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Posts posted by Marshy

  1. Thanks for the replies. DR I am aware of Texas, there is a lady that has been very helpfull and if I decide to get a mutiple entry O I will need 200,000b in the bank correct?? Are there any other requirements I've missed? Thank's again. :o

    PS: I've been reading up on LOS for almost a year now and some of the stuff is scarry! In Monroe county (FL. Keys) which is 100 N mi. long we might have one murder a year.

  2. I am looking for a copy of The good Woman of Bangkok. The story sounds interesting. I have contacted Camerawork (the producers) and Direct cinima LTD. the only company in the US. that has VHS copys and they want $350. US. no exceptions even for personal use. There out of their minds!! Does anyone have any usefull info?

    Marshy :o

  3. Iconic global babe and sporadically-pants ball-thwacker Anna Kournikova is set to snaffle another huge pile of moolah - this time from the Thai Tourist Authority.

    George, if this is an example of the ''freelance content'' you want writers to provide on your site, please count me out. Way too florid for my taste.

    Florid--------hmm had to look it up.   flowery, rosy, highly ornate.  I kinda like those descriptions. alot better than dull, drab or boring. :laugh:

  4. I watched a show called Vanishing Giants about the elephants of Thailand. Anything about LOS is of great interest to me. Does anyone have any suggestions where I might find films, documentaries or anything visual about the country, cities,

    Temples, nightlife, etc. Its boring to just read all the time.


  5. Hi there---I am 43 and in the USA Early next year I may hop a freighter to Malyasia I think all I need is my passport no visa. What is required when I jump ship? Do I Immediately check in with the port? Do I need an exit stamp from the train station or the port to enter Thailand? How do they treat American tourists these days in Malyasia and Singapore? Any dangers? I read stay away from the coast. When I cross the border do I need to show my passport and Thai visa to someone at the first stop? Are there imagration personal at the train stations? Is train a good/comfortable/cheep way to go? Does anyone know a good internet site where I can get railway prices and destinations? What is the best country and easy/safe way to make a visa run from Bangkok area and phuket? Hope a few people can help me with these questions.
  6. Hello I have been reading up on the kingdom of thailand for a number of months now (many many hours) and I found this wonderful forum yesterday, I have already learned alot.I have read the postings on 1- 8 pages under the first section Thai visas, residency and work permits. Tring to find the answers to all my visa questions. I found most of them.I would be pleased if someone would confirm that my conclusions are accurate. I am hopeing at the end of the year I will be able to travel to thailand and if I do I would like to stay for 1 yr. Today I called the S. Florida honerary royal thai consulate in Miami USA.(local call) The person I spoke with was a bit hard to understand. She said I could get a multiable re-entry visa if I were formally invited to visit by letter from a thai citizen who would agree to back me up financially. I presume this would be a non-img.0 visa? What does the 0 stand for? After each 60 days I can apply for the 30 day extention totaling four 90 day stays? My trades are marine mechanics , commercial diving and the seafood trade, however, I would probably not be looking for work I would have ample funds for the stay. What internet sites or software would best help me in learning basic thai? My understanding is for a retirement visa one would need both 800,000 Baht in the bank and 65,000 b income per month. Lastly are there any lobsters native to the local coastal waters?

                                              Marshy :o

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