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Posts posted by upinthesky

  1. What does "trying to help someone in the area" mean?

    "assist the protestant" Does this mean he is with the red?


    Best not to bring religion into it!


    Good one SC. :)

    This is a silly thread, which deserves some more 'silliness'.

    You avatar does describe your mentality

  2. Another piece of sensationalist racist reporting, using race to stir up emotion and prejudice.

    Foreigners have been told often enough by the Thai government, by the police, and by their own governments to stay away.

    Let's hope he goes home older and wiser,


    Put oneself in harm's way, and one may come to harm

    One has no-one to blame but oneself

    EDIT: Footnote added

    This report might well remind foreigners who live here not to interfere with the politic. Stay safe and mind your business.

  3. I wonder why you guys are still staying at that area. Bangkok has become a war zone. If the matter doesn't solve it will expand to other area. Leave as soon as possible, or stave to death.

  4. I feel sorry for your girl. Btw, beg your pardon, was she wearing a red shirt. Sorry I am not trying to drag this into political but just trying to find a logical reason for your girl assaulted. Maybe, the chinese guy is mentally ill or drunk

  5. Here is what I received. A US scam.


    I'm writing this with tears in my eyes,I came down here to London,England for a short vacation and i was mugged at gun point last night at the park of the hotel where i lodged all cash,credit cards and cell were stolen off me.

    I've been to the US embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all,My flight leaves in less than 3hrs from now and am having problems settling the hotel bills.

    The hotel manager won't let me leave until i settle the hotel bills now am freaked out.

    I need your help.


    Janel Gelien.

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