind of xenophobia or feel more comfortable dealing with local customers? Let's get the discrimination topic out of this thread.


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