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Posts posted by henleyd

  1. My Missus love lamb, first time I cooked it she had no idea what lamb was but enjoyed it immensely which is a pain in the wallet as today is roast day and I was hankering for chicken but she insisted on Lamb, 1400b vs 150b AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but it does smell lush baking away on the BBQ.

    Where do you buy it ? there is no lamb for sale in Nong Khai where my missus is from. Lucky we live in Australia. 1400b a kilo shit maybe a sheep farm is a good idea

  2. Why Thais wont eat Lamb?

    I have been asking this question for a long time and I allways get a different answer! the most common answers are as follows:

    • It smells....(fish smells like fish , pork smells like pork, lamb smells like lamb!)
    • Its a small animal and against Buda's teachings to eat a small animal.....( a chikens a small animal too)
    • It taste bad....(how do you know it taste bad if you never ate it?)
    • It looks like a dog ? ......( I have never seen a dog with horns!)
    • It tastes like dog meat..... ( how do you know what dog tastes like anyway??????)
    • Its a cute animal to cute too eat.....(My baby duck was cute too the wife ate that when it was 8 weeks old!)
    • Its muslim food only muslims eat it ....(I am not a muslim and chinese are not muslims we love it)
    • Its ferang food only ferang eat it......(Chinese are not ferang)

    The truth is a mystery to me, I have introduced my Thai wife to eat lamb. It took a long time and a few lies to get her to. The first time she ate it was at a resturant in Bangkok lamb kababs after she ate it she was so sick vomiting and shaking all night, she was also ashamed and disgusted with herself as if she has commited a sin, the next day she went to a temple to see a monk and was begging for forgiveness. She vowed never to eat it again and made me promise i would not tell her mum and family.

    The next time she ate it was in Australia, I cooked a dozen lamb cuttlets on the BBQ, I lied and told her it was baby beef! she loved it ate it all up and told me to cook it again!! I cooked it again a few times and than told her it was lamb, she was angry at me for lying but continued to eat it all up. I next roasted a led of lamb and served it with mint sauce, she ate it and told me it was the best food she ever ate.

    Now she is addicted to lamb ! she cooks lamb curry, lamb soup, roast lamb and BBQ lamb. she loves the fat and skin and she eats it about four times a week, tonight she is cooking lamb massaman curry, yum yum yum better than beef.

    Anyway I still dont know why Thais dont eat lamb. I asume its not because it smells as most Thai food smells to dried fish smells bad and they eat that for breakfast! Maybe its just not available in Thailand and is expensive if you can find it, i dont think its because its a small animal against Budas teachings as the Thais eat many small animals including ants dogs and wild birds are on the menu too if nothing else is available. I know its not dirty meat and Thais know that too i dont know why they say that.

    I said to the wife why dont we start a sheep farm in Thailand and sell lamb meat she said " I wouldnt be able to give it away Thais dont eat lamb." but why? why? why not .

    God knows Thailand needs some good quality red meat the Thai beef tastes like a leather shoe and the bufflo is tougher than jerky.

    Do you know why Thais wont eat lamb ? I dont know

  3. Older Land Rovers don't have a hand brake as most cars do, they have a transmission brake, which if were to be used whilst the vehicle is in motion, would not be safe (or sensible).

    Are we sure it was a Land Rover? The media reports in Australia said it was a JEEP and it looked like a jeep in the photo I saw ?

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